Genia Johnson Dance Company, Inc
Early October/ 2023 Issue
Tri-Cities Peoples Choice BEST of the BEST 2023 !
VOTING begins October 1st- 15th !!
PLEASE VOTE for GJDC and send the link to a family member or friend and ask them
to help out your dance studio home stay at the top of votes!!
Vote for Genia Johnson Dance Company, Inc. in this year's Best of the Best 2023 Peoples Choice Awards for favorite dance studio among your favorite tri-city businesses.
We appreciate all the family and friends that have voted for us in the past!
Help us to keep our top spot for another year in a row!! We can't do it without your votes!
What a great start to the dance season !
**Make sure to mark your calendars with all the important dates & events.
**Be sure to check out our clearance dancewear and merchandise before it's GONE!! See our flyer below for a special Open House/Costume & Dancewear Clearance event.
**New GJDC merch coming soon !
** Sign-up sheets for this year's Col Hts. Christmas parade will be put out next week in the lobby. Make sure to check it out!!
Riders 8 & under with parent/guardian - GJDC sweatshirt needed for all riders. $37 preorder only (see front office) or a previous GJDC parade sweatshirt.
Dancers 9 & up - $45 parade fee which includes practices and a parade costume rental.
** Halloween Week: Students can wear their Halloween costumes or pumpkin attire to dance class (optional) and enjoy treats at the end of class. We've had many parents ask if they can donate snacks and goodies for the week!! YES!! You can drop off during office hours any time before October 19th !
**Please drop off/pick up dancers at their exterior studio doors (Room A or C) unless they have class in Studio B (the larger back studio) in which they can enter/exit through the lobby door.
**Due to our growth, to keep occupancy numbers down and to ensure safety and whereabouts of all of our dancers we DO NOT currently have a waiting area/lobby. We ask that parents of dancers drop them off and wait outside, run an errand, get some coffee, etc. If dancers have multiple classes, they will stay inside and transfer to their next dance room or may utilize the dancer hall if they have a break.
You are more than welcome to "pop in" to check on preschool age children at the viewing mirror (last 10 mins of class), access our front office for account information/registration/help, see the information station and use the restroom. We LOVE seeing everyone, but we do not currently have the space for everyone to hang out inside.
We will be having parent viewing nights so that parents can watch progress and fun... those are TBA!
** There is NO SMOKING, VAPING, ETC of ANY KIND on the property of Genia Johnson Dance Company, Inc. You will be asked to leave. Similar to a School Zone, this is a business built around children, offering a safe, positive, smoke/drug free environment while offering a quality dance education.
1. No food or drinks will be allowed inside the studio rooms (other than a water bottle with name clearly marked).
2. Hair must be pulled back and away from the face. No Jewelry.
3. All shoes should have child's name or initials clearly marked on the inside, just in case they get mixed up or lost. Preschool age children should have ballet shoes tied in a bow and then tucked into their shoe to stop from tripping on strings or them being pulled out.
4. Please have younger, preschool age children use the bathroom right BEFORE you leave the house to come to dance or right before class starts. Once one goes.... they ALL want to go ... Our helpers/assistants have been spending a lot of time doing potty breaks. We want the kids to get as much out of dance class as possible and not miss any of the important stuff!! *They are, however, always very excited to tell us about what the hand soap smells like in there, the new hair tie they grabbed from the jar, or the cool new glitter body spray that they found on the bathroom table. :)
5. Always thank the teacher for a great class.
GJDC Company Boosters
GJDC Company Boosters is a non-profit organization dedicated to help raise funds for our competition team to be able to dance all over the East coast! This season we have lots of things planned to help our dancers succeed.
Coming up, we have a Spirit Night at Crumbl Cookies in Colonial Heights on Tuesday, October 17 from 4-7pm.
During October, Boosters will also have a “Tailgates and Touchdowns” raffle for everything you need your football tailgate party! You can win a Yeti Tundra 45, a 10x10 canopy pop-up tent, folding camp chairs and more! See the attached flyer for how you can buy tickets online or see a Company dancer to buy in-person.
Be on the lookout around the studio for flyers and information about more upcoming events!!
Important Dates
Halloween Costume Week: October 23rd-28th
Wear your Halloween costumes to class! (optional)
PARENTS! YES! We are definitely accepting snacks and goodies
for our end of class Treat Parties during Halloween week ! You are more than welcome to bring treat bags
or just a bag of fruit, candy, etc. for our Halloween tables or specifically for your child's class.
Halloween: Tuesday, October 31st
Happy Trick or Treat & stay safe!
Withdraw Deadline: Monday, October 9th
Monday, November 6th - Costume Measuring will begin !! Please make every effort to have students in all of their classes in correct dress code. *This is available on our website.
Thanksgiving Holiday: November 20th-25th
Colonial Heights Jaycees Christmas Parade: Tuesday, December 5th/7pm
There are NO studio classes this night. We encourage all families to
participate in the parade with the studio. We will have signups for parade dancers (9 & up), float riders (all ages) and after party goodies. Be on the lookout for these mid October!
Winter Break: *Thursday, December 21st - Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024
*Please note this may be different from school systems' winter breaks.
Classes Resume: Thursday, January 4th, 2024
Spring Break - April 1st-6th, 2024
GJDC Picture Week - April TBA. No regular classes/pictures only.
Spring Performance 2024 - Tentative May 9-11th.
Mother's Day Weekend.
*The studio will be open for all other holidays/special days during this time in 2023/24 unless otherwise noted.
*In the event of inclement weather, GJDC follows Colonial Heights City AND Chesterfield County school closings. We will post on all of our social media (FB, IG) and send out a studio email by 11am of our status. We will also update on NBC12 online, Channel 8 and CBS6 when available. HOWEVER, in certain cases of one closing and not the other, we will best address the current situation and make a decision which best suits the safety of all involved.
*If schools cancel after school activities due to inclement weather and GJDC is already open, we may choose to remain open or close at an earlier time depending on the current situation. Parents must use their best judgement if classes continue and you need to venture out, depending on your location.
*Makeup classes are not available in the event of missed classes due to inclement weather.
September Students of the Month
We're super excited to announce our September 2023 Students of the Month! Our teachers and staff put their heads together and came up with an amazing group of kids who have shown great work ethic, great attendance and always on time and prepared, kindness to their peers, and who were polite and respectful to their teachers. A few may have stepped out of their box or did an act of kindness when no one was watching (but they were caught!)..... We are so proud of them and hope that, in this crazy time, your kindness, love and positivity will spread like your favorite Glitter !!
Angel King
Karleigh Miner
Karrina Grizzle
Arden Pond
Evelynne Goldstein
** Stop by the office this week to grab a quick picture & a special treat from Mrs. Genia!
Look out for our special recognitions on our FB and IG !
Let's Stay in Touch
Like and Follow us on Facebook and the gram !
http://instagram.com/geniajohnsondancecoFall Office Hours:
Monday- Thursday/ 4pm-9pm
Friday/ 4pm-8pm
Saturday/ 8-12pm
Mailing Address:
3635 Boulevard, Suite E
Colonial Heights, VA 23834
Email: DancinGJDC@aol.com
Website: www.geniajohnsondanceco.com
Location: 3635 Boulevard, Colonial Heights, VA, USA
Phone: (804)524-9391
Facebook: facebook.com/geniajohnsondanceco