Tuesday Notice
Updates for our CPS Community for the week of 11/27
Upcoming Important Dates
Early Release - Noon Dismissal
Wednesday December 6
RSU#18 School Board Meeting, 6:00 at Central Office
Friday December 8
Trimester 1 Report Cards - please check your child's folder!
December 25-January 1
Winter Break
Tuesday January 2
Students return to school
Thursday January 18
6:00 - Grades 3 and 4 Winter Concert (Students arrive & Doors Open at 5:45 pm)
News from the Nurse
The cold weather has arrived!! Our students go outside for recess every day unless the temperature is below 10 degrees so please help your child be prepared for recess with appropriate gear for playing outside including boots (and sneakers for inside especially on PE days), jacket, ski pants, hats and mittens/gloves. We do not keep items on hand for daily usage, as we would prefer these items come from home to maintain hygiene and reduce the items in our lost & found.
We can help to provide winter gear if you are unable to obtain items, please just reach out and let us know.
Flu season is upon us and we have had many students and staff out sick, thank you all for your help in keeping us all as healthy as possible. Please remember that children should stay home from school with any fever over 100.4, any vomiting or diarrhea or any other flu symptoms that would interfere with their learning or spread illness to others. Children are clear to return to school once fever has been gone for more than 24 hours without the use of medication, 24 hours of no vomiting or diarrhea, cough is minimal and not productive. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out by phone or email.
Thank you,
Amanda Saucier, RN
Updates from our PTO...
Next meeting: Thursday December 7th at 6pm on Google Meet
Happy Thanksgiving to all our CPS and CMS families. We are so thankful for the support of the China Schools community.
Upcoming events:
It’s GIVING TUESDAY!! Supporting the China Schools PTO is a fantastic and easy way to support the students, teachers & staff at both CPS and CMS! WE LOVE OUR SCHOOLS & STAFF Join us in showing them the love! Donate today!
PayPal: @ChinaSchoolsPTO
Venmo: @ChinaSchoolsPTO
Check: Made out to China Schools PTO and mailed to PTO Treasurer: Mae Slevinsky (55 Cross Rd, South China, ME 04358)
**China Schools PTO is a registered 501c3 organization – your donation is tax deductible!**
If you haven’t already, join our Facebook group to stay in the know: https://facebook.com/groups/chinaschoolspto/
And we are always here at chinaschoolspto@gmail.com!
We are seeking part-time nutrition support to join our awesome kitchen staff!
The district is currently in need of substitute custodians! Please get in touch with our main office if you'd be interested and we can share further details on applying.
We, in RSU 18, are always looking for excellent substitute teachers, nurses, and education technicians. Please reach out if you have interest or questions about this. You can see our current openings by visiting https://www.applitrack.com/rsu18/onlineapp/jobpostings/view.asp
School Breakfast and Lunch Menus
CPS Swag!
Community Announcements
China Primary School
Email: rmoody@rsu18.org
Website: cps.rsu18.org
Location: 763 Lakeview Drive, South China, ME, USA
Phone: 207-445-1550