June Reminders
Wrapping up and putting our Yellow Files to bed
We are thinking about next year’s numbers and would like to get the most accurate count possible, knowing there are always “September surprises”.
Please look into:
Current Number of funded ELLs
Number exiting (5+ or proficient)
Number moving to secondary
New students (identified this year, but not funded)
Total Projected students.
June "TO DO" list
- Finish up assessment. Remember that you only assess based on the student's goals on their AIP. Our ELL standards are our key assessment tool.
- Talk to your K teachers to see who might need to be added in Grade 1. Their input is invaluable! A good suggestion is to have them highlight a class list with possible referrals. There is a good ESD screener (below) that can help as well.
- Work on creating your ELL Reports
- Exit any students due to 5+ years or proficiency
- Update continuing student's AIPs with current assessment information and adjusted goals
- Add new ELL/ESD students to the 1701 list. Start a yellow file with initial assessment and referral (A start to an AIP would be a bonus!).
- Complete the "Annual Assessment Form" form as the last piece to add to the file to provide a snapshot for next year
- Tuck all 2020/2021 information under the "NLPS Yellow File Organizer" (optional) to keep your file tidy.
collaboration and assessment: Classroom teachers and ELL Inclusion Support working together
Reporting for ELLs in NLPS is required twice a year at the same time Summative Reports go home to parents.
There are NLPS templates available that align with the snapshot in our ELL Standards Quick Scales. Simply highlight the level the student is at and provide individualized comments.
There is also a checklist format report if you prefer. The language in the checklist aligns with our district reporting language (proficiency scale).
Send a copy home and add a copy to the Yellow File.
You need to download the document. The formatting is correct once downloaded. These reports can be edited to your specific needs.
Update Annual Inclusion Plans (AIPs)
It is a great step to update your AIPs in June for continuing students so that you have minimal work to do on them in September.
Update with the most current Assessment information and tweak the goals as needed.
Make sure your digital copies of AIPs are stored safely so that you can have access to them next year.
***Remember that students moving from grade 3 to grade 4 will need the Intermediate AIP
Annual Assessment Form
Putting the Yellow File to bed
Make sure your Yellow Files are in a safe, secure location. Often they are kept with the regular student files. If your secretary allows them to be in the same location, but separate from the other files, this is a good plan.
Exited student files will be tucked into the regular student file. Please make sure that it is easily noticed that the student is no longer needing ELL support.
Note: We are currently in 2020 on ELLMS. Next year we will be in 2021. (ELL years pf service do not role over in ELLMS until January).
Leaving ELL??
Resource Reminder and Thank You!!
If you need clarification or a helping hand, please give me an email or a call!
Thanks for all you do to help our English Language Learners feel so welcome in our schools.
Summer Support For MLLs
What does MLL mean??
MLL is becoming the preferred term in Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. It means "Multilingual Language Learner" which respects the fact that many of our students come to us with multiple languages. The focus is also taken off of learning English as the center of the student's educational identity. It's a good thing.
For now our Ministry is still using the term ELL. If you see ELL, EL or MLL... just know we are referring to the beautiful students we have the privilege to work with.
8 at home literacy tips
Blog Post by Valentina Gonzales
Thinking Ahead: Classroom Planning with ELLs in mind
Scaffolded Lesson Planning
Newcomer Arriving? Look out for the stages
Thanks for the memories!!
I'm heading back to Dover Bay in the fall to do ELL support. I'm soooo excited to be back with students.
I'll be in a new role, but I'm always around as a part of our Professional Learning Community!
Let's stay connected! You know how to reach me....