VIS ebooks and audiobooks
Sora app by Overdrive
Want to Read eBooks or listen to audiobooks from the VIS library?
3 ways to read: App, through Classlink, through the internet
1. Reading Online
You can read online without the app by going to
Login Information:
- E-mail addresses are their computer username followed by
- Passwords are their student number with a Vcs after it (ex. 11111Vcs)
2. Reading Through Classlink Students can go to Classlink and find Sora in the Library Resources folder. For help with getting Classlink to work from home go to this link on the VIS Library web page- Classlink Help
3. Sora APP Infomation
Download the Sora App onto your device
Open the app and search Victor Intermediate School or use the setup code victorisny
Login Information:
- E-mail addresses are their computer username followed by
- Passwords are their student number with a Vcs after it (ex. 11111Vcs)
You can read samples online, check out a book or put something on hold
- You can easily add the public library and borrow from them through the same app!!
Watch this video showing how to borrow from the public library system through Sora.
Need Help with Sora?
Use the Sora Help to troubleshoot
Other Ways to Borrow eBooks
The public library systems in our area have a great number of eBook and Digital Audiobook resources.
- OWWL system (Wayne, Ontario, Livingston and Wyoming County libraries)
- Monroe County Library System