Springfield Middle School
What to look for in this edition
- Principal's Note
- This week in Athletics
- Let Me Run
- Heart and Sole
- Free and Reduced Lunch Information
- Attendance Focus
- Fall Play Dates
- Link to Homework Calendars
- Rachel's Challenges
- Yearbook Purchases
Continued Information for New Families
- Car Rider Line
- Check out Procedures
- Cell Phones
- School Supplies
Principal's Note
We are beginning Week 5 for the 23-24 school year! I hope your child and family have begun to settle in to the routine and flow of the school year. September and October are always busy. We want as many of our students involved in what is happening at school. The more they are involved, the more they feel connected to the school.
Student Council applications are due tomorrow (September 18th). However, we will extend that deadline until Wednesday, September 20th. Students can pick up applications in the media center. We will be working on leadership development in Student Council this year.
On Wednesday, September 20th, you can log in to see your child's grades at this point in the semester. This is considered their progress report. If you have questions or concerns about your child's progress, please reach out to their teachers.
This week we took the STAR test for Math and Reading. I will pull students that were absent at the beginning of this week so they can make-up the test. As soon as we have as many students as possible take the test, we will share results with parents. We want you to understand where your child stands in relation to grade level expectations along with gaps they may have in their understanding. We will host a parent night on Tuesday, October 3rd if you are interested in going through your child's results with a school staff member. We will begin at 6:00 in the media center. Registration for the event will be out soon. For now, please place the date on your calendar.
One of our strong beliefs at SMS is that all students should complete the assignments given by teachers. Our teachers need students to complete their assignments so they can monitor whether or not students are learning. We have an ECU program (Extra Care Unit) where students are required to scan for ECU if they do not turn in an assignment on the day it is due. When your child scans, you should receive an email so you too know what they need to complete.
We have given students four weeks to get used to being back in school. This week we will be going through our ECU list. Students with assignments on the list for longer than one week will be assigned a Saturday School where they will work with a teacher to help them. Saturday school is not considered an option. Students and parents will be told what time the student should report, and what time they can be picked up. Student athletes will begin to be pulled from practices and games this week if they are on the ECU list. Please check with your child or child's teacher it there are still missing items. We will send out individual emails letting everyone know the assignments currently on the list. Moving forward, you and your child will receive a notification when an assignment is not turned in. It is their responsibility to work with their teachers to have the assignment turned in within one week of the due date.
Thank you for your help at home to help teach our students responsibility. We do not believe the responsibility should be reflected in their grade. However, we do believe there should be a consequence that will help them begin to focus on due dates. Students will be working during lunch and club time as well. Hopefully this time they are given will avoid the Saturday school option.
As always- thanks for your support!
Have a wonderful week!
Students going to away games MUST have an adult that stays at the game.
ENGLISH Free & Reduced Application English
SPANISH Free & Reduced Application - Spanish
Our cafeterias participate in the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program which allows families to complete a meal application to see if their student(s) qualify for free or reduced price meals.
Only one completed application is required per family. All students in a household are listed on one application. The information you give will be used to determine or prove your children’s eligibility for free or reduced price meals. This information may also be used for PEBT benefits.
Factors considered in the application process are household size and total household income. HOUSEHOLD SIZE is considered all persons related or unrelated, including parents, children, and grandparents, who live in your home and share living expenses. The TOTAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME is the income each household member received the previous month before taxes: this amount includes wages, social security, pension, unemployment, welfare, child support, alimony, and any other cash income.
In certain cases, foster children are eligible for free and reduced price meals regardless of total household income. If you have foster children living with you and want to apply for them, please contact us.
In order to qualify for meal benefits for the new school year, a new application must be submitted after July 1st to our department.
IF you completed an application last year, your current benefits will EXPIRE on October 3, 2023 and you will no longer be eligible for free or reduced price meals without a new application for this school year.
If you received an email or letter after July 1, 2023 that states your student qualifies for Free or Reduced Price Meals, then you do not need to submit an application.
(This table was pulled from Attendance Solutions)
The most important column is how many hours of learning is lost with each absence. Many times students miss so much school that they simply cannot make up all the time lost. Their self-esteem with school begins to decline. Students begin to believe they "can't do school" when in reality they are very smart and could absolutely be successful. However, the gaps in learning caused by the missed days is what is causing that decrease in academic achievement.
How to find the weekly homework calendars!
- To see the calendars, go to our school website: https://sfms.fortmillschools.org/
- Click on "For Students"
- On the right side you will see a link for each grade level's Calendar. Click on the link for your grade level and make sure you are on the correct week.
Our students attended a Rachael's Challenge assembly two weeks ago. Listed below are the 5 Challenges Rachel left for all of us to live by on a daily basis. We will being our Character Strong program within the next two weeks. Our focus this year will be on trying to build sympathy and empathy so that we can all treat each other with respect! We will share with you each of our lessons and weekly challenges once we begin!
Purchase your Yearbook! You don't want to miss this Award Winning book!
2023-2024 yearbooks are on sale now at the lowest price of the year! Order by 9/22 and receive four free icons!
Car Rider Line
If you are dropping your child off in the morning, students may exit their cars at 7:40 AM. You will hear the bell for students to begin entering the building. We will be doing a zipper merge like last year. The zipper merge occurs at the location where the sign is located. (NOTE: Our signs have not arrived yet. Therefore we will have staff standing out to make sure everyone is aware of how it works) Once you are past the merge sign, you should be in the right hand lane of the car rider line. Students are to be dropped off from the right hand lane only (lane closest to the sidewalk). The car rider line typically has to zipper merge until about 7:50. Around 7:50 the line is typically short enough that parents can pull up and let their child out. The first couple of days may take longer, but please be patient with us and we will soon be flowing quickly.
This year, at 8:05 the sign in the front of the school will be turned around asking parents to come in and sign their child in. All students should be in the building by 8:05. They should be sitting in their homeroom by 8:10. If you arrive after the sign has been turned around, please come in and sign your child in. A student cannot sign themselves in. We do ask that you pay attention to the 8:05 time this year. Plan your morning routine and commute so that tardies do not become an issue. If it may be a problem for your family, students can always ride the school bus.
Car Rider Line procedures are the same in the afternoons. Please make sure you pull forward as much as possible before allowing your child to either exit or enter the car. It helps our car rider line go much quicker. You may need to pull up past where your child is standing. If so he/she will walk to you.
Checking Students Out Early
If you have not ready this policy, please pay close attention to the information below. We have given grace and reminders the first two weeks of school. We will be following this policy moving forward. Thank you!
Class time is valued, and we strive to interrupt class periods as little as possible. Early dismissal procedure: When you know in advance that your child must be dismissed early, SEND A NOTE to the school with your child, including the date and dismissal time. When your child arrives, he/she should bring the note to Ms. K, and your child’s agenda will be marked with the dismissal time. (We will make sure your child knows where to turn their note in. If you are new, they can come to the front office and we will direct them on where to go).
Your child will meet you in our front office at the scheduled dismissal time and sign out at the front office computer. If your child must leave early and has not brought in a note, you will be asked to wait in the front office until the change of class periods. Please speak with an administrator in case of an emergency. There will be no early dismissals after 2:40 PM.
SMS is an "Away for the Day" school, meaning no access to phones, wireless earbuds, and smartwatches during our school day. Electronic devices, including cell phones, may be brought to school and used before 7:40 or after 3:10 to communicate with parents.
Cell phones must be turned off and left in the student’s locker from 7:40 AM until 3:10 PM. Sick students should visit the nurse, not call home. (The nurse will call home if necessary).
This year we will be asking students to put their smartwatches away as well. That was in our policy last year, and we will be making sure that is enforced consistently this year across the school.
Students with medical situations that require the use of an app will be allowed to have phones for the purpose of monitoring their medical needs.
The student handbook is online and will be in your child's agenda coming home the first day. You can read more about this policy in their handbook.
School Supplies
All students will use a three ring zipper binder this year to use for all of their classes.
Please check out our website for the supply lists. Click the link below and you will see a blue button to click on for the supply list. https://sites.google.com/fmsdmail.org/parents/home
If your family needs help with school supplies, we have several business donors that have generously donated supplies. Reach out to our guidance department if your child needs help with supplies for the year. We want to make sure everyone is ready to go on day one. We will help them set up their binders during our homeroom time and teach them how to keep their papers organized so they can find them when they need to.