Spirit News
Term 3 Week 10 2023
School Motto
Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School is committed to the pursuit of Christian Truth & Excellence.
All members of the school community are encouraged to develop their potential and special qualities in an environment centred on Christ.
Welcome the Spirit
Loving God, allow us to understand that the Holy Spirit lives deep in each of us. It reminds us that we are special and that you love us, may we experience the peace that is offered by acknowledging the Holy Spirit, and let it guide us each day.
Core Values
As a community centred on the example of Christ, the following core values (CARE) underpin our approach.
We value every member of our school community and we are committed to working together to reach our shared goals through mutual support, encouragement, and celebration of our Catholic faith.
We are committed to learning at every level to achieve our personal best.
We have personal and collective responsibility to each other and to the school’s success.
We promote excellence in all that we do.
Breaking News! Holy Spirit Wins the Interschool Aths Carnival & Boy's Division!!
From Mr Will
Dear Community Members,
It is hard to believe that this is the last newsletter of Term 3, we have so much to celebrate at Holy Spirit, so I thought I would use this newsletter as a reflection of all we have to feel thankful for.
Wellbeing is such a central topic to our lives now, as we continually get busier and busier it is important to maintain perspective over what is important, as I reflect on the term the word ‘Gratitude’ keeps rolling through my thoughts. Over this year I have been learning more about positive psychology both in education but also in general life. One aspect of this learning which I found very interesting is the study of happiness.
What do you think makes you happy?
You may think it is millions of dollars or never seeing another wrinkle again….. Whilst these do sound appealing, they are shown to only lead to a short spike in happiness.
Interestingly, two factors keep coming up repeatedly is a sense of Optimism and Gratitude. Having an internally optimistic outlook on life and being grateful for what you have, are proven to be some of the most influential factors in generating and maintaining happiness in the long term. It is why shows like Ted Lasso, which portrays an eternal optimist, appeals to so many.
When I look back at Term 3, there is so much to feel grateful for.
First Holy Communion
The faith community that was displayed during our celebration of our Sacrament of First Holy Communion was incredible. There were so many people who worked together for our kids, to give them such a beautiful celebration of this important Sacrament of Initiation. This is a real display of how our Parish and School Community really are one.
Catholic Performing Arts
The performances and effort of our students at the Catholic Performing Arts, what an outstanding show of talent and dedication this was. The awards and certificates that were presented aren’t the reason they did it, but it was certainly reward for their dedication and effort.
Speak Up
The Speak Up Awards was such a delight to be a part of. So much bravery and effort were displayed by our Year 5 and 6 students to prepare and deliver a coherent and engaging speech. The school qualifiers made the judges role so much more difficult with their outstanding performances and the finalists in Kayla, Kai and Ashton absolutely shone at the metropolitan finals.
I have never seen anything like One Big Voice before, 1200 plus students singing together was simply an outstanding display of effort and determination by all involved. Mrs Milne prepared our students exceptionally well and they shone on the day. This was such a highlight.
Guild and Interschool Athletics. Our students have been running, jumping, throwing and catching all term. We are representing the school today at the Interschool Carnival, which is the culmination of many hours of hard work by our students, staff and parents. I say to our kids, the result isn’t the point, it is effort and determination that matters.
Our People. I do bang on about this quite a lot, but our community is outstanding. And wasn’t it on display this term? Our annual P&F Parents Night, Our Father’s Day Breakfast and most recently, our Disco. Every single time, we have parents and staff who give up their time for our school and our kids. Isn’t that just brilliant?!
There are many parts of life that can get you down, that can fill us with worry or doubt. But I challenge you not to feel grateful after reading all the fantastic things we have to celebrate.
Now for a little homework over the school holidays……only 5 minutes I promise.
Just spend 5 minutes each day thinking about the things in your life you are grateful for, you can do it as a family or by yourself, there aren’t any rules. The reward of practising daily gratitude has been shown to have positive impacts on all aspects of your life. Give it a go and let me know if it helps.
The Final Word
If you are travelling over the holidays (or have already started) please travel safely. I hope you manage to spend time with your family and friends and come back refreshed and relaxed for Term 4, it is going to be another big one. Hopefully with some warmer weather!
Until next time,
- Wednesday 20/9: PP Mini Athletics Carnival 2:15pm
- Thursday 21/9: Last Day for students Term 3
- Tuesday 10/10: First Day for students Term 4
- Saturday 21/10: P&F Roar N Snore
Thank you to our wonderful Year 2 families who put on a fantastic WINTER WONDERLAND disco for all our Holy Spirit students! The set up of the room was amazing with 100’s of paper snowflakes set the scene on a fun and happy disco scene!
The children looked the part with some extremely creative costumes and party outfits. A great afternoon was had by all. Thanks Year 2 class reps and families!
The much anticipated Roar’n’Snore is happening once again early in Term 4! Date will be Saturday, 21st October to Sunday, 22nd October. For those of you that purchased a ticket in Term 1, there is no need to buy another ticket. If you are unsure whether you purchased a ticket or not (or can no longer attend), please let the P&F know via email - pandf@holyspirit.wa.edu.au. There ARE still tickets available to any other families that may wish to join in the most popular event on the Holy Spirit P&F calendar. Book here https://www.trybooking.com/CGMHN - or details below.
Calling all bakers!!! We need all hands on deck for our fantastic cake stall held at the Wembley Downs Fair on Saturday, 28th October 2023. Further details next term, but get those cake tins and patty pans ready - we will be calling for many baked cakes for this event!
Through our classrooms and class teachers, we are in the process of organising ’self portraits’ for all Holy Spirit students to be part of our 2023 Holy Spirit tea towel fundraiser! All pictures will be part of a tea-towel fundraiser which will take place next term. Further details after the holidays, but these will make fantastic Christmas gifts for relatives!
Parish News: Heritage Appeal
Monday 8.30am to 9am
Friday 8.15am to 9am
Rain Jackets and Bathers have arrived. These can be picked up from the Uniform Shop on Friday or the office after school on Friday.
We understand that not everyone can make it to the shop during opening hours, however
Even if the door is unlocked, please speak with the front office before entering the store.
- Bags
- Homework Folders / Library Bags / Pencil Cases / Smocks
- Guild Shirts
- Bathers (NEW Design Arriving Soon)
- Hats and Socks
We welcome your donations to sell at the shop. Please just drop them at the office.
We are currently selling our OLD STOCK new bathers at a discounted price of $30. Good quality second hand bathers also available for $10.
School Lunches - Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays
Set up your account today so your child can enjoy some yummy fresh lunches.
After School Care and Vacation Care
Holy Spirit is delighted to offer After School Child Care
When: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
Times: 2.50pm to 6.00pm
Cost: $39 per session
Years: Kindy to Year 6
(Children can attend in the calendar year they are due to turn four by 30th June)
For students in Kindy and Pre-primary, OSHC staff will pick up at the classrooms as per our school policy.
Parents who wish to enrol their child in either program are encouraged to enrol their child now via our online enrolment form: https://holyspiritoshc.hubworks.com.au/
For further enquires please contact Natasha O’Neill on 0468 324 499 or email admin@holyspiritoshcare.com.au
Food, Food, Glorious Food
Jungle Fun
Sliding the slides
Balancing the bridge
Role Play
Home corner
Board games
Building and many many more activities
SCOUTS (Wembley Downs)
Children aged 5.5-18 years
Term 4, 2023 enrolments are now open!
Calling all nature-loving, adventure-seeking, and curious young minds! Is your child always eager to explore the wonders of the world? Today’s scouts take part in a huge variety of outdoor activities, from traditional scouting skills such as camping & bushcraft through to more extreme challenges such as abseiling, overnight hiking, rafting, sailing & more! Scouting builds confidence, independence & resilience!
Join us at the 1st Wembley Downs Scout Group 1wdsg.org.au
Free trials are available this term! Contact: enquiries@1wdsg.org.au
Have you changed your details?
About Us
Email: admin@holyspirit.wa.edu.au
Website: www.holyspirit.wa.edu.au
Location: Corner of Bent Street and Brompton Road City Beach WA 6015
Phone: 9341 2551
Facebook: facebook.com/holyspiritprimaryschoolcitybeach/
Instagram: @holyspiritpscitybeach