Your Time Is Valuable, Not Free!
February 2, 2024
Happy Friday.......The Biggest Concerns Posed By Members This Week!
Article III - Personnel Policies
Members of ASASP,
As we strive to create an environment of camaraderie, professionalism and mutual respect it is imperative that we work harmoniously to get through the day. According to our current contract, all ASASP unit 2 and unit 3 employees that are asked to work past the regular work day are entitled to up to 2 hours of leave.
Supervisors, please exert the same level of energy into releasing and respecting the needs of staff to utilize their two hours as you do in equitably assigning after hour work. Subordinates, please adhere to the language in the contract and discuss advance notification except in extreme emergencies.
I have provided the specific language from each individual contract for easy access below:
Unit 2 Employees
Article 3.02 Work Day, Work Week, Work Year, Working Conditions
F. The Board of Education and The Association of Supervisory and Administrative School Personnel Unit II recognize that the nature of the jobs performed by unit members of the unit is such that work beyond the customary 40-hour work-week is often required. The Board further recognizes, that professional staff will exercise professional judgement in determining when the needs of the school system permit them flexibility to attend to personal business of relatively brief duration of up to two (2) hours during normal working hours without using leave for those absences from the work site. Supervisors will receive prior notice of such absences to maintain work site stability and employee accountability. The parties further recognize that unit members should not abuse these rights and the Board, at the appropriate supervisory level, retains the rights to deny such rights to any unit member whose pattern of absences from work appears inconsistent with performance of his/her duties.
Unit 3 Employees
Article 3.02 Work Day, Work Week, Work Year, Working Conditions
E. The Board of Education and The Association of Supervisory and Administrative School Personnel Unit II recognize that the nature of the jobs performed by unit members of the unit is such that work beyond the customary 40-hour work-week is often required. The Board further recognizes, that professional staff will exercise professional judgment in determining when the needs of the school system permit them flexibility to attend to personal business of relatively brief duration of up to two (2) hours during normal working hours without using leave for those absences from the work site. Supervisors will receive prior notice of such absences to maintain work site stability and employee accountability. The parties further recognize that unit members should not abuse these rights and the Board, at the appropriate supervisory level, retains the rights to deny such rights to any unit member whose pattern of absences from work appears inconsistent with performance of his/her duties.
Moving forward ASASP will be actively pursuing financial compensation for such duties and assignments.
Should ASASP Fight for Pay for Work Required After Hours?
Principals, If PGCEA Visits Your School......Call ASASP for Support!!
E. Duly authorized representatives of PGCEA shall be permitted to transact official PGCEA business on school property at reasonable times provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations or prevent the Board employees from performing their professional responsibilities.
Conferences involving the principal or other supervisors must be scheduled at mutually convenient times.
Two Things to Consider:
1. To ensure their is little to no interruption to your school during the day, the teachers lounge is the likely place for PGCEA to be stationed when they have a need to come to your building during the day to conduct business.
2. When you are called to conference with PGCEA about a teacher (Unit 1) concern, you are not at the whim of PGCEA's calendar. Don't be afraid to state that you would work them on a mutually convenient, agreeable time and then notify ASASP if you want support.
30 Minutes of Lunch is Included In Your 8 Hour Work Day.....period!
Thirty Minute Duty Free or Sixty Minute Lunch????
Lunch is 30 Minutes or Possible 60 Depending On the Unit You're In.
Unit 2 Members Contract
D. All unit members shall have a duty-free lunch period for at least 30 minutes inclusive of the work day. This lunch period will be scheduled by the member’s supervisor to accommodate normal duty responsibilities.
Unit 3 Members Contract
C. All unit members shall have a duty-free lunch period of 30 or 60 minutes inclusive of the work day. Should the member choose to take the 60 minutes, an additional 30 minutes will be added to the work day. This lunch break will be scheduled by the member’s supervisor to accommodate normal duty responsibilities.