RES Weekly Buzz
At this time of year, we are extremely THANKFUL that you are part of the Rockport Elementary School family. Wishing you a restful and wonderful holiday weekend!
Important Dates
- November 28: Shrek Jr Meeting, 3:15 pm, RMHS Auditorium
- See below for more information
- November 30: End of Trimester 1
- December 1: RES Report Cards
- SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY: Rockport Vikings Day (Wear your Rockport Vikings gear!)
- December 5: Half Day of School for students
- Pre-K Dismissal: 11:30 am
- Grade K-5 Dismissal: 12 pm
- December 5 and 6:
- RES Conference Sign-Ups:
- Open the link to sign up for a conference with your child(ren)'s teacher(s)
- December 8: SPIRIT DAY
- Theme: Comfort & Joy Day (Dress down day today for comfort!)
- December 15: SPIRIT DAY
- Theme: Season's Greetings Day (Wear your winter holiday colors!)
- December 18: RES Winter Concert
- Theme: Merry & Bright (Wear your holiday wear to school!)
- Half Day of School for students
- Pre-K Dismissal: 11:30 am
- Grade K-5 Dismissal: 12 pm
RES Parent/Teacher Conferences
Be sure to sign up for a conference with your child's classroom teacher. The conferences are being held on December 5th and/or December 6th. The available time slots are outlined in our sign-up link: RES Parent/Teacher Conference Links. You can also look for links from other staff and service providers specific to your child's program in your email. Looking forward to seeing you then!
Opportunity for Grade 5 Students to take join the Rockport Middle School Musical
Rockport Middle School will be performing the musical Shrek Jr January 25-27, and because the show requires a very large cast, we are offering fifth graders at RES the opportunity to be in it. We will be having a meeting for any fifth grader who wants to be in Shrek on Tuesday, November 28 from 3:15 to 4:00 in the RMHS auditorium. After that, rehearsals will take place once a week from 3:15 to 4:00. (The exact day of rehearsals will be determined by the availability of the students.) They will also need to be at the dress rehearsals on January 22, 23 and 24. NO ONE WHO WANTS TO BE IN IT WILL BE CUT. Everyone will have a part of some kind. For more information, please contact Mr. McCarthy at
There will be no school transportation available for students after play meetings and/or rehearsals; families will need to make arrangements for student pick up each day.
RPS Educators - October 17 & 18, 2023
Massachusetts Computer Using Educators Fall Conference
Thank You Cape Ann Museum
Before and After School Activities
Winter Session #1 of Before/After School Activities
Winter session #1 sign-ups went home on Wednesday,11/15. Click here for more information
Grades 3-5 at RES on Thursdays 8:30-8:45am (RES Cafe)
RES Juggling Club: Grades 2-5 at RES on Thursdays, 8-8:45am (RES Gym)
Reminder: Students attending a before school activity
should not be arriving at school before 7:55am.
November Community Meeting
Notes from Nurse Wagner
There are many students in school with food allergies. Please remember we are a NUT-FREE school. Also, please remind your child that they should NOT share ANY snacks with other students during classroom snack time.
As we enter into the holiday season and many families are traveling, please remain diligent about monitoring your child for illness. If your child has any illness symptoms, please test them with an at-home rapid COVID test. Free COVID test kits are available from the Town of Rockport. Reach out to the Board of Selectmen's Office at Town Hall during their business hours. You can review the RPS COVID protocol here.
For any questions or to report your child's illness, please call the RES health office at 978-546-1223 or email .
Additional Notes:
- Please remember to turn in a copy of your child's latest physical and immunization history.
- Please make sure your child brings a water bottle to school every day.
Thank you,
Ruth Wagner, MSN, RN
School Nurse
November Menus
December Menus
RPS Employment Opportunities
- Multiple positions have been posted for the elementary, middle, and high schools in Rockport.
- Click here or scan our QR code to see all available positions.
Science all around RES
Public Survey on Accessibility of Town Facilities, Programs, and Services
We need your help! The Town of Rockport is in the process of developing a Self-Evaluation and
Transition Plan to ensure residents and visitors have access to all Town buildings, programs, and
services. The Town has engaged the Edward J. Collins Center for Public Management to assist with the plan, which is required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991 (ADA). An important part of this planning process is providing opportunities for the public to offer input and voice concerns.
This survey is intended to gather preliminary data to assist the planning team in identifying any barriers to access for individuals with disabilities at Town buildings or within the programs and services it currently offers. Once the initial study is completed, the Town will solicit additional input on how to best address any deficiencies that are found.
Please take a few minutes to complete this important accessibility survey at the following link:
If you need assistance in completing this survey or would like to request an alternative format, please contact Marcia Birmingham at or call the Collins Center at 617-287-4824. We sincerely appreciate your time and effort in helping to ensure Rockport remains a great place to live for ALL our residents.
Parent Resources and Local Events
Click the links below to access the various resources:
- RES Staff 2023-2024
- RPS Community Flyers
- K-8 Rockport Youth Basketball
- Cape Ann Museum Fall Activities
- Teen Arts Collaborative at The Rockport Art Association
- Indigenous Heritage Film Festival at Rockport Public Library