MMS Parent Newsletter
MMS Year Book Order Link
Upcoming events
THIS WEEK AT MMS: (6th Grade team has afternoon duty)
THIS WEEK AT MMS: (Exploratory team has afternoon duty)
05/01: PTO @ 8:30am
05/01: BB/SB vs Currituck (5pm first pitch)
05/02: BB @ Camden (5pm first pitch)
05/03: CBA in the Forum @ 7:45
05/03: MES and NHES 5th grade visits MMS
05/03: Lock Down Drill @ 2pm
05/04: Conference Track Meet @ Pasquotank High School
05/05: MMS Music Department Field Trip to ODU and Busch Gardens
05/10: CBA in the Forum @ 7:45
05/10: Most Spirited Grade Level Kona Ice Party
Power School Announcement
Dear DCS Families,
If you use the older version of the PowerSchool Mobile App, please delete it and download the latest version from the App Store or Google Play.
Beginning Monday, February 20, 2023, only PowerSchool Mobile App version 22.5.x and higher is supported for use after the latest PowerSchool update. Mobile App versions older than 22.5.x will generate an error when attempting to connect to PowerSchool and higher.
If you need additional support, please reach out to your building-level Data Manager or Instructional Technology Facilitator for assistance. For more information, visit PowerSchool SIS Administrator.
Download the PowerSchool Mobile App
App Store | Google Play
Thank You,
Dare County Schools
School Improvement Team Information
January 30th
SIT will discuss budget and review teacher forms and develop a list for the budget packet.
January 19th
We discussed the option from Central Office to give School Calendar Input
Checked on goal progress
Next meeting will be on budget input
Last Meeting Date November 17th
2022-23 MMS SIT Goals:
C2.01 The LEA/School regularly looks at school performance data and aggregated classroom observation data and uses that data to make decisions about school improvement and professional development needs.
E1.06 The school regularly communicates with parents/guardians about its expectations of them and the importance of the curriculum of the home.
Technology Corner
The Dare County Technology Department will provide support for technical problems.
All IT needs are submitted through our Incident IQ ticketing system, which is constantly monitored to ensure seamless connectivity for our students and staff. for instructions on the use of this system, click here or contact Kimberly Dickson, the MMS ITF.
DCS provides each 6-8 student with a device to support learning. The district's IT department carefully monitors access points to ensure the digital safety of our students. These safety measures continuously exceed the minimum requirements as outlined by The U.S. Department of Education. Reach out to your MMS ITF with questions ~ dicksonki@daretolearn.org
It is imperative to protect our privacy by complying with student data
privacy and online safety regulations.