Wiggin Street Parent Update
December 9, 2022
Better Together
Dear Wiggin Street Families,
This week our students learned more about having empathy and compassion. They put these traits into action when we learned about author/illustrator, Richard Cowdrey, becoming ill and unable to present at Wiggin Street on Thursday. With all of the events next week and preparation needed for the winter programs, we thought it would be best to have him come back to present after the holidays. We will let you know when the visit is rescheduled.
Students also have learned to be thankful and show gratitude. The holiday shop gave students a chance to purchase inexpensive items for those they appreciate. Thanks to all that volunteered today to make the Holiday Shop a great success! The kids were so happy and proud of the purchases they made for friends and family.
Above you will be able to view our 5th grade's latest video announcement, Wiggin Street Roots! We have been so proud of all the students have learned and that many have begun stepping out of their comfort zones to be in front of the camera. Their true personalities are coming out!
We want to also remind you about our Lost and Found at Wiggin Street. Items will be donated over Winter Break, so please make sure you have your child look for any missing items this week.
Traditions at Wiggin Street during the holidays include the Icelandic Book Flood known as Jólabókaflóð. In Iceland, books are exchanged on Christmas Eve, and you spend the rest of the night reading. People generally take their books to bed along with some chocolate. On Monday, Wiggin Street students will be able to choose books at no cost to be read over the holidays. Warm up some hot chocolate and cozy up with a good book!
We look forward to seeing everyone at the Gingerbread Man Play and Winter Concert. More details follow about next week's events:
13 Grades 3-5 Winter Performance Dress Rehearsal during school
13 Grades 3-5 Winter Performance @ Rosse Hall; 7:00 pm (Students arrive at 6:30)
14 Icelandic Book Flood
15 Gingerbread Man Play Dress Rehearsal during school
15 Gingerbread Man Play 6:15 pm (students arrive @ 6:00)
16 Holiday Parties
19-Jan. 2 Winter Break
Have a wonderful weekend!
With Warm Regards,
Christy Grandstaff
Wiggin Street Holiday Shop '22
Krajenski's shared German holiday tradition of St. Nicholas Day with Kindergarteners
Lost and Found- Being Donated after December 16th over the Break
Donations will be made over winter break, so please remind your child to check out the Lost and Found.
Please remind your student to get their sweatshirts and jackets from lost and found. You can also submit this form to let us know what you are looking for, and we will do our best to get it to your child.
Remember that it is helpful to label all jackets, lunchboxes, bookbags, etc.
Grades 3-5 Wiggin Street Winter Performance
Students in Grades 3-5 are preparing for the wither program on December 13th. All students will be walking to Rosse Hall in the afternoon to watch the dress rehearsal, so please have your child dress for the weather. More details about the program and day of rehearsal are below.
Gingerbread Man Play
Kroger Community Rewards and AmazonSmile
As grocery and online shopping pickup over the holiday season, Friends of Wiggin Street School (FOWS) would like to inform teachers and parents of two easy ways to earn cash-back rewards for the school. Below are instructions provided by Kroger and Amazon on how to sign-up for their charitable rewards programs.
Kroger Community Rewards
Create a digital account, link your card to the organization "Friends of Wiggin Street School” and cash rewards are sent directly to this charitable organization at no added cost to you
To use AmazonSmile, simply go to smile.amazon.com on your web browser or activate AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app on your iOS or Android phone within the Settings or Programs & Features menu. On your web browser, you can add a bookmark to smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping with AmazonSmile.
Upcoming Events
13 Grades 3-5 Winter Performance Dress Rehearsal during school
13 Grades 3-5 Winter Performance @ Rosse Hall; 7:00 pm (Students arrive at 6:30)
14 Icelandic Book Flood
15 Gingerbread Man Play Dress Rehearsal during school
15 Gingerbread Man Play 6:15 pm (students arrive @ 6:00)
16 Holiday Parties
19-Jan. 2 Winter Break
Idle-free Zone
Principal-Wiggin Street Elementary
Email: cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us
Website: https://www.mt-vernon.k12.oh.us/wigginstreetelementary_home.aspx
Location: 207 Wiggin St, Gambier, OH, USA
Phone: 740-427-4262
Facebook: facebook.com/wigginstreet
Twitter: @wiggin_street