December 8th

December 8th
One week to go! Your student continues to work hard and be a great member of our Athey Creek Community. Don't hesitate to ask your student what they're learning in school. Your students are engaging in their classes, the teachers are working incredibly hard to provide meaningful experiences, and we appreciate the continued dialogue from home. Some teachers send highlights/bullet points for talking points.
Five more days until Winter Break. Please ask your student to do a final sweep next week: Sweatshirts, lunch boxes, water bottles, and various other personal items fill two tables and clothing racks in our cafeteria! Thank you, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything.
Holiday Choir
Our wonderful holiday choir performed several songs at the Clackamas County Christmas Bazaar.
Band students practicing their holiday concert music!
Ms. Dobson's Readers!
Volunteer for the Teacher Potluck! Thank you, PTSA!
Help our teachers get ready for the holiday break! Sign up to bring an appetizer (or two) to share. Bring your dish to the staff break room by way of the main office before 10:45 am on Wednesday, December 13th. When you deliver your item please fill out an ingredients card, or if possible bring a copy of your recipe so those with allergies/inolerances know what they are able to eat. Thank you for supporting our teachers!!
6th grade math students learning about percentages and asking their teacher great questions!
6th grade students learning about the water cycle and glaciers.
Counseling Tip
Each week, our fantastic counselors send a message with a counseling tip of the week!
Staff Message: When it rains, look for rainbows. When it's dark, look for stars.
Student Relationship Tip: Attend Student Events
One tried-and-true way of building relationships with students is to attend their events. Students love seeing their teacher at their sporting events, performances, and productions. This also gives you something to talk about. You can say, "Wow, that goal you scored in the third period was unbelievable!" or "Your performance last night was outstanding."
Staff Mindfulness: Single-tasking
You likely (correctly!) guessed that single-tasking is the opposite of multitasking. All it requires is showing up fully to whatever task you’re working on. If you’re working on the computer, focus on one task at a time. As much as you may not want to, close all the browser tabs that aren’t relevant to the project you’re working on. This can help free up mental space and might even create laser-focus.
To deepen the practice, focus on:
- how you’re breathing
- how your body feels in your seat, or how your feet feel against the floor if you’re standing
- the sensation of the air or your clothes against your skin
- the structure and posture of your body