Tiger Times! Tigre Noticias!
Saturday November 25, 2023, Volume 3, Issue 16
WEEK 16 - Thankful for all our Tiger Families, Students and Staff
Juarez TIGER Families
We had a very short two day week and I hope everyone took some time off to be with your loved ones during Thanksgiving break. We are thankful for your continued support to your student's education and also for supporting our staff by partnering together to educate your student.
Please note that we have 4 FULL weeks left before Winter Break and it is important for our Tiger students to be in attendance until Friday December 22, 2023. We ask all parents for your support so that we can continue our journey on improving our student attendance.
Checkout what is happening this upcoming week:
- Boys Basketball Games and practice. See calendar below.
- Basketball games are from 4pm - 6pm. As a reminder, all students must be accompanied by an adult to enter any games. Please use the parking lot and Door #7 to enter home games at Juarez.
As always THANK YOU for your support and help this school year! GO TIGERS!
Mr. Campos
SEMANA 16 - Agradecidos por nuestras familias, estudiantes y personal de Juarez.
Tuvimos una semana muy corta de dos días y espero que todos se hayan tomado un tiempo libre para estar con sus seres queridos durante las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias. Estamos agradecidos por su continuo apoyo a la educación de su estudiante y también por apoyar a nuestro personal al asociarse para educar a su estudiante.
Tenga en cuenta que nos quedan 4 semanas COMPLETAS antes de las vacaciones de invierno y es importante que nuestros estudiantes Tiger asistan hasta el viernes 22 de diciembre de 2023. Les pedimos a todos los padres su apoyo para que podamos continuar nuestro viaje para mejorar la asistencia de nuestros estudiantes.
Vea lo que sucederá la próxima semana:
- Partidos de baloncesto durante la semana (vea el calendario completo)
- Los partidos de baloncesto son de 4:00 a 5:00pm. Como recordatorio, todos los estudiantes deben estar acompañados por un adulto para participar en cualquier juego. Utilice el estacionamiento y la puerta #7 para ingresar a los juegos locales en Juárez.
Una vez más, ¡GRACIAS por su apoyo y ayuda este año escolar! ¡VAMOS TIGRES!
Sr. Campos
Our attendance continues to be important to all of us. As a reminder, your child cannot afford to miss more than 1 day each month whether it is excused or not it affects our Chronic Absenteeism.
Chronic Absenteeism is when students miss more than 10% of the 176 days of the school year. This means that your student cannot miss more than 17 days for the school year. Please help us by sending your student to school every day. You should be receiving an update on the current missed days in the mail. If you have any questions please contact the school at 224-303-2660 or Mr. Sarther at 224-303-2671.
See below for our weekly attendance advisory champions:
- 6th Grade - Ms. Ellings's Advisory
- 7th Grade - Ms. Ulloa's Advisory
- 8th Grade - Ms. Gibbs and Ms. Ilano's advisory
La asistencia importa!
El ausentismo crónico es cuando los estudiantes faltan más del 10% de los 176 días del año escolar. Esto significa que su estudiante no puede faltar más de 17 días durante el año escolar. Por favor ayúdenos enviando a su estudiante a la escuela todos los días. Debería recibir una actualización por correo sobre los días perdidos actuales. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la escuela al 224-303-2660 o con el Sr. Sarther al 224-303-2671.
Vea a continuación nuestros campeones de asesoramiento de asistencia semanal:
- 6to Grado - Asesoramiento del Sra. Elling
- 7mo grado - Asesoramiento de la Sra. Ulloa
- 8vo grado - Asesoramiento de la Sra. Gibbs y Sra. Ilano
FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY PURPOSES, WATER is the ONLY beverage that will be allowed at the school. In addition, we do not allow students to bring JUNK Food to school including but not limited to candy, chocolate, chips, cookies, etc.
THE JUAREZ TIGER staff appreciates your help with monitoring and reminding your student of these expectations.
Mr. Campos
El personal de THE JUAREZ TIGER agradece su ayuda para monitorear y recordarle a su estudiante estas expectativas.
Señor Campos
Athletic Corner - Mr. Mendoza amendoza@wps60.org
Equipo de Padres y Maestros Guardian/Parent Teacher Organization (GPTO)
Miguel Juarez has established a GPTO to increase and improve relationships with our families and guardians. We encourage you to join us at our next meeting on Monday December 4, 2023.
President/Presidente: Sandra Flores
Vice president/Vice presidente: Sabrina Agee
Treasurer/Tesorera: Monica DoxieAvailable Clubs and Tutoring
All after school clubs - 2:30 - 3:30pm
SAAP tutoring - 2:30 - 4:00pm
Sports - 2:30 - 4:00pm
- SAAP after school program for Math and Reading
- Lunch Tutoring
- After School Sports
- Gardening Club
- Chess Clubs
- Yearbook Club
- Cereal with Sarther Club
- Lunch Bunch
- LEGO club
Family Resources/Recursos para familias
Integrity - INTEGRIDAD
Empathy - EMPATIA
Respect - RESPETO
Website: https://juarez.wps60.org/
Location: 201 North Butrick Street, Waukegan, IL, USA
Phone: (224)-303-2660
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MiguelJuarezMiddleSchool
Nelson Campos
Miguel Juarez Middle School
Email: ncampos@wps60.org
Location: 201 North Butrick Street, Waukegan, IL, USA
Phone: 224-303-2671