Trail Talk
Student Bulletin - January 28, 2024
Tuesday 1/30:
- Scholar Bowl (A/B) (3:45) HOME vs. Delta Woods @ ETMS 8th Grade Commons
Thursday 2/1:
- Scholar Bowl (A/B) (3:45) HOME vs. Paul Kinder @ ETMS 8th Grade Commons
- Pyramid Choir Concert (6:00) @ ETMS
Friday 2/2:
- Dodgeball Tournament (4:45-8:00) @ Lee's Summit North High School
- Archery - Lee's Summit Tiger Shootout @ Pleasant Lea Middle School
Saturday 2/3:
- Middle School Tennis League (3:00-7:00) @ Match Point KC
- Archery - Lee's Summit Tiger Shootout @ Pleasant Lea Middle School
- 2/6 & 2/7 - Cheer Clinic (3:30-5:30) ETMS Main Gym
- 2/8 - Cheer Tryouts (3:30-6:00) ETMS Main Gym
Congratulations to Audrey Beeler and Wyatt Williams on being selected as the January Students of the Month!
Audrey Beeler
Audrey Beeler is currently on the Girls A Basketball Team, Archery and is part of the ETMS Orchestra for a second year in a row. Audrey has also been a team member of Cross Country and Track. Outside of school Audrey participates in Select Fastpitch Softball as a right hand pitcher/outfielder. Audrey was selected to represent Region 7 at the USA Softball All-American Games in Oklahoma City. Extra Innings ranked Audrey, top 150 for all 2,028 softball players in the United States. Audrey was on the Principal's Honor Roll her 7th grade year. Aside from non-stop sports, Audrey loves her friends, baking, traveling, going to the beach and reading a good book.
Wyatt Williams
ETMS / PTSA Fundraiser at Panda Express on January 31st!
Dodgeball Tournament!
You don’t want to miss this one!
Join us as dodgeball teams take the courts to claim the title this year. Get a group of 6 friends or teachers together and fill out the registration form to be a part of the Middle School event of the year!
- The tournament will be held on Friday, February 2nd from 4:45-8:00 PM. @ Lee's Summit North High School
- Registration forms are outside of each pod.
- Money and forms are due by January 30th at 9:30 am (no exceptions).
- The cost is $12 per team.
- The cost is $5 for spectators
Lost & Found
Students, please stop by the front office to see if your lost item might be there.
Also remember to check the lost and found bin in your grade-level pod.
Thank you!
- Art Club
- Bison Smart
- Card Sharks
- Chess Club
- D&D Club
- First Priority
- Kindness Club
- Ping Pong
- Tennis Club
- Ukulele Club
Stay tuned for more updates and Club additions.
Informational flyers are always available in our Front Office or the grade-level pods on the Activities Board.
Tennis Club
Book of the Month - January
Our new book of the month will be, Isaiah Dunn Is My Hero. Students interested in reading the Book of the Month should stop by the library to sign up and check out a copy.
All who participate will be invited to the Discussion with Donuts (including a gluten free option) with Mrs. Brown, the school librarian, and any other staff who participate.
Discussion with Donuts will be held Wednesday, February 7th during TRAIL Time.
Bison+ Wins 3rd Place at Nationals!
ETMS Boys B Basketball Team
Congratulations to the Boys Basketball B Team for winning their end of season tournament last week. A lot of hard work and effort went into winning the first boys basketball trophy in school history. GO BISON!!!
ETMS Girls A/B Basketball Teams
Congratulations to the ETMS Girls A/B Basketball Teams on their tournament finishings!
- Girls A Team: 3rd place
- Girls B Team: 2nd place
7th Graders,
Are you interested in Cheerleading?
Cheer Clinics: Tuesday, February 6th 3:30-5:30
and Wednesday, February 7th 3:30-5:30
Cheer Tryouts: Thursday, February 8th 3:30-6:00ish
See link below for Cheerleading tryout information
*Final Forms must be completed by the start of Cheer Clinic
6th to 7th and 7th to 8th Grade:
We will begin the process of enrolling the week of January 15th. Course information will be shared with students and they will be able to see their course recommendations in PowerSchool. Additional information will accompany the form so students can complete enrollment in PowerSchool with their families. Students will bring home enrollment cards and directions for enrolling in PowerSchool. Enrollment cards were due back Friday, January 26, 2024.
8th to 9th Grade:
Enrollment will start February 7th. High school counselors from all 3 high schools will come to ETMS to begin enrollment. High school enrollment needs to be completed in PowerSchool by parents/guardians and students ASAP and no later than February 14, 2024. Watch for updates from your students' respective high school for any other high school related information.
If you have any questions please contact your students current grade level Counselor:
Molly Beuke (Boy-Key), molly.beuke@lsr7.net, 6th Grade Counselor
Rebekah Schreckenghaust, rebekah.schreck@lsr7.net, 7th Grade Counselor
Stacey Haselhorst, stacey.haselhorst@lsr7.net, 8th Grade Counselor
For the safety of our students and staff we want to remind everyone that during arrival and dismissal, students must be dropped off and picked up in the car rider line.
Students will not be allowed to cross over the car rider line from or to the parking lot during school arrival and dismissal time, unless there's a pre-arranged medical need.
Also, please be mindful of our other students leaving the campus via crosswalks into the adjoining neighborhoods.
Thank you for your understanding.
Cell Phone Policy
Students’ cell phones must be turned completely off when entering the school and then secured in the student's locker during the school day.
- Cell phones may not be used in the hallways, restrooms, or other common areas.
- Cell phones shall not be used to connect to district electronic equipment or district electronic networks at any time.
- Students using cell phones in the classroom without the consent of the teacher will be subject to disciplinary action ranging from detention to suspension. Disruptions of classrooms, school activities, or detentions caused by cell phones and/or other E-devices will result in an office referral and disciplinary action.
If you would like to learn more or utilize these supports, please contact our Counseling Center at 816-986-2578.
6th, 7th, & 8th Grade students, do you need Math Homework Help? You are welcome to stay after school any Thursday until 4:15PM. Meet in Library Collab Lab.
Students must go home via their normal means of transportation after school and may return with a parent/guardian to attend an event.
Bison Fan Days are the exception.
School Lunch
- January lunch menu
- January breakfast grab & go menu
- February lunch menu
- February breakfast grab & go menu
- Breakfast is $1.90; Plate lunch is $3.10
- Free and reduced lunch application
Box Tops for Education
*Will accept photos until end of March 2024
East Trails Middle School
Email: stacy.patton@lsr7.net
Website: www.etms.lsr7.org
Location: 1001 Southeast Bailey Road, Lee's Summit, MO, USA
Phone: 816.986.2575
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ETMSbison/
Twitter: @ETMSbison