Knightly News
Week of September 4th -4 day week!!
He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. ~ Friedrich Nietzschee
Shout outs to students that were IGNITING and engaged in Success Block
Mr. Williams HR Great reflective dialogue
Ms. Hauck HR: Great relationship building and expectation modeling
Stand outs during ELA
Ms. McAllister great word work with Unit1--students were making connections with Inference
Mrs. Potts classes doing word work
Shout outs to classes that had HIGH student engagement visible in Week 1
Mr. Walsh's classes getting to know more about each other and connecting to culture
Arrival Tidbits: Tap Station, Scanners and Breakfast
- All students may begin entering the building at 8 am and in Homerooms seated by 8:20.
- ID cards will be given out this week Tuesday/Wednesday in a sleeve without a lanyard
- Students may add a lanyard or clip if they choose but students are responsible for keeping up with their one cards.
- SGMS clips will be available for purchase with DOJO points at the School DOJO store if students are interested
- REMINDER: ALL students must have their one card for events, cafeteria, media center, arrival scanning, etc.
- Tentatively beginning on Thursday students will tap with their one card for entry outside front entrance prior to scanning.
- If your student does not have an id card yet we will take names and submit to GCS and cards will be sent. GCS will print cards through October. After October, it will be school printed and students will need to pay $5 for a lost card.
- Reminder: Students should be in class by the 8:20 bell. After the 8:20 bell students arriving late will be sent to sign in the front office. Students should bring their HR teacher a tardy pass if entering after 8:20 am. Late buses will be announced without signing in students.
- Scan Station: This has gone really well and we anticipate continued success. Please help us out by reminding students that 3 ring binders, umbrellas, and glass cases should be removed from the book bag prior to entering the front doors. These items are passed off to the staff member standing to the right or left at entrance of scanners and will be returned to the student at the doors leading into the hallway. Please remind students that if monitoring staff ask them to step to the check table at each lane they should stop, be checked and go back through the scanners and receive an all clear before continuing to Homeroom
- Reminder: Breakfast is available free of charge to all students and can be picked up prior to entering Homeroom. Breakfast is offered to late arrivals in the office at sign in.
- Attendance MATTERS!! If your child is not sick they should be in school each day and for the duration of the day. 8:20-3:20 to maximize teaching and learning. Let's soar to great heights and improve attendance.
- Book bags will travel with the student to Homeroom, and Core classes only
- Students will carry only items needed to encore such as Notebook, pencil, laptop (when issued if needed) and bookbags will remain in core classes
- Teachers will lock their doors at any time they are not in their classroom
- Cell phones if brought to school should be turned off and inside the bookbag during school hours
Calendar Communication
Monday September 4th: Labor Day Holiday; School is closed
Tuesday September 5th: Leadership Team 4 pm in the media all parents are invited to be a part of the decisions we make at SGMS; Football, Cheerleading, Boys Soccer and Girls Volleyball teams practice
Wednesday September 6th: Football, Cheerleading, Boys Soccer and Girls Volleyball teams practice
Thursday September 7th: Soccer and Volleyball games @SGMS vs Jamestown 4:45pm.
Looking ahead (these are some items not everything):
- GCS Celebration of Excellence 6 pm at Ragsdale High School-pre event and refreshments begin at 5 pm.--Would love to see a big representation let us know if you can attend and we will find a section to sit together.
- September 18th: Start with Hello Week kicks off-more info to come;
- September 20th: Football @ Jamestown 5 pm; Hospitality meets
- September 21st: Soccer/Volleyball @ SGMS vs AJ Prep
- September 22nd: PBIS Dance 3:45 pm -5:45 pm--volunteers needed for supervision if you are interested and available be sure to have completed your GCS volunteer check and reach out to our front office leaving your name and number and your availability.
- September 25th: Mandatory Workday; No school
- September 26th: Soccer/Volleyball @ Morehead Athletic vs Penn Griffin;
- September 27th: MAP testing Math-modified schedule
- September 28th: Soccer/Volleyball @ SGMS vs Lincoln;
- September 29th: MAP testing Reading-modified schedule
7th grade Immunizations!!
Tdap and/or Meningococcal conjugate vaccine needed for all 7th graders.
- Proof of immunization must be presented to the school by September 26, 2023, to avoid removal from school while meeting this NC guideline. Your child will not be permitted to attend school until the immunization requirement has been met. *An appointment card does not meet the requirement.
- Immunizations can be obtained from your private healthcare provider or at the Guilford County Department of Health and Human Services, located at 1100 E. Wendover Ave, Greensboro, and 501 E. Green Drive, High Point.
Shout out to all students chosen to be on a Fall Athletic Team!!
Girls Volleyball
Addlynn C. (6th)
Allison Smith (7th)
Miranda Varela (6th)
Heaven Johnson (7th)
Madison Smith (7th)
Marley Clarke (8th)
NuNu Pope (7th)
Jamara Morse (6th)
Kylie Herring (7th)
Journee Rouse (6th)
Layla Harris (7th)
Genesis Morena Vega (6th)
Serenity Clark (7th)
Hailey McCracken (6th)
Manager: MacKenzie Grooms (8th)
Boys Soccer
Azael Aburto
Jonathan Avalos
Bryan del Angel
Melvin Estrada
Christian Fomperosa*
Ruben Gutierrez
Alex Hernandez
Yahel Jarquin
Ahmed Mahmood
Bentley McCracken
Rene Morales
Muhammad Mushtaq
Brayan Ortega Hernandez
Christian Ortiz Lopez
Javier Pacheco
Jorge Parada
Nelson Perdomo
Santiago Perez
Michael Pharyom
Kelvin Robles Lazo
Terence Travis
Giovanny Varela
Timothy Wilson
Carter Womack
Mgr. Bentley Larios
Mgr. Mario Ventura Villatoro
Mgr. Ulises Ventura Cruz
Football Roster to come!!