The Eagle Express
Antrim Elementary School February 24, 2023
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
What a week we've had! This has been a fun week full of dancing and smiles. Due to the weather, our NHDI performance was rescheduled for this morning. Thanks to all who could come out to make it. We had a great time dancing in our PJs. Why our pajamas? The whole school earned a pajama day today because we met our fundraiser goal. Due to the weather, our pizza pickup was postponed to this afternoon. Thank you all for going along with our zig zag week! And a huge thank you to the PTO for organizing this fundraiser. I can't wait to eat a pizza tonight!
On a different note...Even though there are still four more months of school left this year, I wanted to share some news that I will not be returning to AES next year. I did not want you to be surprised when the district advertises and begins searching for my replacement. My past 6 years at AES have been nothing short of rewarding. I'm so proud to have been a part of leading the school through the pandemic and leading AES off of the Comprehensive Needs Improvement list from the state. Working with your children has changed my life for the better—they’re incredible, capable students who have amazed me each day with their curiosity and creativity. I’ll always keep my memories of AES close to my heart. If you should have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
We are on the precipice of a weeklong winter vacation. I hope you all take time to enjoy yourselves together with your family. We will see you back here on Monday, March 6th. Please check out our website for events happening in March. Have a WONDERFUL winter break!
See you soon,
NHDI Dance Residency - A Huge Success
Save the Date: Family Math Night & Spaghetti Supper
We are also having a fundraising raffle that night. Each grade level has a themed basket. Please consider donating an item for the basket on Monday when we return from vacation. All of the proceeds benefit our students!
See Information about Summer Learning Opportunities
We have three summer learning opportunities for our elementary students for 2023!
Explore and Expand Summer Learning Program is for rising 1st through 4th graders! This four-week long program is designed to support student learning by bolstering school-year skills and helping to fight summer learning loss. Students will receive 1.5 hours of academic support from ConVal Certified Teachers and Tutors. An additional hour of the program is reserved for enrichment exploration, including drumming and cartooning residencies.
The Title 1 Program is for rising 1st through 5th graders! This four-week long program is designed to support student learning in reading. Students will receive up to 3 hours of academic support daily from ConVal Certified Teachers. Time for snacks and breaks will be included in the 3 hours. A portion of the program will be dedicated to participating in the residencies and/or partnering with our local community to support and enrich student learning.
Additional Details
● July 5 through July 27
● 3 Mornings a Week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday)
● 9:00 am - 12 pm
● Location: Peterborough Elementary and Antrim Elementary
● Transportation will be provided
● Class Size for Explore and Expand: 15 students to 1 teacher
● Group Size for Title 1: 1 teacher to 4 - 5 students
● Classes/Groups will be mixed grades
Middle School Summer Academy is offered to rising 5th and 6th graders! This four-week long program is designed to introduce students to middle and high school learning opportunities while bolstering school-year skills and helping to fight summer learning loss. Students in the Middle School Summer Academy have the opportunity to participate in a Residency, similar to Explore and Expand or participate in the high school Theater program.
Additional Details
● July 5 through July 27
● 4 Mornings a Week (Monday through Thursday)
● 9:00 am - 12:15pm (12:15 allows students to participate in the Theater program)
● Location: ConVal High School
● Transportation will be provided
● Class Size : 15 students to 1 Teacher
Upcoming Dates!
● Registration Forms Sent Out - March 17, 2023
● Registration Forms Due - April 7, 2023
● Confirmations or Waitlist - May 1st, 2023
If you have questions, please reach out to:
Title 1: Kathie Morrocco
Explore and Expand & Summer Academy: Amy Janoch
Stephanie Syre-Hager, Principal
Location: 10 School Street, Antrim, NH, USA
Phone: 603-588-6371
Twitter: @aes_ssh