DC Counseling Update
Jan. 2021
Anna Meverden's "You Matter" PSA
"Mental health is a serious thing...gotta protect your melon...you only got one" - Max Holloway
Your students have spent a lot of time and hard work completing their admission applications, taking tests and writing essays. Now that they’ve been accepted to a school, what’s the next step?
Let your students and families know that they can register for a free webinar to learn more. Please send them the information below:
Register now for a free webinar:
You've been Accepted to College, Now What?
Wednesday, January 27 | 2pm ET Register Now Thursday, January 28 | 8pm ET Register Now
Congratulations on your accomplishments! Please join a discussion to learn about the next steps in your college journey. This webinar will help you understand critical points with making your college decision.
•Additional research about campus and community options •Factors for choosing a college •How to complete the financial aid process •Comparing financial aid offers •What to do if you need more money •Finding scholarships •Your to do list once you make your college decision
Space is limited, so please register early!
Plus, check out the Paying for College Resource for more ways to help students and families pay for college, including helpful guides, free tools, and a video series.
Thanks for all you do to make college happen!
Class Registration
Navigating IC
SAT Update
As students and colleges adapt to new realities and changes in the college admissions process, the College Board is making sure our programs adapt with them.
The pandemic accelerated a process already underway at the College Board to simplify our work and reduce demands on students. As part of this process, we're making substantial investments in the SAT® Suite of Assessments and in tools to help colleges connect with students. We are providing three updates today and will continue to consult with our members on this ongoing work.
1. We're discontinuing SAT Subject Tests.
The expanded reach of AP® and its widespread availability for low-income students and students of color mean the SAT Subject Tests™ are no longer necessary for students to show what they know. AP provides students rich and varied opportunities to showcase their knowledge and skills through college-level coursework. Courses like AP Computer Science Principles and AP Capstone™ provide the type of hands-on learning experiences and practical, real-world work that colleges want to see from students.
We'll no longer offer the SAT Subject Tests in the U.S. Students in the U.S. will automatically have their registrations canceled and receive a refund. Because SAT Subject Tests are used internationally for a wider variety of purposes, we'll provide two more administrations in May and June of 2021 for students in international locations.
We've contacted our member colleges, and they'll decide whether and how to consider SAT Subject Test scores from students who have them. Students should check colleges' websites for the most up-to-date information on their application policies.
2. We're discontinuing the optional SAT Essay.
This decision recognizes that there are other ways for students to demonstrate their mastery of essay writing. At the same time, writing remains essential to college readiness, and the SAT will continue to measure writing and editing skills. The tasks on the SAT Reading and Writing and Language tests are among the most effective and predictive parts of the SAT. Students can still take the SAT with Essay through the June 2021 SAT administration.
After June 2021, we'll continue to provide the essay only in states where it's required for SAT School Day administrations for accountability purposes. Students who are registered for the SAT with Essay this spring can cancel the Essay portion at any time, free of charge.
3. We're exploring a more flexible SAT—a streamlined, digitally delivered exam that meets the evolving needs of students and higher education.
The pandemic has highlighted the importance of being innovative and adaptive to what lies ahead. We're committed to making the SAT a more flexible tool, and we're making substantial investments to do so. We are consulting with our members in K–12 and higher education and will have more to share about that work later this spring.
There's still a clear demand from students to take the SAT as a way to show their strengths to colleges. Most immediately, we're working to provide as many opportunities as possible for students in the class of 2022 to take the SAT this year by:
• Allocating seats that would've gone to students taking SAT Subject Tests to those who want to take the SAT. • Being prepared to expand capacity for existing administrations and add administrations in the fall if the pandemic continues to impact testing this spring.
Through it all, we'll continue to prioritize the health and safety of students and staff; all safety requirements that were in place last fall will remain in place at least through the spring 2021 administrations.
Dr. Susan’s Coaching is providing her very first FREE Parent Workshop!
How to Help Kids Get Stuff Done!
January 14, 2021 6:30 - 8 PM MST (Mountain) 5:30 - 7 PST (Pacific) or 8:30 - 10 EST (Eastern) and January 25, 2021 5 - 6:30 PM MST (Mountain) 4 - 5:30 PST (Pacific) and 7- 8:30 EST (Eastern)
A Survivor's Perspective
An In Depth Look at Human Trafficking and Prevention
This webinar is part of Rethink Ed's Expert Webinar Series
Junior Class Meetings
DCHS Off-Campus Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs 2021-2022
There are several different CTE programs that students may enroll in. Some programs offer student certification or post-secondary credit through Arapahoe Community College (ACC), and may even prepare the student for entry-level employment. These programs are located within the schools offering the programs. Some programs may have additional non-reimbursable fees, or families may be expected to pay the price in full if the course expectations are not met. Enrollment is competitive as there are a limited number of spaces available for each course. Students seeking enrollment into a CTE program are required to:
Have parent support and permission.
Complete a DCSD CTE online enrollment application- available from your school counselor.
Attend a program orientation prior to enrollment (if applicable).
Provide own transportation to and from the program.
Be willing to pay appropriate fees connected with certain programs.
Be on track to graduate and have/maintain acceptable attendance.
Automotive Technologies - Concurrent Enrollment (YEAR 1) - Ponderosa HS
Automotive Technologies - Concurrent Enrollment (YEAR 2) - Ponderosa HS
Aviation/Drone Technologies - Highlands Ranch HS
Business & Marketing - Castle View HS (ACC 121 Accounting Principles I)
Cosmetology (YEAR 1) - Highlands Ranch HS (PROGRAM PENDING - student must have another course option at their own high school).
Criminal Justice - Legend HS/Rock Canyon HS
Cybersecurity - Highlands Ranch HS
EMT (YEAR 1) - Rock Canyon HS (PROGRAM PENDING - student must have another course option at their own high school).
Fashion Design - Highlands Ranch HS/Mountain Vista HS
Fire Science - Rock Canyon HS (2-year program, course sequence/requires additional course application)
Interior Design - Castle View/Highlands Ranch/Mountain Vista HS
Information Technology - Castle View HS (CISCO Network Associate I (CNG 260), CISCO Network Associate II (CNG 261), CISCO Network Associate III (CNG 262), Intro to Could Computing: (CNG 142), & Networking I: Network+ (CNG 124), Networking II: Network+ (CNG 125)
Teacher Cadet - Highlands Ranch/Mountain Vista/Ponderosa HS
To apply for any of these courses, see your school counselor:
Concurrent Enrollment
CE Courses at DCHS
CE Visual Arts at ACC-PHO 121 PHOTO IMAGE CAP I – 69410 ACC-PHO 101 PROF PHOTOGRAPHY I – 69400 Course descriptions listed under VISUAL ARTS - CE Photography Courses CE Business at ACC-BUS 115 INTRO TO BUSINESS – 69015 ACC-BUS 116 PERSONAL FINANCE – 69016S2 ACC-MAR 216 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING - 69216S1/S2 Course descriptions listed under BUSINESS & MARKETING - CE Business Courses CE Family & Consumer Science at Human Services/Education Training ACC-ECE 101 – INTRO TO ECE [EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION] – 69070 ACC-ECE 111 – INFANT/TODDLER DEV – 69060 Course descriptions listed under FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE - CE Human Services/Education Training Courses Hospitality & Food Production MSU PRO START I – 6955330S1/S2 MSU PRO START II – 6955335S1/S2 Course descriptions listed under FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE - CE Hospitality & Food Production Courses CE Language & Literature at ACC-ENG 121 ENGLISH COMPOSITION - 69025S1 ACC-LIT 115 INTRO TO LITERATURE - 69027S2 Course descriptions listed under LANGUAGE ARTS - CE English & Literature Courses CE Mathematics at ACC-MATH 121/COLLEGE ALGEBRA – 69030 ACC-MATH 122/TRIGONOMETRY – 69032 Course descriptions listed under MATHEMATICS - CE Math Courses