Lisbon Elementary
December 22, 2023
Lisbon Elementary School
Mrs. Debra Anoff, Principal
15901 Frederick Road
Woodbine, MD 21797
(410) 313-5506
(410) 313-5508 - Fax
Message from Administration
Happy Holidays!
It is hard to believe that this is the final Lisbon Lines of this calendar year!
As we conclude 2023 and break for the winter holiday, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to all who help make Lisbon Elementary an amazing place to be. We are a community with many gifts and talents, which we share daily with one another and most importantly, our students. From the classroom to our living room and all points in-between, our collective efforts to raise the whole child are filled with passion, commitment, and a willingness to make decisions that may be hard in the present, but will have a positive and lasting influence in the future for all.
In the spirit of this holiday season, I want to extend my thanks to all of you for everything that you do for our school. As we enjoy the upcoming holidays, it is my wish that each of you receives and returns the seasonal bounty of blessings and good tidings that make these days truly special.
It is also during this time that I am reminded of my own good fortune to serve as the proud principal of Lisbon Elementary. Indeed, my career as a public school educator has afforded me vast, varied, and richly rewarding opportunities to teach and to learn from young children.
Of course, I believe the faces of our children best express the true meaning of this holiday season. They radiate a sense of enthusiasm, hope, and joy for life and the opportunities that await them. To the parents, families, and friends of the Lisbon Elementary community, please have a safe and joyous holiday season.
Our Lisbon Lines Newsletter will return in the new year on January 5, 2024.
Mrs. Anoff, Principal
Important Upcoming Dates and Events
- 25-31 - Winter Break - Schools closed
- 1 - New Year's Day - Schools and Offices closed
- 2 - Schools reopen
- 3 - Spelling Bee Finale, 3:00 p.m.
- 15 - Martin Luther King Day - Schools and Offices closed
- 17 - Professional Work and Wellness Day - Schools close 3 hours early (12:55 p.m.)
- 17 - PTA Give Back Event at J&P Pizza, 10:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m.
- 17 - School-wide Spirit Day - Lion Day!
- 18 - Rising 6th Grade Parent Information Night at Glenwood Middle, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
- 22 - Professional Work Day - Schools closed for students
- 25 - SNOW DATE-Rising 6th Grade Parent Information Night at Glenwood Middle. 6:00-7:30 p.m.
- 7 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - Schools close 3 hours early (12:55 p.m.)
- 8 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - Schools close 3 hours early (12:55 p.m.)
- 9 - Countywide Professional Learning Day - Schools closed for students
- 19 - Presidents Day - Schools and Offices closed
- 4-8 - Kindergarten Registration Week
- 13 - Professional Work and Wellness Day - Schools close 3 hours early (12:55 p.m.)
March 25 - April 1 - Spring Break - Schools closed
HCPSS Calendars
There will be no printed 2023-2024 calendars. Staff, students, and families may add our online calendar to their own mobile/online calendar by
- Going to https://www.hcpss.org/calendar/
- Scrolling down to Subscribing to a Calendar
- Right-clicking on the calendar you wish to subscribe to
- Selecting Copy Link Location/Address/Shortcut
- Adding to your calendar of choice (See your calendar for specifics on adding a new calendar)
You also may view and/or download printable PDFs of the full calendar and/or important dates only. Updates to the PDFs will be noted on the HCPSS calendar page.
PLEASE NOTE! The calendar is subject to change. The online calendar reflects the most recent version.
Calendars in Spanish, Chinese, and Korean
Calendario en españolNew Information
Look Who Visited Lisbon Today!
Spelling Bee
Tuesday was an exciting day for 20 of our fourth and fifth graders. These students participated in the Lisbon Elementary School Spelling Bee. After seventeen rounds and 112 words, two students remained: 4th grader Arjun Saxena and 5th grader Sidd Avutu. Unfortunately, with the bee at the end of the school day and with our contestants being such good spellers, we simply ran out of time to declare a champion, so we will need to finish the bee after winter break. Our contestants should be very proud of themselves. They showed great courage, effort, and sportsmanship. Our third, fourth, and fifth grade audience members showed excellent ROAR behaviors. They were respectful while cheering on our contestants. Well done. We wish Arjun and Sidd the best of luck when we finish the bee in January.
Congratulations to all of our Spelling Bee participants:
From 4th grade:
Max Blevins
Dylan Gordon
Weston Martin
Arjun Saxena
Nicky Seo
Mason Terranova
From 5th grade:
Ensley Adeyemo
Charlotte Ashmore
Sidd Avutu
Manny Garzon
Max Goetzinger
Mikey Nichols
Violet Pryzbysz
Delaney Ritthaler
Abbas Rizvi
Addie Roman
Ellie Shepherd
Katherine Wolter
Shaun Yang
Layla Yates
Young Authors' Contest Winners
Congratulations to everyone who entered the Young Authors’ Contest. There were so many creative, emotional and suspenseful short stories and poems. We couldn’t be prouder of all the young authors here at Lisbon. Keep cheering the winners on as their short stories and poems are entered into the Howard County Young Authors’ contest.
1st Grade Short Story: Rexford Von Habsburg
2nd Grade Poem: Diana Chang
3rd Grade Short Story: Rhett Musselman
4th Grade Short Story: Violet Chellis
5th Grade Short Story: Adeline Roman
5th Poem: Brielle Ludwig
Information Worth Repeating
Reverse Engineering Instructional Seminar
Many 4th grade students have signed up to participate in the Reverse Engineering Instructional Seminar. Students will take apart objects to see how they work and discover the technology used inside.
As the holiday season approaches, many of you may begin purging closets and cleaning out toy rooms. If you have any items that you wouldn’t mind donating for our reverse engineering students, please send them in with your child. There is a collection box in the front lobby area and this collection will continue through January.
Items do not need to be in working order, but they should be safe to disassemble, have a way to be taken apart (flat-head or Phillips-head screws), and no larger than approximately a shoe box. Some suggested items are below:
Alarm Clock/Radio
Television Remote Control
See and Say/Etch a Sketch Toys
Remote Control Cars or Other Cars with lights and sound
Pop Lights
PTA News & Information
Lisbon PTA Website
Registration for WINTER SPORTS is Open for Tennis, Golf, and Pickleball!!
Golf ages 5-8 yrs and Tennis ALL AGES
$159 for 6 1-hour sessions
1/10, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28, 3/6, 3/20
Golf ages 9-12 yrs and Pickleball ALL AGES
$169 for 8 1-hour sessions
1/11, 1/18, 2/15, 2/22, 2/29, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21
PTA Membership
Are you ready to show your Lisbon Lion Pride? Join the PTA!
Benefits of Membership:
· *NEW* $5 discount on Fall Festival and Snow Ball wristbands
· Supporting your ROARsome Lisbon teachers, staff, and students
· Allows your PTA to host fun family events and activities
· Voting is permitted by members on PTA business
· Discounts from National PTA from businesses and services
· Member of Howard County, Maryland (FreeState PTA), and National PTA
Volunteering is not a requirement with membership; however, we would love to have you!
Paying by credit card - https://lisbonpta.memberhub.com/store
Paying by cash or check - return the membership flier with payment (made out to Lisbon PTA) by mail (15901 Frederick Rd, Woodbine, MD 21797, Attn: PTA) or drop it off at Lisbon Elementary School.
Lisbon parents who are HCPSS employees regardless of work location - membership is $10.00
We Need You!!
A few committees and events need members, LisbonPTA.org has time information and what each committee or event entails.
If you have any questions, please contact Cathy Datz at Cathydatz@yahoo.com or the Activity Chair.
Reflections – Jade Blevins, Chair - Needs 3
Snowball – Cathy Datz, Co-chair- Needs Co-chair
Fundraising – Kate Weiss, Chair- Needs 3
Wizards Business Sponsors – Emily Metzler, Chair - Needs 1
Staff Appreciation – Caitie Miller, Chair- No limit
Nominating Committee – Needs 2 people
Community Night – Elizabeth Dudley - Needs Co-chair
Wizards Game – Elizabeth Hall/Cathy Datz, Co-chairs
School of Excellence – Jessica Jenkins, Chair - needs 1
Community News and Programs
The link below will take you to community notices are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Howard County Public School System.