EMS Raider Student & Family News
AUGUST 7 - 11
A Message from Mrs. Venegas
Hello Raider families!
It was a FABULOUS first week of school for us at Eastwood Middle School! We are so thankful for the work everyone has done to make sure our Raiders transition smoothly into the new year. Thank you Raider parents for supporting your children and for understanding & adhering to campus expectations to keep them safe.
Our kicked off this year with enthusiasm and it was wonderful to see the hallways buzzing with positive energy and smiles. As I have said many times, there is nowhere quite like EMS and there is no better place for your child to have an exceptional middle school experience. Browse through the images below for a glimpse of what we did this week.
As you are aware by now, likely through my parent letter sent out Tuesday evening, I will be leaving this AMAZING campus at the end of this week to pursue a position elsewhere. It was a difficult decision to make because I love this place and the people in it so very much. For the 6 years I have been here, there has been such great work completed and progress made. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have been able to lead this beautiful community and watch it grow and change over the time I've been here. We and our Raiders will remain in the best of hands because the magic of this place lies in the commitment and collaboration of everyone here.
As a Raider parent, I will remain committed to doing all I can to support EMS, the people who dedicate their lives to serving this community, and to ensuring my own Raider does his part to RISE UP and help others do the same. That's how we get the job done--by every one of us understanding that we are all a part of this community and knowing what we do impacts others and the success of the campus as a whole.
Again, thank you for the trust you've placed in me to serve your Raider and family over the years. It has been the highlight of my career and has significantly impacted my life. To lead this community is to wear your heart on the outside of your body and be ready to advocate for what is best for everyone. It has been a true privilege to do so, and I will remain forever grateful.
Mr. Robert Martinez, former EKIS & EHS principal, will be serving as interim principal to assist our campus in having a smooth transition while a suitable replacement is found for my position. Please welcome him as he joins us this week in support of the great things happening at EMS.
Mrs. Venegas
**NEW** Campus Safety Procedures
As some of you may have noticed, the district is currently improving our front visitor's vestibule area. As the work progresses, we will need to make some adjustments to ensure we keep our campus safe. Please read the procedures outlined below so you are prepared in the event you need to enter our school building during the school day.
- All visitors must have a valid picture ID.
- Be prepared to show your ID outside of the campus after notifying the receptionist you have arrived, and to have it scanned in our Hall Pass system for a quick background check.
- The doors on the right-hand side are to ENTER the campus only. Doors on the left-hand side are to EXIT the building.
- Should you need to sign your child out for an appointment or the day, you will do so inside of the visitor's vestibule. You may wait inside the vestibule or just outside the front doors for your child.
- The receptionist will check to make sure the person picking up your child is authorized to do so as listed in our student information system.
- Your child will be called down to the visitor's center. As they pass through the area our receptionist will note they are ok to leave, at which time they will exit the building out of the exit only (left-hand side) doors. As you see them come through, you can meet them just outside the campus doors.
- Should you need to come inside the campus at or shortly after dismissal, you will be stopped at the door by an adult who will ask you the reason for your visit. They will communicate with the front office to make sure you are approved entry and you will be permitted to make your way to the front office for further assistance.
Thank you for your flexibility and understanding of our new visitor's area procedures. It is up to all of us to help keep our campus (students & adults) safe, and we appreciate your support and partnership in doing so.
If you have any questions or concerns, please make campus administration aware and we can assist you.
This Week's Campus Events
August 8:
- Anti-Hazing Meeting: FB, VB, Cheer, & Band @ EMS Main Gym 5:45 pm
- Anti-Hazing Meeting: Guitar @ EMS Cafeteria 6:00 pm
- Band Parent Meeting @ EMS Main Gym 6:20 pm
August 12: **HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS. VEGA!!!**
- Volleyball Games @ Brown MS 9:00 AM
EMS 2023-2024 Dress Code
EMS Office Staff & Nurse Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach out to anyone by calling our main number 915-434-4300, or any of the direct numbers below, from 7:45 am - 4:15 pm to assist you.
Office Clerk & Nurse Contact Information:
6th Grade Students
Heather Borrego
(915) 434-4368
7th Grade Students
Ana Cadena-Medina
(915) 434-4310
8th Grade Students
Aida Marquez
(915) 434-4367
Front Office/Discipline Clerk
Susana Jimenez
(915) 434-4300
Sched/Registrar Clerk
Melissa Franco
(915) 434-4392
Nurse's Office
Lizeth Dehghan
(915) 434-4311
Counselors' & Communities in Schools Contact Information
Counselors & CIS Contact Information:
Counselors' Clerk
Maricruz Ramirez
(915) 434-4300
6th Grade Students
Rose Ponce De Leon
(915) 434-4319
7th Grade Students
Susana Medina
(915) 434-4315
8th Grade Students
Melissa Alvarez
(915) 434-4321
Communities in Schools Coordinator - Student Last Names A - L
Ricardo Lomeli
(915) 434-4313
Communities in Schools Coordinator - Student Last Names M - Z
Claudia Ortega
(915) 434-4320
Administrative Offices Contact Information
Administrative Office Contact Information:
6th Grade Students
Assistant Principal - Michael Gutierrez
(915) 434-4302
7th Grade Students
Assistant Principal - Tanya Vega
(915) 434-4304
8th Grade Students
Assistant Principal - Carmen Imai
(915) 434-4326
Whole Campus Oversight
Principal - Sarah Venegas
(915) 434-4301
EMS Perimeter Map (Drop-Off & Bus Locations)
Raider Connect
Website: www.yisd.net/eastwoodmiddle
Location: 2612 Chaswood Street, El Paso, TX, USA
Phone: 915-434-4300
Facebook: facebook.com/EastwoodMSRaiders
Twitter: @EMS_Raiders