ST Seventh Grade Registration

Stilwell Resources to Plan for 2024-25
Welcome to Stilwell! We are excited to get the registration process started soon. During the month of February, your sixth grade student will start to learn more about Stilwell Junior High and register for classes for their seventh grade year.
As we begin this process, we want parents to have access to Stilwell information and send out a timeline of what to expect. Below are resources that will be helpful in the seventh grade registration process.
- Dates to Remember
- Helpful Resources
Please Note
If your child will be going to Indian Hills next year, they can still register with their elementary school as all of our junior high registration information filters together for both junior high schools. If you do not live in the boundaries of the elementary school that your child attends, and you are unsure what junior high they will be enrolled in, please reach out to our district registrar, Joy Zuber, at 515-633-5101. If your family will be moving out of the district and your student will no longer be attending West Des Moines Community Schools, please contact the district registrar.
Feb. 1 — 5-6 p.m.
Virtual Information Meeting for Parents/Guardians
Feb. 5 — 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Stilwell Showcase and Orientation Assembly
Sixth-grade students will visit Stilwell Junior High to learn about the school and meet administrators.
Feb. 12-15
Students register for electives online in their classes with both their sixth grade teacher and Kelli Ladd, Stilwell school counselor.
Feb. 24
This is the final date to make any changes to your student registration form via Canvas.
If you have any questions about the registration process or Stilwell, please contact Kelli Ladd, school counselor, at 515-633-6003 or laddk@wdmcs.org.
The following resources are meant to help parents/guardians understand more about the transition to Stilwell Junior School.
Seventh-Grade Registration Packet (English)
Inscripción para el Séptimo Grado
Seventh-Grade Registration Packet (Hakha Chin)
Junior High Course Registration
If you have any questions about the registration process or Stilwell, please contact Kelli Ladd, school counselor, at 515-633-6003 or laddk@wdmcs.org.