Wolverine Weekly
Parent Edition: 2-28-2021 to 3-6-2021
Friendly Reminder
8th Grade Parents
We have reached out to our yearbook publisher and they are going to allow us to sneak a few last second 8th grade recognition ads in the yearbook! If you could please email all of the necessary information (both pictures and text you'd like included in the ad) to our Jostens representative @ Stephen.sweet2@jostens.com - that would be greatly appreciated. He will build the ad for you and send you a proof once it is completed. From there, we ask that you send a check made out to Jostens with your student to Ms. Oliver at the school, so that we can give it to Mr. Sweet the next time he is on campus. 8th Grade recognition ad prices are listed below. PLEASE be sure to include your students name and the size of the ad you wish to purchase in your email to Mr. Sweet.
8th Grade Ad Prices
1/4 Page color $45
1/8 Page color $25
This Week
3-1-2021: Softball and Boy's Soccer Tryouts Begin
3-2-2021: Cohort A Homeroom Spelling Bee
3-5-2021: Cohort B Homeroom Spelling Bee
Sports Tryouts
Softball tryouts will begin Monday, March 1st from 5:15-6:30pm. On Monday, tryouts will be held in the gym due to weather. Please wear tennis shoes and bring all necessary equipment. Also, be sure to bring water and wear a mask.
Looking Ahead
3-9-2021: High School Orientation for 8th Grade for Cohort A - Virtual
3-9-2021: Cohort A School Spelling B
3-11-2021: Cohort B School Spelling B
3-11-2021: High School Orientation for 8th Grade Cohort B - Virtual
3-11-2021: Early Dismissal & Virtual Parent Conferences
3-11-2021: End of 3rd Nine Weeks
3-12-2021: No School - Optional Teacher Workday
3-17-2021: Cohort A Winner & Cohort B Winner Spelling Bee
3-18-2021: Cohort B Report Cards Distributed
3-22-2021: Cohort A Report Cards Distributed
3-22-2021 to 3-26-2021: EOY NC Check In
3-22-2021: Cohort A Honor Roll Celebration
3-25-3021: Cohort B Honor Roll Celebration
3-30-2-21: Cohort A iReady Challenge Celebration
4-1-2021: Cohort B iReady Challenge Celebration
4-2-2021: Holiday
4-5-2021 to 4-9-2021: Spring Break