Pirates Post
Week of November 14th
Message from Principal Drew...
Parents and students we have exactly 20 school days left until final exams. There is no time to waste in completing your work and getting the extra help you need as we enter the final stretch. Attendance and attention to your work can make the difference as we push to have a successful conclusion to this semester. Be on time, be prepared to learn and be prepared to work to put your best foot forward.
Congratulations to our Football team on their win in the 2nd round of the NCHSAA playoffs. The Pirates will travel to North Moore this Friday night for their 3rd round matchup at 7:00 PM. Good luck to the coaches and players on the football team.
Seniors this is a busy week for you. On Tuesday 11/15 we will have make-up picture day for Senior Portraits. These are for tuxedo and drape formal photos for Seniors. Boys will have the tux provided and girls will have the drape provided for these photos. If you did not get these photos done prior to the start of school be sure that you get them done on this day. Wednesday will be cap and gown pictures for all Seniors. The cap and gown will be provided to each Senior for these photos. Boys should wear a white collared shirt for these photos.
We will also have make-up photos for all students on Wednesday as well. If you did not get your photo taken at picture day earlier this year then please dress your best for your school photos on Wednesday.
Winter Guard tryouts will be held this Tuesday and Thursday in the band room from 3:30 to 6:00 each day. This is a highly decorated group looking to continue its tradition of excellence. No experience is necessary but some dance experience is beneficial.
Students are reminded to take care of their chromebooks by keeping the device off the floor and on a flat surface, keeping it away from food and drinks, carrying it closed with both hands or in a book bag, and powering the device off each night.
Chromebooks should be charged at home with the same HP charger that was issued to the student. Replacement chargers can be purchased at the school. Damaged chargers should not be used and returned to the media coordinator. Intentional damage, including pulling off keys, stepping on the device, etc. are not covered by the warranty and could result in a repair cost for the parents.
This week at PCHS will be a five day week full of opportunities for growth and success for each student:
Monday - All students scheduled to take the Workkeys exam will take the test in the morning.
Tuesday - Seniors will take make-up portraits. Tux and drapes will be provided to the students.
Wednesday - Cap and Gown photos for Seniors and make-up photos for all students will be taken.
Friday - Football plays at North Moore at 7:00 PM.
Dates of upcoming opportunities at PCHS:
11/22 - The Hunter Safety Team will have a meeting at 7:00 PM at the Parksville Ruritan Building
11/23-11/25 - Thanksgiving Break
12/15 -12/21 - Final Exams for all classes
Breakfast & Lunch Menu
Cap & Gown Orders by Nov. 18th...
PCHS Highlights...
Yearbooks can be purchased online for $75 at jostensyearbooks.com
Senior Ads can be purchased at jostensadservice.com/student
Business Ads can be purchased at jostensadservice.com/business
Mr. Kajca: Kemora Felton
Mrs. Jackson: Xavier Spellman
Mr. Castle: Hannah Cooper
Science Department> Students of the Week...
Mr. Poole: Matthew Woodard
Mrs. Baker: Elizabeth Stottlemeyer
Mr. Conrad: Bryant Bogle
Math Department> Students of the Week...
Mr. Bridgers - Floris Watson - Honors Math 1
Ms. Carver - Areyona Jacox - Math 4
Mrs. Jacox - Lailana Harris - Math 2
Mr. Spruill -
Mrs. Riddick - Ashley Boseman - Math 1
News from Nurse Goetsch
Counselor's Corner: Student Services...
Are you interested in Governor's School?? Or want to know more about what that looks like? Check out the information below. If this is something you are interested in, please let Mrs. Thomas or Mrs. Stallings know as soon as you can. Thanks so much!
The Governor’s School of North Carolina is the oldest statewide summer residential program for gifted and talented high school students in the nation. The program began in 1963 as the brainchild of several North Carolina educators and leaders with the goal of providing the gifted students of the state with an experience that would broaden their educational horizons by presenting them with cutting edge ideas and theories. Each summer, selected students are invited to Governor’s School to help build a learning community during a four week session. Students are encouraged to explore and ask questions, with the purpose of learning for its own sake and discovering new possibilities that complement their high school instruction, without the regular pressures of tests, scores and grade point averages. The Governor’s School emphasizes collaborative efforts in all disciplines.
PCHS Blood Drive Update...
Fleet Reserve: Americanism Essay Contest
The local branch of the Fleet Reserve Association is once again sponsoring the Americanism Essay Contest. Awards are available at the local, regional and national levels. Last year Perquimans County High School had multiple winners at all three levels with Malik Bossert (1st place) and Lilly Winslow (3rd place) National winners.
Essays must be 350 words, must focus on the topic "What the United States Flag Stands For" and must be turned in to Mrs. Jackson in Room F149 by Friday, November 18. See Mrs. Jackson for more information and an essay cover sheet.
Meet the Pirates @ PCHS...
Mr. Drew...
Position: Principal
Career: 26 yrs. / 3 yrs. @PCHS
Born: Ahoskie, NC
Food: Steak
Movie: Tombstone
Actor: Tom Cruise
Singer: Chris Stapleton/Eagles
Song: In My Life
Vacation: Mountains
Mrs. Perry...
Position: Agriculture / FFA Advisor
Career: 22 yrs. / 6 yrs. @PCHS
Born: Elizabeth City, NC
Food: Chicken Pot Pie
Movie: Sweet Home Alabama
Actor: Tom Hanks
Singer: 80's Rock - George Strait
Song: I Cross My Heart
Vacation: Chincoteague, VA