R-PTLE Weekly Family Communication
Week of March 6th, 2023 (#25)
Full steam ahead - MARCH!
Dear Families,
We are looking forward to celebrating your student's learning this school year during our Parent-Teacher conference window. Our students have had a wonderful "kind" February. A spin on our Teachers handing out Rocket Slips has our students writing sticky notes to their classmates affirming them for being kind. We will continue this during our CKH March theme of "Courage." The sticky notes have been such a joy to read after they turn them in. Our students are so cool!
This will be a great week at R-PTLE!
Newly Added:
- Next block "Attention" Parent Portal! Instructions to setup your account (if you have not yet). Call the office if there are questions
- Kindergarten Round-Up ~ see download below
Paul Siembida
Principal, Twin Lake Elementary
719-3190 Ext: 2225
Succeed Today!
An Evening of Music and Talent
Very cool night provided to our community by our amazing 3rd and 4th grade students and their music director Mrs. Clifton. Just a taste of things to come as the plan is to have a whole school event at the Highschool Rocket Centre.
A bonus: so many stuck around to help stack chairs. Many hands make light work and happy hearts!
Parent Portal Instructions~IMPORTANT
*Go to https://ps-rp.muskegonisd.org/public
(There will be a default username and password in both boxes. Delete and create your own.)
*If you are a first time user, you will need to click on the “Create Account” tab, and fill out the
information. You will create a new Username and Password. You can add your students at the
bottom of the page using their Access ID and Access Password.
NOTE: The Access ID and Password is NOT the same as the Student Number and their
*If you have an existing account, use the “Sign In” tab to log in using your Username and
Password that you already have. If you do not remember these, call the office and we can help
*Once you are signed in, you can add new students to your account by following these
1. On the start page, click on “Account Preferences” from the navigation menu on the left. The
“Account Preferences – Profile” page appears.
2. Click the “Students” tab
3. Click the “Add” Icon to add a student to your parent portal account. The “Add Student”
dialog appears. Fill out the information and you should see a new tab for the student appear at
the top of the page.
*Once all of your students are added to your account, update the demographics for all of
your students by clicking on the “Demographic Update” button on the left side of the page.
Please electronically sign the required forms. Print the Emergency Procedure Card, sign it, and
give it to your child’s teacher.
IIMPORTANT: You'll receive a specific ID and Password for access to the Parent Portal. If you are a returning family, you may follow the directions above. Please don't hesitate to contact Carly, or Heather in our office if you need help.
A Note About School Meals:
There are a couple different ways that you can add money to your child’s school account to pay for their breakfast and/or lunch:
Go to https://www.familyportal.cloud and set up an online account, where you can add money for your child by putting in your debit/credit card information. Please see the attached letter for answers to frequently asked questions.
Bring in/Send in an envelope with cash or a check enclosed. Please include the child’s first and last name, and write “Lunch Money”. If you are sending money for two students, please write how much each student will receive. The office will collect these envelopes and the kitchen staff will enter the funds into the correct account.
In the event that your child does not have money in their account, but they do not have a cold lunch, they will still be able to eat a hot lunch. We will not let your child go hungry! However, please note that this will bring the account to a negative balance until more money has been added to the account.
"I'm Another Year Older"
Happy birthday to the following Rockets who celebrated this past week: We missed two of our birthday folks in the pic, sorry :(
Keegan Soulia 2/28
Keirza Johnson 3/1
Isabella LeBaron 3/1
Izabella Cherry 3/5
We hope that you had a FANTASTIC BIRTHDAY!
Pizza Kit Fundraiser
Thank you for supporting your student and our PTO during this fundraiser. Your hard work raised $1,386 that will benefit our students.
Mrs. Kolbe's classroom earned the classroom pizza party. Their team sold a total of 62 pizza kits.
Kindergarten Round Up is back.
Linked below is information for our Kindergarten Round up. Please extend the information to anyone you know who might have a young learner ready for school.
Up and Coming Dates
March 8th: PTO meeting
March 10th: Popcorn Friday
March 20: Board Meeting
March 24 - NO SCHOOL (Teachers report for Professional Development)
Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports ~ PBIS
Respect ~ Pride ~ Integrity
Link to our Rocket Way Behavior Expectations. These are reviewed throughout the year, especially after long breaks from school.
Capturing Kids Hearts ~ CKH
Princess Ball Planning
The Middle School PTO puts on the Princess Ball for all the elementary girls, and we would like your help with this event.
Saturday, March 18th, 6-8 pm - Princes Ball Flyer information - CLICK HERE
If you are willing to help organize and plan the big event. Please fill out the form below.
If you would like to help in other ways, we could use donations of decorations and/or cookies. Please fill out the form below. Note, We are not buying decorations, we simply thought we would ask if any folks have some fun things laying around the house they could donate.
Click here to access the form to volunteer.
Click here to access the form to donate.
Any questions please reach out to Jessica VanderLaan at jessvanderlaan11@gmail.com. Or, 231-750-7446
Clothing Donations Needed
We are in need of boys and girls pants sizes 5 and up. If you are able to donate to our clothes pantry, we would greatly appreciate it!!
RP Youth Soccer Registration
Click this link to get started
Spring 2023 Youth Softball Registration is live!
Information and sign-ups for 7U - 13U age groups are here at this link.
Click the link below for information on Lacrosse. This opportunity is open to students in 2nd-8th grade.
Youth baseball Sign-up
CLICK HERE for the link to sign up!
This link will be open until march 5th!
Thanks to a partnership with group of local volunteers, our school will be participating in the Hand2Hand program. The program helps to provide a student with food for the weekends and is intended for families who may be experiencing a financial burden. This program will be available to all of our kids and parents will give permission for their child to participate. We are grateful to the generosity of the volunteers in our community.
Food is discretely to children in the program each Friday.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Are you raising your grandchild or children who are relatives? You are not alone. "Grandparents Raising Grandchildren" is a kinship care program that offers support. All services are free. For more information contact Callie Sierra at 231-733-6654, or email her at sierrac@hccc-health.org.
Reeths-Puffer's District Wellness team would like to invite Rocket City to join us for monthly events, meetings and speakers. Our goal is to support the physical, nutritional and mental health of our community as well as increase environmental awareness and keeping Rocket City beautiful.
Our next Wellness Meeting will be on Tuesday, December 6th at 4:30 at Central Elementary (Room 120)
Transportation Information
Click one the bus to the right for information related to bus stop times. If you have questions, please contact the bus garage:
Reeths-Puffer Transportation
-- or--
Free Pre-School
Molly Sieplinga
Early Childhood Specialist/ Director McMillan
Early Childhood Center
McMillan Elementary
766-3443 ext 2605
Calling in Absences:
When parents call in an absence for a sick child and leave a message, it would be helpful if they could let us know the symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, etc.) that the student is having or if they have been seen by a doctor and have a diagnosis (strep, flu, pink eye, etc). We ask these questions when we get a live person, but it is important for accurate health reporting each week.
Emergency Contact Information:
Office Team Contact Information:
Please know that our office is willing to help answer any questions that you may have at any time during the school year. Ms. Carly Akins (akinsc@reeths-puffer.org) and Mrs. Heather Nicholson (nicholsonh@reeths-puffer.org) are amazing and happy to help! Our number is 719-3190.
School Hours:
School begins at 8:45 and dismisses at 3:45. If you would like more information about before and after school care, please contact, Dawn Lynn at Lighthouse Learning. The number is 638-2172, or you may call 719-3190 x 2206.
Contact Information
Mr. Paul Siembida
Principal, Twin Lake Elementary School
Email: siembidap@reeths-puffer.org
Phone: 231-719-3190
Location: Twin Lake Elementary School, 3175 5th Street, Twin Lake, MI, USA