M 'n M
May 8, 2022
6-8 Awards Ceremony
Art Celebrations!
This past March was Youth Art Month. Strongsville Middle School Art Department selected 12 talented students to showcase their artwork in the 2022 Northeast Ohio Art Education Association Youth Art Month (YAM) Regional Exhibition.
Watercolor Painted Koi Fish-Ryley Hansen, 8th grade
Texture Tile, Mixed Media- Izabella Flach, 7th grade
Snake, Oil Pastel-Joshua Hooks, 7th grade
Music in the Park Festival
The Music in the Parks festival, both the Jazz band and Chamber Strings had a very successful performance this weekend. Before spending the day at Cedar Point, they performed at Perkins High School. They both received 1st place in their divisions and Superior ratings! Chamber strings also received the highest score among the other orchestras at the event. Kyle Snow received the best jazz soloist award on bassoon. Great job to all!
Fall Sports Information
Volleyball: View the Google Slide for a Sign-up Form and Open Gym info in May
Football: Click on this Sign-up Form if you are interested in playing Middle School Football next school year. Coach Cirino will be here Friday during lunch to speak to interested players
Mustang Mentors
We have also sent out an application for next school year for Mustang Mentors. If your student exhibits leadership qualities, would like to help facilitate 6th grade orientation as well as plan for student expectations, then encourage them to apply. Applications are due on Wednesday.
Media Center Updates
All SMS library books are due Monday, May 16, and any students missing a book will be charged beginning Tuesday, May 17. Please remind your students to turn their books in.
Registration for the Cuyahoga Public Library’s summer reading program has started. Click here for more information.
DARE Dance for the 7th & 8th Grades
The DARE Dance for the 7th & 8th grades is scheduled for Friday, May 13th . This year we will be selling tickets online. Would you please approve the link below & QR code below so we can start promoting. Also, if you would kindly post in your weekly newsletter.
Below is the link:
Announcements & Reminders
Attention 6th Grade Parents. If your Son or Daughter would like to play or will be playing Football for SMS in the 7th Grade this upcoming season, there will be a mandatory Parent meeting on Tuesday May 17th from 6:30pm till 7:30pm in the Strongsville Middle School Auditorium. Please make sure that at least one parent per player attends this meeting. The Coaching Staff will go over the Summer Schedule which begins June 2nd and what to expect as a Parent and a Player playing football at SMS for the upcoming 2022 season]
Attention 7th Grade Parents. If your Son or Daughter would like to play or will be playing Football for SMS in the 8th Grade this upcoming season, there will be a mandatory Parent meeting on Tuesday May 17th from 6:30pm till 7:30pm in the Strongsville Middle School Auditorium. Please make sure that at least one parent per player attends this meeting. The Coaching Staff will go over the Summer Schedule which begins June 2nd and what to expect as a Parent and a Player playing football at SMS for the upcoming 2022 season
Chromebooks Over Summer
Last Day of School Lunch 5/27
Early Release Schedule for the last day of school.
HERE is the link to our Daily/Weekly announcement slides!
Follow SMS on Instagram @ STRONGSVILLEMIDDLESCHOOL or @TheSMSMustangs on Twitter!
Strongsville Middle School
Mrs. Boytim: jboytim@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Peters: jpeters@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Bailey: jbailey@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Ray (6): eray@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Gerber (7): kgerber@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Pietrocini (8): spietrocini@scsmustangs.org
Website: https://www.strongnet.org/Domain/411
Location: 13200 Pearl Road, Strongsville, OH, USA
Phone: 440-572-7090
Twitter: @mrsboytim