Welcome Back!!!!
Back-to-School 2023-2024
Mrs. Mitten's Message
Happy back-to-school! 🍎
I want to welcome you all for the first time or returning to Matapeake Elementary School. I am sending out this newsletter early in order to make sure you received some important information before school begins. So please read through this entire newsletter in order to make sure you put everything on your calendar.
Below are some important dates for families:
August 15-18 - New Teachers Report
August 21-25 - All Staff Report
August 25 - Meet & Greet - 2:00-3:30
August 28 - First Day of School for Grades 1-5
August 28, 29 - PreK, Kindergarten Conferences (a separate email will be coming to sign up)
August 30 - First Day of School for PreK and Kindergarten.
September 1 - No School
September 4 - No School
September 13 - Back to School Night 5:00-6:30pm
PTA News
Just a quick reminder that the MES Teacher Luncheon is next Friday, August 25th! If you signed up to provide a dessert, please drop it off in the office by Thursday, 8/24. We are still looking for a few donations of dessert items. Please sign up with link below! Thank you for your help as we greet the teachers to the start of a wonderful school year!