RMS Wildcat Weekly
March 29, 2021
Contact Us
Find Their Purpose & Fuel Their Passion
Our Vision:
Renaissance Middle School prepares students to achieve their dreams by charting a path to their purpose.
Email: hawkc@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/renaissancems
Location: 7155 Hall Road, Fairburn, GA, United States
Phone: (470)254-4330
Twitter: @RMS_Wildcats
Spring Break - All Fulton County Schools and Offices will be closed
All Fulton County Schools and offices will be closed for Spring Break, Monday, April 5th - Friday, April 9th. We look forward to seeing our scholars virtually on Monday, April 12th. Please be safe and remember to social distance!
RMS PBIS Spirit Week
Greetings Team,
Next week we will kick off our PBIS Spirit Week from March 29- April 2, 2021. To add a little more teamwork, we will work with Camp Creek Middle school to support their PBIS Act of Kindness week in a friendly competition. Our week will show kindness for the World and the situation we are currently in, highlighting: First Responders(Monday), Diversity(Tuesday), Support for Staff here at RMS(Wednesday), Teamwork(Thursday), and Unity(Friday). There will be a photo booth near the Media Center with signs to take pictures of each day you choose to participate in. Let make this fun! The pictures will be tweeted out to our school and to:
Let's spread some kindness throughout our buildings and tweet out our photos! Let's show Fulton County just what Zone 3 has going on!!
Let the competition begin and always thanks for your continued support!
Ms. Milligan
PBIS Coach
RMS Summer School Program
RMS Parents,
We are excited to announce that this year’s summer school program is not a “re-do”, but instead it is a “reboot!” This year’s program has been revamped and expanded to accommodate the various needs of our scholars. The criteria for summer school is as follows:
- Students who would like to retake a year-long World Language course to clear an incomplete or recover credit with Fulton Virtual
- Students with two or more WF’s, F’s, and/or two or more Incompletes in core content areas (ELA, Math, Science, or Social Studies). Students attending summer school because of incompletes or F’s in Science or Social Studies should register for Reading/ELA.
- Teacher recommendation- students identified through iReady Diagnostic for enrichment (students will receive a special invitation from the school)
- Current 8th graders who will be rising to 9th graders next school year are eligible to take acceleration with Fulton Virtual
Summer school dates are June 17th – June 24th, and the hours for face-to-face instruction are 8:55 AM – 12:55 PM (Monday-Friday). Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Transportation is available, but the assigned stops are limited to the Sweep Bus routes. Because our school building will be under construction this summer, the summer school program for Renaissance Middle School will be held at Camp Creek Middle School in Atlanta, Georgia.
Teacher Vaccination Days - Remote Learning For All Students April 12th - April 14th
All students will participate in live virtual sessions during these days unless otherwise stated by the teacher.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the school at 470-254-4330.
Thank you!
Wildcat Family,
This year, Fulton County Schools (FCS) will continue to offer a variety of state and national assessments to help us better understand how our students are performing.
The State of Georgia is moving forward with administering the Georgia Milestones to all students in grades 3-8 and high school students taking Algebra I, US History, Biology, or American Literature (grade 11). The College Board has also announced multiple options for students to complete this year’s AP Exams.
Please click below and complete this survey to help us prepare for spring testing. We would like to know if your child will participate in the Georgia Milestones and how he/she would like to take the AP Exams. We are also collecting information on student devices.
The survey will be open until Friday, April 2nd. Our goal is for ALL FCS students to respond to the survey, including those learning face-to-face and those learning remotely.
Should you decide to opt-out of testing, there will be no need to call or send a formal email to the school. We will contact those parents to confirm their testing decision.
The Georgia Milestone Testing Survey here: https://fultonschools.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6lBLLIAWcYZYBJs
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school at 470-254-4330.
Thank you,
RMS Testing Administration
Learn About All Renaissance's Connections and 9th Grade Course Offerings
House of Dauntless Rising 9th Grade Scholars' End of Year Activities
Greetings House of Dauntless Rising 9th Grade Scholars and Parents,
It is with great honor that we share with you our RMS End-of-Year (EOY) 8th Grade events for the 2020-2021 school year.
8th Grade House of Dauntless (HOD) Package: Cost: $60.00 (includes HOD t-shirt, water bottle, mask, and yard sign {with congratulatory greeting including Scholar’s name, grade, and HOD logo}). Please visit the RMS website at https://www.fultonschools.org/renaissancems or bit.ly/3vOB2ro for Online School Payments (OSP) to purchase the package in full for $60.00 or in two equal payments of $30.00 each. The first partial payment is due by March 31st, while all other final payments are due by April 30th. No refunds will be provided.
There are several activities that we are considering to celebrate our 8th-grade scholars and closeout the school year. However, before we plan out these activities, we would like to get input from our 8th-grade parents. If you have an 8th-grade scholar(s), please complete this short survey regarding end-of-the-year activities for our 8th graders. Your responses are greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact Ms. Alfred, 8th Grade Level Chairperson at alfredbL@fultonschools.org or Mrs. Branch & Mr. Stewart, 8th grade Administrators, at (470) 254- 4330. Thank you in advance for your continued support and participation in our EOY 8th Grade Events!
Spring Break meal kits
RMS Yearbook Interest Flyer and Survey
Greetings Wildcat Family,
As you all can imagine, the pandemic has created some challenges with regards to putting together a 2020-2021 RMS Yearbook that is memorable, meaningful, and cost-effective. With the cancellation of many FCS Middle School Athletics and/or Clubs, the number of candid pictures that traditionally would be included in our yearbook has been eliminated. Although this is disheartening to myself, and probably you as well, I still believe that with your help we can create a yearbook that we will make us proud.
Therefore, I am requesting your help to ensure that we have high quality content in our 2020-2021 RMS Yearbook:
- Please email school-related candid (HD quality) photographs to Mr. Jason Stubbs, RMS Yearbook Coordinator, at stubbsj@fultonschools.org (i.e. scholars working at their work stations at home, exercising in PE class, creating school projects, etc).
- Provide a brief narrative and/or include a few words that explain the background of the photos and where the photo(s) were taken.
Additionally, please complete the RMS Yearbook Interest survey (http://bit.ly/318oRYm) to assist us with projecting the amount of yearbooks to create, at a cost of $40.00 or less, depending upon the number of yearbooks sold. Finally, I know that in spite of the circumstances, with your support, we can make this year's 2020-2021 RMS Yearbook memorable for our scholars and families. Thank you in advance.
Mr. Jason Stubbs
Introduction to Communications Teacher
Renaissance Middle School
UPDATE: Yard Signs for Magnet School Acceptance
Greetings Parents,
The Yard Signs are in the process of being ordered. Due to the complexity of the resolutions of the pictures, pictures will not be included on the Yard Signs. If you have ordered additional yard signs with pictures on them and wish to cancel your order, please notify the school bookkeeper at Hillf@fultonschools.org for the refund process. Thank you for all your support for the scholars at Renaissance Middle School.
Thank you,
Ms. Milligan
BETA Club Induction
Joshua Milligan-Dauce Places 3rd Place in STEMUP Competition
SGC Meet Our Candidates for 2021-2022
Greetings RMS Parents and Faculty,
It is time to make your voices heard and vote for our RMS School Governance Council Candidates for the 2021-2022 school year! The SGC voting window is from Wednesday, March 24, 2021 – Wednesday, March 31, 2021.
Please access the attachment to Meet Our Parent and Teacher Candidates:
Parent Candidates: Ms. Telisha Allen and Mrs. LaFaye Wallace
Teacher Candidate: Ms. Patrice Givens
Voting links will be sent via email to RMS Parents/Guardians and Faculty, on the morning of March 24th, and will be resent twice throughout the voting window. If voters experience trouble with ballots, please contact schoolgovernance@fultonschools.org.
Thank you for your support and participation in our 2021-2022 RMS SGC Election process!
Device Issues?
Protocol For reporting student exposure or positive covid case
Wildcat Families,
The Fulton County Board of Health and Fulton County Schools have developed an online portal for FCS parents/guardians to report student COVID-19 related cases.
At this time we are asking that parents/guardians of FCS students submit a COVID-19 Report ONLY if your student fits into one or more of the following categories:
a) Has tested Positive for COVID-19 in the past 15 days
b) Currently waiting for the results of a test for COVID-19
c) Has been in close contact (within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) in the past 15 days with someone diagnosed with COVID-19
If your student fits into one or more of the above categories, please begin the form by clicking the link below. Your report will be sent directly to the Fulton County Board of Health.
If your student does not fit into any of the above categories, a COVID-19 report is not required at this time. Please monitor your child's symptoms and follow-up with your healthcare provider or contact the school clinic, if you have any concerns.
Please DO NOT send your child to school if he or she fits into any of the above categories or is otherwise ill or unwell If your student meets any of the above criteria or is ill or unwell, DO NOT send your student to school until you have spoken with your healthcare provider, one of the FCS Student Health Services School Nurses, or a public health official.
COVID Reporting Link: https://fultonschools.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6hWlX46FNk8pNlz
DISCLAIMER: Please note you may be asked some sensitive health and personal questions in this form. This information may be transmitted and used by Fulton County Board of Health and/or Fulton County Schools Student Health Services for case investigation and contact tracing, reporting purposes, and any necessary follow-up from the school district. However, the information is strictly confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.
The district will continue to monitor community coronavirus data, but decisions about potential closures of schools due to new COVID-19 cases will be made using the FCS Closing Matrix. The process will allow for localized closures based on each case, giving the district the option to close and/or quarantine within a limited, impacted area, such as an individual classroom or school.
Parents, please click here to view the most recent Fulton County Department of Health Epidemiology Report.
Thank you and please stay safe.
Thank you,
RMS Administration
Community Corner
Please see the reminders and flyers below for events that are happening throughout our community! If you have an event that you like to be included in the community corner, please email Diantha Parker at parkerd3@fultonschools.org
Title I District input meeting
District Input Meetings
The Federal Programs Department is holding our district Federal Programs Input Meeting. We are requesting parent, community, and staff input into how we spend our federal grant funds (Title I, II, III, IV, and IDEA) and our District Parent and Family Engagement Plan. The meeting dates are March 31st at 9:00 am (Join here https://bit.ly/District_Input_1) and April 1st at 1:00 pm (join here https://bit.ly/District_Input_2). The meetings are scheduled to take place on Teams. Your input is essential, and we value your feedback.
El Departamento de Programas Federales está celebrando nuestra Reunión de “Comentarios de Programas Federales del Distrito”. Estamos solicitando la participación de los padres, la comunidad y el personal sobre cómo gastamos nuestros fondos federales de subvenciones (Título I, II, III, IV e IDEA) y nuestro Plan de Participación de Padres y Familias del Distrito. Las fechas de la reunión son el 31 de marzo a las 9:00 am (haga clic aquí para participar https://bit.ly/District_Input_1) y el 1º de abril a la 1:00 pm (haga clic aquí para participar https://bit.ly/District_Input_2). Está previsto que las reuniones se celebren en “Microsoft Teams”. Su participación es esencial y valoramos sus comentarios. ¡Esperamos verlo allí!
Catherine Harper
Director | Federal Programs ï Fulton County Schools