Madina Academy Newsletter
October 4th, 2020
Principal's Note:
As we embark on the fourth week of school since we have reopened, our observations are that parents, students and staff members have become more accustomed to our new routines and procedures. But we want to hear from you; a survey will be sent out this evening- please do take a few minutes to complete it. Your feedback is invaluable as we continue planning for improvement. And on the note of planning, our updated calendar will be posted up on the website by the end of the week. We will maintain the recommended hours/days in school without prolonging the school year-a difficult feat, but we will try our best to strike this balance.
Also, as some of you may have heard, we have recently lost some staff members. Mr. Greg, our HR coordinator, is working hard to fill these positions and we are confident that this will be soon, without disruption to students' learning.
In an effort to open and maintain channels of communication, now you can reach Board members directly with any concerns/questions you may have, and of course, the much needed positive feedback on the following email:
Finally, our constant reminder to parents: please be mindful of the speed limit of 10mph on school campus. Please drive slow and also be cognizant of the one-way traffic flow. With staggered dismissal times, some grades are still in class at 3:30pm, often outdoors. They are usually making their way in as you are driving up, so please drive cautiously with this in mind.
Thank you,
Wishing you all a wonderful week!
Masuda Vohra
Letter from PTS
Assalamualikum Dear Parents,
Welcome back!! We would like to thank all of you for your support and help over the years. We would like to tell everyone who is PTS and what we do for the school.
PTS “ Parent Teacher Shura” is part of the PTO organization. We are parent and teacher volunteers that support the school in daily tasks and special events. Since Madina Academy is private school it doesn’t get any funding or support from any government organizations. All of our activities that happen require money and resources. This is where PTS comes in.
PTS has been providing bus cost for field trips ~ $ 3500 in the past 2 years. Daily hot lunches. PTS is also responsible for special events like “Welcome party”, “ Field Day” and “Eid Party”. We have donated $8000 for the security cameras, $4000 for bathroom updates, $4000 for playground updates, $2000 for library, $1500 for school sports team, $6000 for outdoor benches, $3500 for water fountains and many small projects around the school. All of these projects are possible from earnings from our cart sales, bake sales, Family Nights.
As we all know this year is not like any other years that have past. We wont be able to have any activities like we did in the past. Even in this difficult times we will be working hard to provide our kids and the school with best possible support that we can. We will be sending out a survey to see how many parents are interested in our hot lunch/cart sale this year and accordingly we will setup a schedule.
Any questions, suggestions or comments please don’t hesitate to write us at
Jazakum Allahu khairan,
PTS Committee