"The Leopard Print"
Update From Rio Vista Elementary
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Week of February 12th, 2024
Upcoming Events
2/12 Lincoln Holiday (NO SCHOOL)
2/13 Disciplina Positiva (parent education, 8:30am room 305)
2/13 Orange County School of Computer Science (OCSCS) Parent Information Meeting (6pm, MPR)
2/15 PTA Board Meeting (8:30am, Room 707)
2/15 Musical Rehearsal (2:30pm, MPR - Full Cast)
Looking ahead
2/19 President's Day Holiday (NO SCHOOL)
2/20 Disciplina Positiva (parent education, 8:30am room 305)
2/22 Bus Driver Appreciation
2/22 Musical Rehearsal (2:30pm, MPR - Full Cast)
Local Control Accountability Program (LCAP) Surveys (opening 2/5/24)
Please be sure to take a few minutes to fill out the LCAP survey starting Monday, 2/5/24, which will be open until 2/23/24. The goal is to get the highest participation rate possible (and higher than last year), so THANK YOU for your time and feedback!
Direct link to the survey: https://pylusd.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9Wwm9AOvZVyHbAa English and Spanish versions are both available at this link
American Heart Association: Kids' Heart Challenge!
Dear Families,
Kids Heart Challenge has officially kicked off! If you haven’t yet, register today to join theLegacy of Lifesavers and help kids with special hearts! Just for registering, your student will receive the KHC wristband!
REGISTER at http://www2.heart.org/goto/RioVista and COMPLETE FINNS MISSION TODAY!
- The top upper and lower classes with the most donations will get a movie & popcorn party!
- Students that complete Finn's Mission get a special invite to a pizza party with Mr. Frank!
Be sure to talk with your student about their favorite Heart Hero and heart healthy message from today’s kick-off!
The American Heart Association is excited to extend their work with the NFL to support improving health outcomes at home and beyond through the Hands-Only CPR education. Students that complete the Finn’s Mission learning module will earn an entry for two tickets to Super Bowl LIX in 2025 and our school will be entered to receive a $10,000 fitness equipment makeover for every 18 completed Finn’s Mission. Thank you for supporting our school and the American Heart Association! Together, we are saving lives!
Shamrock N Run
We're hoping to get a Leopard Army to attend this year's event! Please consider registering as part of the Rio Vista Team regardless of the event you're comfortable with. You can walk, jog or run!
I'm working with the REACH Foundation to help reduce the cost of registration for Rio Vista students, as well as provide a bus from Rio to the event on the day of the race.
Transportation Survey
Lend your voice to the most recent proposal regarding transportation rules and plans for our district. This directly impacts our Rio Vista Leopards, especially as they move on to middle and high school.
See below for the message from the district office:
The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District (PYLUSD) Transportation Department is seeking input from students, staff, families, community members, and other stakeholders to help guide our decision-making as we update our transportation plan that outlines services offered.
We have created a brief survey that will take approximately five minutes to complete and will be open now through Friday, February 29, 2024, at 5 p.m. Click the button below or visit https://forms.gle/ggDhPZXaTShsLAFH8 to get started. We value your feedback as it will help improve our transportation services for all students across our school district.
Yearbooks $20 until March 1st, then $25 after
Click the link below to pre-order your Yearbook! *PTA will purchase one for every 5th grade student (thank you for your PTA contribution).
School Admission and Enrollment
See the flier below for information regarding dates for TK and Kindergarten enrollment and admission decisions. Be sure to register your TK or Kinder aged student as soon as possible!
Please Help Us With Attendance!
Remember that instruction begins at 7:50am. Supervision and free school breakfast are available starting at 7:25am, so we encourage you to plan your drop-off for between 7:30-7:40am each day.
*Wednesday and Thursday had good attendance, thank you! Please continue to find ways to ensure your student attends school every single day (unless they are sick), regardless of the weather.
**We need your help with tardies! We begin instruction AT 7:50am, so please arrive early enough for students to get all of their instructional minutes
Attendance Reminder from PYLUSD
Maximize Learning Opportunities: Every Day Counts!
Regular school attendance is crucial for students to fully engage in face-to-face learning and foster vital social connections with peers, contributing to their overall well-being. While missed homework can be caught up, the collaborative classroom experience is irreplaceable.
In California, students who miss just two school days a month, equivalent to ten percent of the school year, are labeled chronically absent. This rate of absenteeism, whether excused or unexcused, may signal academic challenges and increase the risk of dropout.
Every Day Counts in maximizing learning opportunities for students! Help us pave the way for your child's success by ensuring they attend school every day unless they are sick. When students are sick, families should contact their school to report the absence.
Maximice las Oportunidades de Aprendizaje: ¡Cada Día Cuenta!
La asistencia regular a la escuela es crucial para que los estudiantes participen plenamente en el aprendizaje cara a cara y fomenten conexiones sociales vitales con sus compañeros, contribuyendo a su bienestar general. Si bien se pueden recuperar las tareas perdidas, la experiencia colaborativa en el aula es irremplazable.
En California, los estudiantes que faltan sólo dos días escolares al mes, equivalente al diez por ciento del año escolar, son etiquetados como ausentes crónicos. Esta tasa de ausentismo, ya sea justificado o injustificado, puede indicar desafíos académicos y aumentar el riesgo de abandono escolar.
¡Cada día cuenta para maximizar las oportunidades de aprendizaje para los estudiantes! Ayúdenos a allanar el camino para el éxito de su hijo asegurándose de que asista a la escuela todos los días a menos que esté enfermo. Cuando los estudiantes están enfermos, las familias deben comunicarse con su escuela para informar la ausencia.
Mariachi is Coming to Rio Vista!
We are starting an after-school Mariachi program at Rio Vista. Flyers will be given to 5th grade Band students soon inviting them to participate on Fridays from 2:30-4:00pm beginning as soon as we can fill it.
Family Health Matters (FHM) Resources
PYLUSD's Family Resource Center, (FRC) in partnership with Family Health Matters, will be offering free assistance with MediCal and CalFresh applications. The FRC is located next to Topaz Elementary. Please review the flyer for more information including documents you will need. Call 714-714-1259 to schedule an appointment.
El centro de recursos familiares de PYLUSD, en asociación con Family Health Matters, ofrecerá asistencia gratuita con las solicitudes de MediCal y CalFresh. El FRC está ubicado al lado de la escuela primaria Topaz. Revise el folleto para obtener más información, incluyendo los documentos que necesitará. Llame al 714-714-1259 para programar una cita.
NOW HIRING!! Special Education Aides
Reflex Math
This is a really fun "gamified" program that students love using, which they will have access to at school and at home. They practice a "back to basics" curriculum and earn points that allow them to personalize their home page.
Teachers and parents will all be receiving an email from Reflex Math this week with instructions for how to set up classes and add students.
State Preschool is Available
English: Rio Vista Families, our Free State Preschool Program, is enrolling children 3- 4 years of age by or before December 1st. Families will be pre-screened to determine eligibility based on income. Our Preschool Program has achieved the highest quality Star Rating from the Orange County Department of Education. For more information, please call 714-986-7247.
Spanish: Familias de Río Vista , nuestro programa preescolar estatal gratuito está inscribiendo a niños que cumplan 3 a 4 años el 1ro de Diciembre o antes. Las familias serán pre-evaluadas para determinar la elegibilidad según los ingresos. Nuestro Programa Preescolar ha obtenido la calificación de estrellas de más alta calidad del Departamento de Educación del Condado de Orange. Para obtener más información, llame al 714-986-7247.
New Student Enrollment
The new student enrollment date for the 2023-2024 school year will begin on February 14, 2023. Families may register their new student via the online portal here.
Parking Lot Reminders
Please do not walk in the wheelchair accessible area (marked by blue stripes) where we load students into the cars.
Also, please do not park along any red curb as that space needs to be available for emergency services in the case of an emergency. Please be courteous to our neighbors and do not park in front of anyone's driveway.
Make sure to remind your students to pay attention at the dismissal area. If we have to call them more than 3 times and they do not come to the loading zone, we will ask you to go back around in line and we'll try again.
Thank you for working together to keep everyone safe!
Please Contribute to our PTA!
Every dollar Rio Vista receives from PTA dues goes directly to students in the form of field trips, supplies and materials for hands-on learning, and structural upgrades in classrooms such as new flexible seating furniture in the library and computer areas.
Use the QR code below to join!
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
Parent Education Opportunities
Cyberbullying and Digital Drama
Asynchronous Plugged-In Parents: Cyberbullying and Digital Drama Parent Presentation-English
Asynchronous Plugged-In Parents: Cyberbullying and Digital Drama Parent Presentation-Spanish
Love and Logic Parent Education
Community Resources and Services
Child Care Support
Pediatric Dental Care
About Us
Website: riovistaschool.org
Location: 310 North Rio Vista Street, Anaheim, CA, USA
Phone: 714-986-7240
Twitter: @riovista310