September 2021 Onwards Arrangements
Part 3 Wraparound Care
It's still wraparound but with a difference
The children must not bring anything extra for wraparound, and they must adhere to the school uniform and hygiene controls.
Sorry - you may be disappointed if you don't book promptly
Session Times
- Any time from 7:30am until the start of school.
Staff will never admit the children until 7:30am so please do not knock before then.
After School Club (3:15pm-5:15pm)
- Children will be collected by school staff and taken safely to the Victorian Hall. Please collect from the main door of the Victorian Hall (the Breakfast Club drop-off point)
- Breakfast club £4.00 per child per session
- After School club £7.00 per child per session
If your child has an allergy to certain foods or has specific dietary requirements e.g. diabetes, please get in touch with us when we come back to school in September, to discuss how you can support us to provide safely for your child. Please do not assume that special arrangements made before COVID can still apply - these may have to change.
Pick Up and Drop Off
- The club will both continue to be held in the Infant (Victorian) hall. When you drop off your child, please use the Victorian door. The gate to the yard will stand open. Staff members will be there to answer your knock on the door. (see red arrow in picture)
- Please do not enter the building.
- When picking your child up or dropping them off, please park on the far side of the Green where the Chestnut trees are or in surrounding roads.
- The driveway between the two halves of the Green, the school driveway and the Victorian yard is strictly NO parking - even for just a few minutes. This is a vital safety zone for all of the children - please do not selfishly put our vulnerable pedestrians and local residents at risk or inconvenience for the sake of running a few minutes' late for work or saving your legs a few steps.
- Please pass this message on to everyone who picks up or drops off your child to save embarrassment or unnecessary challenge.
Other measures
- Children will be sanitised on arrival, and toilets sprayed with sanitiser after use.
- They will be encouraged to restrict physical contact and to be socially distant with staff at all times.
- If a member of the club shows symptoms of illness we will be contacting you sooner rather than later.
- If a child needs first aid we will wear PPE to deal with the injury.
- If a member of the club's family member tests positive for COVID, we will inform you so that you can be extra vigilant.
- If a member of the club tests positive for COVID, we will inform you so that you can comply with self isolation for your child - we will follow the track and trace guidance to the letter.
- The tables and toys will be wiped down by the staff during and after the sessions.
How to book and how to pay
Bookings by emailing Mrs Butler only
When you email her, please include your child's name and year group and the dates needed for Breakfast Club. Please type 'wraparound care booking' in the message subject box.
Bookings can be made for the long or short term.
The reason bookings must be taken by email is so that there is a written record for risk assessment, administration and safeguarding purposes.
Only in an absolute emergency can bookings be taken over the phone and these places can only be confirmed if there are spare places that day.
Payment by Parentpay
From June 2022 we require payment in advance to secure a place. These payments should be made through Parentpay; from September 2022 we will be moving to a different billing system using Sage in order to process bills and payments more efficiently.