Principal Update
Mills Elementary School November 28, 2022- December 2, 2022
Diving into December
Mill Families,
I hope your Fall break was restful and filled with special moments with family, good food, and tons of fun! We are diving into December and excited about the upcoming days/weeks of learning and collaboration with our Mountain Lions.
November and December are months not only to be thankful for what we have, but also to extend our generosity to others. Thank you for taking the time to drop a note, send a sweet treat, and submit a 'Gratitude Gram' for our teachers and staff. I was able to email staff over 210 Gratitude Grams composed from you/your child!
In the spirit of generosity and giving, our Mills PTA is working hard to support families from our sister school, Odom Elementary. Please see the link to contribute below. 'We rise by lifting others!'
Joe Dan Mills Elementary: Odom Adopt-A-Family (signupgenius.com)
I am appreciative of your continued support of our amazing school community.
With gratitude,
Angela Frageman
Typing Challenge for Mountain Lions!
Below is some great advice from the Mills 3rd Grade Team about building your child's typing proficiency!
Students need to be proficient at typing on the computer and there is not enough time at school to squeeze it all in, so we need your help to build those typing skills. Please try to practice about 3 times a week.
All students need is their chromebook (or a computer with a keyboard). Follow the steps to get started on your trying training.
Open your chromebook. At the search bar at the very top of Chrome, type in this website. www.typingtraining.com
You can bookmark this website by clicking on the little star at the right side of the search bar. This means the website will be saved in your Chromebook for you!
Click “Sign In” at the top of the website.
Sign in. All you need to do is use your regular S number and student password. *This is the same one you use to sign into the AISD portal.*
Once you sign in, the computer program will tell you what to do next. Get ready to start typing!
Work for 15 minutes or longer.
This Week & Looking Ahead
November 28- MAP Growth Middle of Year Assessments Begin Kindergarten- 5th Grade
Dec 2- PK Field Trip Austin Zoo
Dec 5- December CAC Meeting via Zoom
Dec 8- Short Cycle Assessments #2 3rd-5th Grades
Dec 8- 3rd Grade Field Trip The Nutcracker at the Long Center
Dec 10- Dirt Club (Campus Beautification) Meet Up 9am-12pm
Dec 12-HSR Lessons Kinder-5th Grade
Dec 16- Mills Spelling Bee
Dec 22- January 9- Student Holiday/Winter Break
December Staff Birthdays
Sarah Blackman Dec 5
Kristin Donahue Dec 6
Cynthia Khogly Dec 6
Tammie Garcia Dec 9
Michelle Griffin Dec 13
Caitlin Trueheart Dec 15
Anna Balthazar Dec 23
Sharon Knight Dec 27
Noelle Anderson Dec 27