Columbus Online Academy Times
Columbus City Schools
March 31, 2023
New Family Ambassador Joins COA
Cassandra Lewis was hired as a parent consultant during the second semester. Parent Consultants, or Family Ambassadors, work approximately 20 hours per week as paid employees of Columbus City Schools.
According to Columbus City Schools, Family Ambassadors:
(1) serve as liaisons between school and home, facilitating a partnership supporting student academic achievements.
(2) coach and mentor families on how to be engaged academic team members.
(3) advise and train families to address issues and advocate for their children's education.
(4) connect families to community-based services, school counselors, and social workers.
(5) expand volunteer opportunities.
(6) maintain open communications with families regarding important school information
Lewis's goals are to get to know students and parents, strengthen relationships, and create a sense of community. She has started contacting families via email, phone, and text. Lewis also publishes a biweekly newsletter called the Charger Connection.
Lewis was a building sub at Ecole Kenwood French Immersion Elementary School, and she said while being a substitute teacher isn't the same as the role she has now, one part was similar. During the pandemic, she took on the role of reaching out to families. She delivered food kits to the families who needed them, tutored students, checked in with students and families, and just talked to the students who needed support.
As a parent of a 13-year-old daughter and a 17-year-old son, Lewis knows what it is like to parent teens. She said that she loves to explore Columbus with her kids. She also enjoys crafting, video games, reading, and plants.
When asked about her dreams and aspirations, Lewis said, "My biggest dream is to raise my two children to be happy, healthy, and positive members of society. If I can see that they are happy with their lives, I will feel like I have achieved my purpose."
Cassandra Lewis is also updating our COA Facebook page. If you are not receiving the newsletter, please email Lewis at
March Mixer
Forty-eight COA students attended the mixer on March 30. Students worked on Apex, created crafts, participated in a fashion show, had a song battle, and made tie-dye t-shirts. Seniors were able to try on a cap and gown and have their photos taken.
An unexpected fire drill was a good opportunity for a group photo by our building.
Making The Cut Icebreaker Allows Students To Demonstrate Creativity
Teacher Anita Lindsay led students in a fashion creation and fashion show icebreaker. The five teams did such a great job that the judges could not determine a winner based on the applause. All teams won candy prizes.
Song Battle Requires Critical Thinking Skills
Staff Member Angel Lindsay led students in a song battle icebreaker. Two groups faced off. After being given a word, students had to generate titles of songs with that word in the lyrics.
The Apex station was busy.
COA Travels to Xavier University
By Amani Douglas
On Wednesday, March 15, teacher Byrd Prillerman and other staff members led a group of COA students on a field trip to Xavier University and the National Underground Freedom Center. Students could participate in the trip by signing up through a Google Form on Google Classroom. According to Prillerman, “The goal of the trip was to allow students to gain new experiences through exploration.”
COA students were to arrive at Walnut Ridge High School by 7:45 a.m. and depart shortly after. Then, they arrived at Xavier University, where they were given an information session about the school with the Admissions Counselor, followed by the Student Ambassadors' tour of the college. “Students have never been to Xavier University before. I figured it would give them a college option they had never thought of,” Prillerman said.
Next, they traveled to downtown Cincinnati, where they went to the National Underground Freedom Center. There, they explored the history of the Underground Railroad and the tributes to the abolishment of human enslavement. After the museum, they walked across the suspension bridge that spans over the Ohio River between Cincinnati and Covington, Kentucky, so students quite literally got to walk to Kentucky and back.
Those who went on the trip agreed that the experience was fun and very educational. One student said that it was a good way to see a new option for college. Another student said she enjoyed the visit because it allowed her new and exciting ways of looking at important moments in history.
Students Travel to Columbus State Community College
COA students engaged in three labs at Columbus State Community College: a sheep eye dissection, a cadaver exploration, and a muscle physiology lab on March 10 from 9:30 - 12:30.
Sa'Breya Miller "I would say that the field trip overall was a great but informative experience. I found it very interesting to actually see the different structures, functions and abnormalities of the human body. This field trip is definitely an experience that isn’t experienced often."
Teacher Lindsay Santen learned about the program, Fantastic Fridays, which offers free anatomy lab experiences to any high school student in the entire area. She provided her class the opportunity to go. The students who attended were Ethan Watkins, Erica Olmeda, and Sa'Breya Miller.
Erika Olmedo said, "It was an engrossing experience. Dissecting a sheep's eye, seeing a carcass, and being a subject in a muscle experiment are opportunities that one does not experience every day, so I am grateful for the enthralling experience."
Ethan Watkins said, "I cut open an eye, and it squirted liquid onto my face. So cool."
Core Values Guide Instruction and Learning at COA
"COA Kind" represents our core values, with COA standing for Critical Thinking, Originality, and Advocacy. Students are recognized and rewarded for demonstrating our core values with mentions in this newsletter, comments from staff members, gift cards, prizes, and letters home.
We are Critical Thinkers
Students demonstrate critical thinking skills during SAT
COA students were allowed to take the state-funded SAT on March 1. Columbus City Schools has offered the ACT in previous years, but this year the district switched to the SAT. According to the Ohio Department of Education, “All public schools, including community schools and eSchools, are required to administer the state-funded ACT or SAT to their juniors.” There is no consequence for students who do not test, but many juniors took advantage of the opportunity to take the college and career readiness test. According to the College Board, some advantages of taking the SAT are: 1. The SAT is accepted by almost all U.S. colleges and universities. 2. Students can compare their scores to the averages for students at each school. 3. Students can earn scholarships based on scores. 4. The survey helps colleges find students who are a good fit. 5. It focuses on the skills needed for college. By taking the test, students can identify gaps in knowledge and better prepare for life after high school.
We are Original
Sullivan Designs Creative T-shirts For Mixer
Sophomore Mai'arah Sullivan spent hours volunteering at COA during the last week of March helping prepare for the March Mixer by designing vinyl t-shirt decals, cutting out vinyl stickers, and setting up the tie-dye station. Her creative designs can be found on several colorful shirts worn by students and staff members.
We are Advocates
Students Can Earn Internship Hours by Advocating for Themselves and Others
Students can earn the 120 internship hours required for graduation in many ways. Students can volunteer, work a job, or earn internship hours for learning that goes beyond the COA curriculum. Two popular choices are:
Read a book. Columbus City Schools has purchased eight books for each high school student as part of their #TogetherWeRead initiative. Students may pick up books at COA’s space located at Walnut Ridge High School during regular school hours. After reading a book, students complete the Google Form.
Students can complete the Technology 101 course. The course link can be found on the Counseling Google Classroom.
Contact Steve Baker with any questions about internship hours at
Internship Hours
Capers Installs Lights for Bulletin Board
Secretary Julisa Capers helped Teacher Kathy McQuate hang lights for the newsletter bulletin board. The board is in a dark hallway and was difficult to see, so the co-workers worked together to solve the problem.
We are Kind
J.J. Cuts Out Removable Decals
Baila Spreads Happiness
Senior Baila Niang spreads happiness to others through his smile, kind words, and hugs. He frequently comes in to work at COA, and his friendly attitude is contagious. Pictured with Niang is Teacher Charlene McChesney who can be seen carrying in bags of food for students and staff members daily.
Principal Angel Helps Pay for Lunch
Principal Christian Angel demonstrated our core value of kindness when she purchased appetizers for staff members at Mi Mexico as they collaborated, got to know each other, and shared ideas over a meal.
March Birthdays Bring Laughs
Staff members Steve Baker, Kelly Holbrook, and Jack Roberts were good sports during the March birthday celebration. No one refused to wear the crazy headbands or goofy glasses.
Crump Always Says Hello
Teacher Tysha Crump always takes time to say hello to everyone. In the picture below, she had already stayed after school to help a student, and then she saw a colleague in the Maker Space and checked in to see how she could assist.
Lindsay 2.0 Builds Relationships Based on Kindness
Shoutout to Angel Lindsay (affectionately known as Lindsay 2.0) for building relationships with students! She has developed those relationships on field trips and during events in the COA 9-12 space. She interacts with them and makes them feel comfortable, so each time they come, they seek her out. Not only has she established relationships with COA 9-12 students, but Walnut Ridge students too! Keep up the good work, Lindsay 2.0!
COA Kind Values Nomination Form
Do you know a student, staff member, family member, or community member demonstrating the four core values? Share their photo and a story idea here.
Check School Email for Testing Updates
By Michelle Jeffries
Testing season is upon us. Please be on the lookout for any emails/texts/messages about testing. If you are taking an OST this year, it’s important to be taking some practice tests now to prepare for the spring tests. Contact Jeffries at
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Staff: Editor Amani Douglas, Assistant Editor Ja'Kia Smith, Assistant Editor Ya'Mailah Thomas, Kayleigh Dodge, Trevon Goins-Boykin, Jalonnie Gossett, Caitlin Hines, Tre Jones, Hannah Painter
Adviser: Kathy McQuate
Location: 4841 E Livingston Ave, Columbus, OH 43227, USA
Phone: (614) 365-8472