Jaguar Band Newsletter
Your Place For JHS Jaguar Band News
June 28, 2020
Message From Mr. Lucita
Message From Band Booster President
Important Summer Due Dates
VIPS REQUIRED District Volunteer Program
Sync Your Calendar
Remind 101 for 2020 - 21
Follow Us
From Mr. Lucita
Welcome to the first Johnson Jaguar Band Newsletter of the 2020 - 21 school year. We have a large amount of information to cover so let’s get started!
First, I would like to welcome our incoming freshmen, our “New to Johnson HS” and our “New to Color Guard” members! We welcome you to our program and we can’t wait to get started!
The next item on the list to address is Johnson Band and the COVID-19 crisis. Let me assure everyone that the safety and health of our students, our staff and all of our families are at the forefront of our thoughts and decision-making process. Currently, we plan to follow the published Jag Band Calendar for dates and events; however, there may be alterations or adjustments as we get closer to Summer Band. We are awaiting updates from TEA, UIL and Hays CISD. Once these are received, the Hays CISD Head Band Directors and Director of Fine Arts will immediately develop plans for what band will look like this fall. We also understand that it is impossible to predict exactly what the marching season will look like or where rehearsals, competitions, football games and other performances are concerned. There are countless variables at this point, and we ask that everyone please be patient and flexible in these ever-changing times.
I know there are a lot of unknowns at this time; however, one thing is for certain, and that is I cannot wait for the day to be able to see all of our Johnson Band Members, new and old, and to share music and the arts with everyone!
A Message from your Band Booster President
Dear Jaguar Band Family,
We know these are challenging times. Whether or not COVID has hit home or close to home by infecting a friend, a family member or causing the loss of a job, it has had an impact on us all. We are all wondering how this will affect summer band and the upcoming school year. We want to thank you for your continued patience as our band directors work with the district and the state in determining next steps. In the meanwhile, as Mr. Lucita has shared, we will proceed according to the published Jag Band Calendar.
FOR US PARENTS, that means that we need to do the following:
- Register – as the band directors use this info to plan marching slots;
- Order summer uniform by Tuesday, June 30th in order to ensure that our student has a summer band uniform for the first football game. [(New members: submit uniform sizing (uniform cost is covered in band fees); Returning members: re-order needed summer uniform items (cost not covered)];
- Take our kids to get a physical (if applicable);
- Complete and submit required forms.
We know you have received a lot of information in the last few weeks. That is why the main purpose of this newsletter is to provide you with one place to find it! Just look below!
Please know that we are here for you. You can find our contact information in the Parent Guide to Jaguar Band or on the band website. Whatever our Jaguar Band Family faces this upcoming year, it will be great because we will have each other!
Important Due Dates and Forms
New Band Student Uniform Package
Returning Student Replacement Uniform Store
Replacement Marching Shoes
Due July 5
Student Registration Form
July 8
Jag Swag Spirit Gear Store
July 22
First Meal Plan Payment for Levels 3 & 4
Due July 30
Medical Release Form
UIL Marching Acknowledgement Forms
UIL Pre-participation Evaluation Physical
Band Conflict Form
How To Sign Up For Remind 101
Visit our website to find the correct Remind 101 codes for you and your student.
Text that code to 81010, and you're ready to go!
How to sign up with VIPS district volunteer program and log hours
Registration in V.I.P.S. (Volunteers in Public Schools) is required by Hays CISD for all volunteers. Volunteers must be approved as a VIP volunteer BEFORE volunteering. Click here, https://www.johnsonbands.com/forms-and-docs, and follow the link to register with VIPS in the lower right corner.
Questions or feedback?
Contact Juliette Kroeger
Sync Your Calendar to Charms!
Visit the Johnson Band Website (www.johnsonbands.com) and click on the Calendar tab at the top for instructions on how to sync the Charms calendar to your phone.
Follow Us/Stay Connected
Johnson High School Jaguar Band
Website: https://www.johnsonbands.com
Location: 4260 FM 967, Buda, TX, USA
Phone: 512-268-8442
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnsonjaguarband