Mayo News
January 21, 2023
Hello Mayo Families!
We have had a surge of frigid temperatures recently. I know it can be a pain having kiddos bring winter wear, only to have recess indoors.. Here is the chart we use to determine if recess is indoors or outdoors. Our goal is to keep all students and staff safe in all weather. And....don't forget to check the Lost and Found for your lost gloves and hats (and coats, and water bottles, and other things you would be amazed to see!)
We are excited to hear our Mayo Chorus perform the National Anthem at the Worcester Railers hockey game Saturday (1/27/24) at 6:55. The puck drops at 7:05. Your one ticket gets you into 2 additional games as Wachusett HS JV and Varsity play at 1:00 and 2:30 respectively. Tickets are available HERE.
Mayo will be holding a "Soup"er Bowl Food Drive. A flier will be going home soon describing the requested non-perishable food items we can donate to the Wachusett Food Pantry. Our drive will be held 2/2-2/9. We will also have a Sports Team Dress-Down day on 2/2 to kick off the "Soup"er Bowl, and PJ Day to end the drive.Please remind your child(ren) about maintaining safe behaviors on the school bus. We have had an uptick in behaviors since our return from winter break. There is detailed information in the Mayo Handbook (link at bottom of SMORE) but here is some basic info pertaining to our biggest safety concerns. Students must:
We appreciate your help keeping our bus rides safe!
Coming in Mid-February, Grade 5 students will have Postural Screening during PE class. A letter will be going home with more information, and an Opt-Out option. Please look for this letter from Nurse Mangum. Here is more information about scoliosis.
Other information:
Kindergarten registration is open. Here is the link to the WRSD Enrollment site.
We have COVID tests available in the office for anyone in need.
Carolan Kasper
Nursing Notes
Info from Nurse Mangum
Here are general Guidelines for when your child is sick.
Choose to be Nice
TEAMWORK At-Home Activity Books
Grade K-5 Grade Level Teamwork Activities
Work together, play together, be part of our team.
Tyler says, “It’s not as hard as it seems!”
Feel free to have your student bring in any At-Home activities they want to share!
January 2024 Menu (Click menu for detail)
1/25 - PTA Fundraiser @ Pinecroft 11AM-8PM
1/26 - End of Q2
1/30 - Choose to be Nice: Celebration - Teamwork
1/31 - Students 1/2 Day
2/2 - Q2 Report Cards issued
2/12 - Kindergarten Puppet Show
2/13 - PTA meeting 6:30
2/14 - Valentine's Day
2/19-2/23 - February Break
2/27 - Read-A-Thon Kickoff
2/27 - Choose to be Nice: Celebration - Honesty
2/28 - Mayo SIMCO meeting 4-5