November 27, 2022
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¿Necesita traducción? Desde una computadora o portátil, haga clic en "Translate" (Traducir) en el cuadro negro. Desde un teléfono celular o tableta, haga clic en el icono de Accesibilidad en la parte inferior de la pantalla y después haga clic en "Translate" (Traducir).
Precisa de tradução? No computador/laptop clique em "Translate" (Traduzir) na caixa preta. No celular/tablete clique no ícone Accessibilidade na parte inferior da tela e clique em 'Translate' (Traduzir).
Need translation? On a computer/laptop, click "Translate" in the black box. On a mobile phone/tablet click the Accessibility Icon at the bottom of your phone screen and then click 'translate'.
Lost & Found - LAST CALL
Dates to Know
12/8: Early Release
12/8: Family, Friends, and Neighbor Days (No Homework)
12/9: Picture Re-Take Day
Want to learn more about the World Cup?
Kindergarten Pre-Registration
Dear Framingham Families,
If you have or know a child that will be five years old by August 31, 2023, online pre-registration for incoming Kindergarteners for the 2023-2024 school year is now open: Please disregard if this message does not apply to you.
All new incoming Kindergarteners must be registered - even if you already have children in Framingham Public Schools.
Process Update
If it has been a while since you last registered an incoming Kindergartener, the process has changed slightly. When you go through the online system, you will first be asked to schedule your telephone appointment with our Registrars (this used to happen at the end). Before you attend the phone appointment, you will need to gather all of your required paperwork.
PreK Expansion Program
If you have or know a child who will be four years old by August 31, 2023 and that child is not enrolled in an early childhood program due to lack of access, resources, finances or opportunity, please take a moment to learn about Partnerships for Early Learners (PEL). Through this partnership, Framingham Public Schools is working with our BLOCKS Preschool, the MetroWest YMCA and Framingham State University - Centers for Early Childhood Education to offer PreK learning opportunities for Framingham-based families whose four-year-old children are not currently enrolled in an early childhood program due to lack of access, resources, finances or opportunity. The program runs from September 2023 - June 2024. Interested families are invited to submit the PreK Intake Form and will need to meet eligibility criteria for acceptance. If the interest exceeds the available openings, a lottery will take place to fill these PreK spots for children to attend before entering Kindergarten in September 2024.
Department of Student Registration
Estimadas Familias de Framingham,
Si tiene o conoce a un niño que cumplirá 5 años antes el 31 de agosto de 2023 la pre-inscripción en línea para los nuevos estudiantes de kindergarten para el año escolar 2023-2024 está abierta en /kindergarten. Todos los nuevos alumnos de kindergarten deben ser registrados.
Puedes ignorar si este mensaje no aplica a su familia.
Todos los nuevos alumnos que ingresan a kindergarten deben estar registrados aún si ya tienen hijos en las Escuelas Públicas de Framingham.
Actualización del proceso - Process Update
Si ha pasado un tiempo desde la última vez que inscribió a un estudiante de kindergarten, el proceso ha cambiado un poco. Cuando ingrese al sistema en línea, primero se le pedirá que programe su cita. Antes de recibir su cita telefónica deberá enviar toda la documentación necesaria.
Programa de Expansión de PreK (preescolar)
Si tiene o conoce a un niño que cumplirá cuatro años antes el 31 de agosto de 2023 y ese niño no está inscrito en ningún programa preescolar debido a la falta de acceso, recursos, finanzas o oportunidades, tómese un momento para aprender sobre el Programa de Expansión Preescolar (PEL). A través de esta asociación, las Escuelas Públicas de Framingham están trabajando con BLOCKS, MetroWest YMCA y el Centro de Educación Preescolar de la Universidad Estatal de Framingham que ofrece la oportunidad de aprendizaje de Pre K para familias que viven en Framingham cuyos hijos de cuatro años no están actualmente inscritos en ningún programa de educación preescolar. El programa inicia en septiembre de 2023 y termina en junio de 2024. Se invita a las familias interesadas a enviar el formulario de Inscripción para Pre K y deberán cumplir con los criterios de elegibilidad para ser aceptados. Si el número de solicitantes excede el número de espacios disponibles, se realizará una lotería. Se seleccionarán los estudiantes según los espacios disponibles y atenderá a este programa antes de ingresar a Kindergarten en septiembre de 2024.
Departamento de Matrícula Escolar
Prezadas famílias de Framingham,
Se você tem ou conhece uma criança que terá cinco anos de idade até o dia 31 de agosto de 2023, a pré-matrícula online para o ano letivo 2023-2024 encontra-se disponível no endereço Favor desconsiderar esta mensagem caso não se aplique a você.
Todos os novos alunos do Kindergarten devem ser matriculados - mesmo que você já tenha filhos nas Escolas Públicas de Framingham.
Atualização do Processo
Se já faz algum tempo desde a última vez que você matriculou um aluno novo no Kindergarten, o processo mudou ligeiramente. Quando você passar pelo sistema online - primeiro você deverá marcar seu horário para uma entrevista telefônica conosco (isto costumava acontecer no final). Antes da sua entrevista telefônica, você precisará reunir toda a documentação necessária.
Programa de Expansão PreK
Se você tem ou conhece uma criança que terá quatro anos de idade até 31 de agosto de 2023 e essa criança não está inscrita em um programa pré-escolar devido à falta de acesso, recursos, finanças ou oportunidades, por favor, tire um momento para conhecer o Partnerships for Early Learners (PEL). Através desta parceria, as Escolas Públicas de Framingham estão trabalhando com a pré-escola BLOCKS, MetroWest YMCA e a Framingham State University - Centros de Educação Pré-escolar para oferecer oportunidades de aprendizagem pré-escolar para famílias sediadas em Framingham cujas crianças de quatro anos de idade não estão atualmente matriculadas em um programa pré-escolar devido à falta de acesso, recursos, finanças ou oportunidades. O programa vai de setembro de 2023 a junho de 2024. As famílias interessadas são convidadas a enviar o Formulário de Matrícula PreK e precisarão atender aos critérios de elegibilidade para serem aceitas. Se o número de interessados exceder as vagas disponíveis, será realizado uma loteria para preencher estas vagas do PreK para as crianças antes de entrarem no Kindergarten em setembro de 2024.
Departamento de Matrículas Escolares
Check Out This New Resource From Our School Social Workers
From Your Specialists!
Hi Families! This year, our specialist team wants you to be able to take a look inside our classrooms. This is the first of many "Specialists Corner" for you to see the fun activities we're doing, and communicate any upcoming events or activities!
Here is our first edition of "Specialists Corner!"
Information from PTO
hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate
generosity. This year's Giving Tuesday donations will directly support
our teacher appreciation initiatives. Our King teachers do so much and deserve more! We are excited to announce that through the generosity of our corporate partner Avidia Bank, donations received between now and Dec 1, 2022 will be matched up to $500! Please share on your social media platforms - you never know who will donate! Thank you in advance!
*It's not too late to shop at the Scholastic book fair! Scholastic
will give back 25% in rewards to our school when you shop online until
Nov 28. Access online shopping from the King Elementary Book Fair
homepage to earn rewards.
*Calling all 5th grade parents! You are invited to our first 5th Grade
Planning Committee meeting on Monday, 11/28 at 7pm. The 5th grade
teachers will be in attendance to tell us about the 5th grade
celebration. Please see the Zoom meeting information below.
Topic: 5th Grade Celebrations - Planning Committee
Time: Nov 28, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Password: 282829
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +13126266799,91978802493# or
Or Telephone:
+1 312 626 6799 (US Toll)
+1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 919 7880 2493
International numbers available:
*Who loves coffee?? King staff loves coffee! And we want to give it to them:) Please review the following signup if you'd like to donate coffee and other treats this school year. Thank you in advance!
**Our next community PTO meeting will be Wednesday, December 14, 7pm in
the King cafeteria and also on Zoom. More info to come!
*King is looking to collect gently used snow pants and snow boots -
all elementary aged sizes plus adult sizes too! You can send the items
to school with your children or drop them off in the front office.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Meet the King Staff!
Allergy Friendly Classrooms
- We ask that snacks (that are often eaten in the classroom) do not include nuts or nut butters. All classroom spaces at King this year will be allergy friendly rooms. Students are, however, allowed to have nuts and nut butters as part of their lunches in the cafeteria.
- In the cafeteria each classroom has 2 tables. One is labeled allergy friendly. We ask that any students that have nut or nut butter allergies sit at these tables; we ask that any students who have nut or nut butters as part of their lunch sit at the other tables.
- Students have been introduced to this in the cafeteria already, and will be reminded by their classroom teachers again.
How to Change Close Captions to Another Language
Tour the school with ROARY!
Important Information SMORE
School hours
Doors open: 8:50am
Breakfast: 8:50am - 9:05am
School begins: 9:05am
School dismissal: 3:20pm
*Early release dismissal: 12:55pm (lunch is served)
*Half day dismissal: 12:20pm (lunch is not served)
Office: 508-782-7201
Attendance Line: 508-782-7201
Fax: 508-788-0792
James Bergeron -
Julie Gelardi -
King Elementary School
Phone: (508) 782-7201