SLANZA Otago AGM 2015
Event Information
Assistive Technology in a Library Setting presentation, followed by SLANZA Otago AGM and dinner at Spirit House
Wednesday, Sep 2, 2015, 04:00 PM
Queen's High School, Dunedin, New Zealand
Assistive technology in a Library setting: how technology can help students with special needs access the school library and its resources
Debbie Tunbridge, Specialist Classroom Teacher with a special focus on literacy at Queen's High School, will give a talk on the ways technology can be used to help students of all ages make the best use of your primary or secondary school library and all the resources that it offers. Debbie has a wealth of knowledge and experience in her field and has been the head of the Learning Support Department at Queen's since 2013. She is brimming with creative ideas that enhance her students' learning - this will be an excellent, informal presentation that you will not want to miss!
Programme for the afternoon
4pm Welcome and engaging conversation over wine and cheese
4.15pm Presentation from Debbie Tunbridge on Assistive Technology in a Library Setting
5pm SLANZA Otago AGM
5.15pm Engaging conversations continue, along with drinks and nibbles
6pm Dinner at SpiritHouse, St Clair Esplanade (this will be a set menu at $28 per person)
The presentation and AGM will be held in the Queen's High School Information Centre - please ask at the school office (Surrey Street entrance) if you need directions. There is parking available in the visitors' car park just off Surrey Street, with additional parks behind the school.