Truckee Elementary Cub News
August 31st, 2023

Truckee Elementary CUB NEWS 12/4/2023
From the Principals Desk-
Hello Truckee El Families,
Thank you to all parent volunteers who helped with our Hot Chocolate Party today. It was a big hit with our kids in celebration of all their hard work reading this year.
Here is the registration link for the Nurtured Heart Trainings in December: https://bit.ly/45W6Vz9
Winter driving in the mountains is no joke! Lets keep our pickup and dropoff lines as safe as they can possibly be: Here are some Winter reminders for safe student drop offs:
- Please enter the drop off area at 5mph. Adjust for icy/snowy conditions.
- Please use the crosswalk to cross the road at the drop off area.
- Please consider putting your second child's car seat in the center of the back seat so that you may always exit your child onto the sidewalk side and not the road/traffic side. Open doors on the traffic side slow down other vehicles entering the drop off area and small children are at risk of not being seen by other cars.
- Please follow directions from and always be kind to pink vests. We are teachers and support staff and we work with your children every day to keep them safe.
Have a great snow filled weekend!
Ryan Galles, Principal
PTO Meeting on Wednesday, December 13th
Help make holiday gifts for teachers and staff with PTO and ELAC!
Please join us on Wed Dec 13th at 6:30 in the Truckee Elementary Gym to make holiday gifts for our staff. Pizza and drinks provided.
Accelerated Learning
Please review the Identification Criteria for Accelerated Learning Services in TTUSD . With many changes in staffing this year, I wanted to make sure everyone is aware of how students are identified for both Accelerated Learning and GATE.
- In third grade, all students are formally tested for GATE. Once identified, students receive GATE services in 4th and 5th grade by attending GATE class.
- Students do not need to be formally identified GATE to receive Accelerated Learning services.
- At TES, students in 4th-5th grades are flexibly grouped each module in Math determined by preassessments before each module, therefore groups are fluid throughout the year. In 3rd grade, flexible grouping rotates between ELA and Math throughout the year.
- The AL service model is based on students' needs. Students in K-2 can receive services as well. If you are a K-2 teacher and have a student demonstrating advanced academics or social/emotional needs that you would like support with, please reach out to Karen Martin, Lead Accelerated Learning Teacher, or myself, Ashley Donahue, Accelerated Learning Teacher (TES & GES).
Nurtured Heart Approach Parent Workshops in December
Truckee El Cub Store
Need some gift ideas? Shop Truckee El Wolverine Cub gear at the Truckee Elementary PTO Spirit Store: https://tinyurl.com/truckeeelstore
Tech Tips for Families
8. Screen Time Management: Managing screen time for children at home is an important aspect of their overall well-being and development. Here are some tips for parents to help manage screen time effectively:
Set clear boundaries: Establish clear rules and expectations regarding screen time. Clearly communicate how much time your child is allowed to spend on screens and when they can use them. Consistency is key in enforcing these boundaries.
Be a role model: Children often imitate their parents' behavior. Set a good example by practicing healthy screen habits yourself. Limit your own screen time and engage in alternative activities, such as reading, hobbies, or spending time outdoors.
Create technology-free zones: Designate specific areas or times in your home where screens are not allowed. For example, you might establish a rule that screens are not allowed during family meals or in bedrooms.
Encourage a balanced lifestyle: Encourage your child to engage in a variety of activities beyond screens. Encourage physical activity, social interactions, creative play, and reading. Help them discover and pursue their interests and hobbies.
Use screen time for educational purposes: Encourage your child to engage in educational and age-appropriate content while using screens. There are many educational apps, websites, and programs available that can supplement their learning.
Monitor content: Be proactive in monitoring the content your child is exposed to. Ensure that the content aligns with their age, values, and developmental stage. Use parental controls and filters to restrict access to inappropriate content.
Establish screen-free bedtime routines: The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with sleep patterns. Establish a screen-free period before bedtime to help your child wind down and get quality sleep. Encourage activities like reading or storytelling instead.
Engage in joint activities: Whenever possible, participate in screen-related activities with your child. Watch a movie together, play video games as a family, or use educational apps together. This not only allows for bonding but also enables you to guide and discuss the content being consumed.
Communicate openly: Talk to your child about the benefits and risks of screen time. Help them understand why it's important to have limits and encourage open dialogue about their experiences online.
Be flexible and adaptable: While setting boundaries is crucial, it's also important to be flexible and adapt to your child's changing needs and circumstances. Adjust screen time limits as they grow older and consider their individual needs and interests.
Remember, every child is different, so it's important to find a balance that works for your family. Regularly reassess and adjust your screen time management strategies based on your child's development, feedback, and evolving circumstances. For more information on screen time, appropriate limits, and ways to talk to your children about screen time, check out Common Sense Media's screen time articles here: https://tinyurl.com/yo5becr4
Each week, we will provide you with valuable tips for you and your family. If there's a specific topic you'd like us to cover, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or our school district's Director of Technology, Mr. Hilton, at ehilton@ttusd.org.
THS Cheer Clinic
Are you interested in cheerleading and/or dancing at Truckee High School? The Truckee High Cheer Squad is holding their second youth cheer clinic at THS on Thursday, December 14th from 4:45pm-6pm. Please see fliers below to sign up.
Winter Conditions Safety Reminders
With winter conditions quickly approaching, it's a great time to review how to stay safe and avoid slips and falls. Please click on the attachments to get advice from the friendly penguin, who will share important things to remember, including the following:
- Plan for extra time to drive to work and extra time to enter the workplace
- Focus on your footing - do the penguin shuffle!
- Take it slow, avoid a slip
- Carry only what you can - use a bag or backpack to keep your hands free
- Don't be distracted - focus on your path
- Don't use your cell phone
- Wear sensible footwear (non-slip sole, deep tread, wide/low heel, consider adding cleats)
- No shortcuts - pick the safe route
- Step down, not out from the curb
- Step down, not out from the car
- Watch for changing conditions (ice, snow, sleet)
- Report icy conditions
You can also check out these winter safety videos here and here for more tips and a little safety humor!
Truckee Elementary Book Study
We are starting something new and exciting here at Truckee Elementary this year. Every month we will focus on a book study as a school. The intention is to tie our love of reading with social emotional learning. Each month we’ll ask for families to support the book study by listening to a reading of the book at home and doing the home activity. It’s a great way to connect. This month's reading is Mango, Abuela and Me. Here is the reading in English and Spanish as well as the home connection activity! Exploring culture with your child can be a fun and memorable experience. There are a number of ways to explore your family culture with your child including cooking together, taking language classes together, or even going through old family pictures and talking about family traditions, stories, and family members that may not be here. Try making a family favorite family recipe! Buy the ingredients together, talk about each step in the process, and eat it together talking about flavors and smells.
Explorar la cultura con su hijo puede ser una experiencia divertida y memorable. Hay varias formas de explorar la cultura familiar con su hijo, como cocinar juntos, tomar clases de idiomas juntos o incluso mirar fotografías familiares antiguas y hablar sobre tradiciones, historias y miembros de la familia que tal vez no estén aquí. ¡Intenta hacer una receta familiar favorita de la familia! Compren juntos los ingredientes, hablen de cada paso del proceso y cómanlo juntos hablando de sabores y olores.
Sign up to be a volunteer driver:
If you would like to be a parent volunteer driver, we would love for you to start the process as early as possible. In order to start the process, please complete the Volunteer Clearance Application online. Make sure to attach a copy of your DMV Driving record and a copy of your Liability Auto Insurance for a minimum of $100,000/$300,000.
Who Wants to Work at Truckee El?
Want to earn some extra holiday cash? We have 1 recess coach position that we are looking to fill. Parents in our Truckee Elementary community are encouraged to apply. This is a hourly position from 11:15 am until 2:15pm. It is a great way to be part of our school community and be on the same schedule as your student. Please reach out to Mr. Galles if you are interested. The positions are posted on EdJoin.org and we are hoping to have them filled by the start of the school year. https://www.edjoin.org/Home/DistrictJobPosting/1828294
Parent Reminders-
Early outs are incredibly hard at the end of the day. Please refrain from pulling your student out after 2:50 and wait until the end of the school day at 3:15 (or 3:00 for TK/K). Most of the time at the end of the day your student and their class are doing end of day clean up, social skills activities, and closing day activities. Those are incredibly important routine parts of your child’s school day. Some classes have enrichment or library or other activities that are out of their classroom for that last part of the day and it's hard to get your child in time before school ends. Unless it’s a true emergency please refrain from doing early outs after 2:50.
Please remember to not park in the bus lane between 8:40-9:05 and 2:50-3:20. The bus lane is located up front of Truckee Elementary and when cars park it makes an unsafe path for our students to exit and blocks off our buses.
Information Regarding School Illness
We are entering the cold and flu season and in an effort to keep everyone healthy at school please remember to keep your student(s) home if they are sick. We recommend that your child stay home from school if experiencing illness symptoms. To decide whether or not to send your child to school, please consider the following guidelines.
Definitely keep your child at home for treatment and observation if he/she/they has any of these symptoms:
Fever greater than 100ºF. Your child needs to stay home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
Vomiting: Your student may return to school once they’ve been 24 hours without vomiting
Cough and Cold Symptoms: Please keep your student home if they have worsening cough and cold symptoms.
To help prevent the flu and illness, teach your child good hygiene habits:
Wash hands, frequently, for 20 seconds with soap and water
Do not touch the eyes, nose, or mouth (the T-zone)
Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing. Use a paper tissue, throw it away and then wash hands
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Keeping a sick child at home will help minimize the spread of infections and viruses in the classroom.
Remember to get your flu vaccine!
Please see the following links for symptoms and guidelines for common illnesses
TTUSD’s Updated COVID-19 Quarantining Protocol
Thank you in advance for helping to keep our school healthy.
TTUSD Health Services
Important Upcoming Dates
December 5- School Site Council 8-8:50 am in Conference Room
December 6- Minimum Day Students out at 12:50 pm
December 13- PTO Meeting at Truckee Elementary Gym 6:30-8pm
December 18- 2nd Grade (Storrud) Field Trip to Woodward
December 20- TK/K/5th Grade Holiday Performance for Families @ 2:15 pm
December 22- January 5- No School Holiday Break
January 15- No School MLK Holiday
February 6- ELAC Meeting @ 5:00 pm
February 19-23- No School February Break
March 5- ELAC Meeting @ 5:00 pm
March 6- Minimum Day Students out at 12:50 pm
April 1-5- No School Spring Break
April 16- ELAC Meeting @ 5:00 pm
May 1- Minimum Day Students out at 12:50 pm
May 8- Combined PTO/ELAC Meeting @ 5:00 pm
May 15- ELAC Meeting @ 5:00 pm
May 16- June 8- CAASPP Testing @ TES 3rd-5th Grade
June 21- Last Day of School (with 5 snow days)
Truckee El Facebook Page
Follow us on Facebook! Please click the link below for information on PTO events and how you can get involved.
While we are sharing Facebook pages, please join the Truckee Elementary Facebook Page. All of our bulletins will also be shared on Facebook as well.