Moorhead Junior High
September 2022 Newsletter
Lockdown Drill Information
Dear Parents and Guardians,
On August 30, 2022 Moorhead Junior High will conduct our yearly lockdown drill. We will practice this drill to ensure that we would be ready in the event anything should ever happen. In the past, schools in our area, including this building, have enacted lockdown drills because perhaps an armed robbery had occurred, and police feared the criminals could still be in the vicinity. Most of the time lockdowns serve the purpose of keeping intruders out.
Practicing lockdowns also helps ensure that if there someone in the building intending to cause harm that we could protect ourselves.
These are extremely rare scenarios and we do not expect to ever have to enforce a lockdown, but it is wise to be prepared. We already engage in a number of safety protocols including ensuring that classroom doors are locked at all times and we also require all visitors to sign-in and sign-out through a locked foyer. Officer Quiller, our campus police officer, and both of our front desk receptionists monitor all areas of the building through our camera system for much of the day. Adults entering the building each day who are not on staff have their backgrounds checked via their drivers’ license and must be admitted through a secure foyer. Additionally, Moorhead has over 120 video cameras to monitor happenings in the hallways, cafeteria, and various parts of the building.
I want to emphasize this is just a practice drill. We anticipate never using this drill, but in the event that something ever happens, Moorhead Junior High will be prepared.
I look forward to seeing our families at our upcoming Open House from 6:00pm to 7:00pm on September 22. Our parents are invited to for an open building tour and teacher visitation in rooms. Counselors and principals will be available in the cafeteria to help answer any questions you may have.
We look forward to seeing you!
Moorhead Spirit Days
Homecoming Week
9/19 - A Million Dreams Monday - Wear Pajamas
9/20 - Just Clowing Around - Crazy Sock Day
9/21 - Wild Animals Wednesday - Wear Animal Print
9/22 - Circuses are Twice as Fun with a Friend - Twin Day
9/23 - Our Spirit Can't be Tamed - Wear Red
Red Ribbon Week
10/24 - Your Future is Brighter without Drug / Alcohol - Wear Neon
10/25 - Drug Addiction is a losing game - Jersey Day
10/26 - Batman Hates Drugs - Be like Batman - Superhero Day
10/27 - Panthers United Against Big Tobacco - Spitit Overalls
10/28 - Battle of the Classes - 7th Grade wear Yellow/Gold and 8th Grade wear Red
Generation Texas Week
11/14 - Military Monday - Wear Camo
11/15 - Texans for Tomorrow - Wear Red, White, Blue
11/16 - Where to? - Wear a College Shirt
11/17 - Think Ahead Thursday - Dress for your future career
11/18 - Financial Aid Friday - Wear Green
The 12 Days of School
December - TBA
Kindness Week
2/13 - Love your School - Wear a Moorhead Panther Shirt
2/14 - Love your Heart (Heart Health Month) - Wear Red
2/15 - Don't be mean - Wear Pink
2/16 - Random Acts of Kindness Day - Wear Teal
Homecoming Dance
Dress code: Formal or your Sunday best, No strapless dresses, spaghetti straps okay.
Tickets: $10 dollars Tickets go on sale Sept. 19 - 23 during lunches.
Free and Reduced meal applications! Important - For your TO DO List
Online Free and Reduced lunch applications must be resubmitted every year. If your child receives free or reduced breakfast and lunch you also need to complete the online application or you can request a hard copy a the Moorhead front office.
Free and Reduced lunch application:
You can find cafeteria and Meal information by clicking the link below.
If your child is in need assistance for breakfast and lunch please click on the link then scroll down to the orange box to apply for Free and Reduced meals.
Apply for Free or Reduced Lunch Here:
· Parents can pre-pay online for meal accounts beginning August 1st, 2022 at
2022-2023 Breakfast Meal Prices
o Student Breakfast $2.00
o Student Reduced Breakfast $0.30
o Non-student Breakfast/2nd Student Breakfast $3.00
2022-2023 Lunch Meal Prices
o Student Lunch $3.20
o Student Reduced Lunch $0.40
o Non-student Lunch/2nd Student Lunch $4.20 (Teachers, Parents, Siblings)
· The Federal program providing free lunch for all students has ended.
Conroe ISD Presents
The Conroe ISD Guidance and Counseling Dept. Presents
Parent Information Sessions
More Information
Last Day for Schedule Changes
Friday, August 27 is the last day we will allow elective class schedule changes. The last day to switch from level to honors core content classes or vice versa is September 16.
Schedule changes after these deadlines will be on a case by case basis.
Important Upcoming Dates
September 5 - Labor Day (No school)
September 22 - Open House 6pm - 7pm
September 23 - CCHS Homecoming Game
September 24 - Moorhead Homecoming Dance 6pm - 9pm
October 7 - No School (Teacher Staff Development Day)
October 10 - No School (Columbus Day)
Early check out or Change of Pick up?
This school year, we ask that our parents call the front office when their child is going home a different way than normal. Our front office staff will contact the teacher and provide your child with a pass.
- Please be sure to pick up your child by 3:30pm if you are checking them out of school early. We will not allow students to be checked out of class after 3:30pm due to traffic flow.
- Please call the front office before 3:30pm if you plan on changing your normal after school pick up or after school transportation routine so that we have time to get the message to your child.
2022 Campus Accountability Summary
Our campus 2021-2022 Accountability Summary has been posted on your school's profile page. Ouraccountability reports can be accessed using the following steps:
From the school’s website:
· Go to "Our School/Campus"
· Click “View School Profile"
· Select “Accountability Reports”
· Click “2021-2022"
· Select "2022 Accountability Summary "
Moorhead Spirit Night Fundraiser
The Moorhead PTO is hosting a Spirit Night Fundraiser in October at Rainbow Roller Rink.
Stay tuned for more information.
7th Grade Science News - Students in Ms. Allen's class performed a Rainbow Lab. This is a fun way to practice using laboratory tools and safe lab practices. If mixed correctly, the chemicals will look like a rainbow!
Science Club Fundraiser
Choir News
Choir Fall Concert: Thursday, October 13th @ Caney Creek HS 7pm
Choir Winter Concert: Monday, December 5th @ Caney Creek HS 7pm
The Student Success Center
The Student Success Center is located in the Moorhead library. This is where our students can get help with homework and projects as well as complete missing tests and assignments.
Hours: 4:05 - 5:05pm
Monday through Thursday every week - Science and History tutorials
Tuesdays and Thursdays - Math tutorials
Mondays and Wednesdays - Language Arts tutorials
Electives assistance is by request
The Student Success Center opens September 7th!
Counselor's Corner
Panther Atheltics Schedules
Have a Question?
Please email your child’s counselor or assistant principal if you need assistance.
AP/Counselor Alphas
Alpha A – E
Brenda Bishop:
Teresa Randall:
Alpha F – L
Dusty Joiner:
Jeanette Singer:
Alpha M – Ri
Aimee Castillo:
Alpha Ro – Z
Tiffany Jarebica:
Dan Wheeler:
Parent and Student Access Center
Parents and guardians have free access to Parent Access Center via . This portal gives complete access to student grades, attendance, tardies, discipline, STAAR scores, and other information. This tool can also give parents and guardians the opportunity to set thresholds where you will be emailed scores of each assignment. Students also have the same access via Student Access Center.
TAE – Teacher Achieving Excellence is a great opportunity to recognize a teacher that is making a difference in your child’s life. The electronic award can be created and sent through Parent Access. An email will be sent to the teacher as well as campus administrators.
A Note from Nurse Toni
Hearing and vision screenings will be conducted during the middle to later part of September. If you student is prescribed to wear glasses, please make sure they bring them to school every day. Please be on the lookout for referral letters to physicians.
Also, if you have not updated your student's health information in InfoSnap please do so ASAP, as this information is needed if there is ever an emergency.
Moorhead Bell Schedule
Late Bus Registration
Remember to register for Late Bus transportation if you child plans on using this service.
The late buses depart Moorhead at 5:15pm and drop off at designated Satellite locations.
Students involved in extracurricular activities, tutorial programs or after school detention will have the opportunity to utilize our late buses. The following are some important details pertaining to the late bus system. Please read over these new details carefully.
1. Each late bus run will be designated by a color rather than a number.
2. Each late bus will stop at the same designated stops every single day. This new system resembles more of a “Metro” type of system than our previous late bus system.
3. These satellite stops are not intended to be within a short walk to each student’s home, but more of a central place where parents may pick up their children without having to drive all the way to campus.
4. Your student will be given a standardized late bus pass from their teacher in order to ride the late bus.
The teacher will be printing this pass from our View-It system and it will contain all of the information the bus driver will need to drop off your student at the correct location.
5. A student will not be allowed to ride the late bus if they do not have a late bus pass or if it is not signed by a teacher.
6. Also, a student will not be dropped off at any location other than the one that has been assigned to them by View-It which is based on their current address.
7. All satellite stops have been chosen for their safety features (large parking lot for waiting parents), but we do not recommend that students cross any roads or try to walk home from Satellite stops due to dangerous traffic conditions or other dangers that walking home may pose.
8. These satellite spots are subject to change. If for some reason there is a change you will be notified via phone and/or email.
Cell Phone “AirDrop” Settings
Please have your student(s) set their AirDrop settings in their cell phone to either “Off” or “Contacts Only”. If it is set to “Everyone” then anyone will have the ability to send your student anything they would like without knowing who it came from.
Moorhead Electronics Policy
Students are allowed to use electronics before school, during lunch, and after school. All devices, including phones, must be powered off and put away the rest of the day during the hours of 8:40am - 4:00pm. Vibrate is not off. Headphones and all other devices should also be put away.
Please do not call or text your child in school except during their lunch period which is fine and largely why students use phones during this time. We ask that you please contact the front desk and we will deliver the message to your child.
Please know that every room in the school has a phone that your child can use.
Students bring electronic devices to school at their own risk. The school is not responsible for the loss or theft of electronic devices, but we will do our best to help your child locate their device should it be lost or stolen.
The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.