Week of March 20
San Marcos CISD
Robotics to STATE
The San Marcos High School robotics team spent spring break attending two FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) events in Belton and San Antonio, TX. Team 3679, finished 2nd place overall at the Belton competition and received the Creativity Award, sponsored by Rockwell Automation. At the San Antonio competition, the team advanced to the semi-finals and took home the Quality Award. Congratulations to the team for advancing to the state competition being held April 5-8 in Houston, TX.
NASA comes to San Marcos
On Saturday, March 25, San Marcos High School teacher, Mr. Malm and students hosted and conducted experiments alongside other aspiring scientists from Seguin, Lockhart, and Hays HS. The GLOBE Program is a science and education collaboration that provides students and the public worldwide with the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to our understanding of the global environment and climate. It connects students, teachers, scientists and other citizens from around the world to learn the practices of science through hands-on investigations in their own communities, sparking their curiosity and interest in science and other STEM fields.
GLOBE is a partnership between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), with support from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and U.S. Department of State, and carried out at the local level worldwide by partner organizations, governments, teachers and students.
Health Science at our Fingertips
San Marcos CISD joins the world’s leading medical schools and institutions who have the Anatomage Table. Housed in the SMHS Steam Center, the Anatomage Table will allow students in health science, forensic science and animal science to analyze anatomy and physiology in greater depth.
The Anatomage Table allows virtual access to actual cadavers to study in a variety of ways and includes case files and patient histories. Students will be able to use the table to make incisions on the cadavers to see internal anatomy, and various body systems. The 3D tool also provides access to study medical education, clinical planning and medical diagnosis. Students in the animal science program will also benefit from this tool to study and practice with various animal cadavers.
Health science students will also be able to enter contests based on their work with the Anatomage Table. Alongside its use at the SMHS Steam Center, livestreams utilizing the Anatomage Table are being worked on to allow elementary campuses across SMCISD to learn from health science students who would teach lessons on the table onto screens at the elementary schools.
Lend a Helping Arm – Blood Drive on April 1
San Marcos High School “STEAM Fair” is hosting a Blood Drive on April 1, 2023. Participants will receive a Torchy’s $5 Taco Money Card! The bloodmobile bus will be stationed in the front parking lot at San Marcos High School. If applicable, please come lend a helping arm, donate blood to support your community and save local lives. For eligibility information, please click here.
Blood Drive Contact: Megan Bading (megan.bading@smcisd.net)
We Are Blood Contact: Gabriela Castro (gcastro@weareblood.org)
Rattler Cadets Inspire Camaraderie and Community
The SMHS JROTC program organized and hosted the Inaugural Bataan Memorial March on Saturday, March 25. These kids took it upon themselves to learn about the attack in the Philippines at the beginning of World War II, where some of our local San Marcos soldiers lost their lives. They hosted this event as a commemoration, similar to the nationally recognized event held in White Sands, New Mexico.
This not only impacted our local students but also inspired the Canyon Lake High School Army JROTC to participate in the event, along with the San Marcos AMVETS, the Kissing Tree Veterans group, San Marcos American Legion, and the Amazon Warriors who hosted rest stops along their 14 mile ruck march, culminating in a brief ceremony at the VFW, with refreshments and lunch provided for everyone in attendance.
The Cadets used canned good donations to fill their packs and we were able to collect over 500lbs of food donations to go to the Hays County Food Bank. This event alone was able to garner camaraderie and community that went far beyond just a group of people doing a fundraiser. Congratulations to our dedicated Rattler Cadets on a successful and impactful Saturday.
Rattler Fun Day
San Marcos CISD hosted Rattler Fun Day at San Marcos High School’s Student Activity Center on Saturday, March 25. The day included athletic stations, a tour of the SMHS STEAM Center, a cheer minicamp, middle school and high school course selection assistance and free food! A big 'thank you' to our students and staff members for hosting a terrific day for our SMCISD families.
Pottery Passion Project
Pottery is in motion at De Zavala Elementary as gifted and talented students begin their passion projects. Ms. Arielle Cruz, GT Specialist, brought in a pottery wheel for Weston Kolodziejcyk to use to create his passion project. Weston chose pottery because Ms. Cruz had all the equipment available to use, and his mom likes plants. Alongside pottery, students have chosen passion project topics like podcasts, animations and robotics.
Celebrating Art
San Marcos CISD student artists were recognized during a reception at the San Marcos Activity Center on Thursday, March 23. Student artwork is currently on display at the activity center in the Walkers’ Gallery as part of its annual Youth Art Month exhibit. The public reception featured musical performances from SMCISD students, and also recognized the district’s art teachers and students.
Lady Rattler Soccer
Congratulations to the San Marcos High School Lady Rattler Soccer program on a terrific season! We wish our seniors the best of luck and thank each and every one of them for their dedication to Rattler Athletics the last four years!
Rattlers Can Inspire Change
Goodnight Middle School students received a positive and inspiring message from nationally renowned motivational speaker Juan Cangas, who spoke to sixth and seventh graders on Tuesday, March 21. He shared his life story, telling everyone about his failures and successes and how the students could learn from him. Cangas spoke about how he found his motivation in life, overcoming barriers such as drug addiction, gang influence and hopelessness. He also shared how his desire to make his mother proud helped him become the first person in his family to attend college.
Aloha, Hawaii!
Congratulations to San Marcos High School cheerleaders Janessa Garza, Aubrey Clark and Maddie Boren who have been selected to attend Cheer Hawaii USA 2023. Only 150 cheerleaders are selected to take part in the week-long camp in Oahu, Hawaii, at the University of Hawaii. Cheer Hawaii USA 2023 provides college prep cheer instruction with a Hawaiian experience.
A Champion Stride
Bowie Elementary Champions took part in the school's Run-A-Thon on Friday, March 24. Champions walked, jogged and ran for 30 minutes all in an effort to raise funds for Bowie’s PE program. Students’ parents supported their Champions’ participation in the Run-A-Thon by donating funds for each lap completed. All proceeds will go toward this year’s Field Day, equipment, camps and more.
Superstars Slumber Hour
Crockett Elementary returned from spring break to a pajama day. Students dressed in their favorite pajamas, brought their blankets and took part in fun activities like crossword puzzles, book reading and coloring during Slumber Hour on Monday, March 20. Crockett Superstars were also able to have their favorite snacks during their return-to-class celebration.
Reading is their Superpower
Hernandez Heroes received a treat for taking part in this year’s Read-A-Thon. Heroes who read 500 minutes took part in a popcorn and pickle party on Thursday, March 23. Read-A-Thon is an annual fundraiser that runs in conjunction with Read Across America Week, which takes place March 2-6. Hernandez Elementary raised a total of $11,250 and tallied 86,867 minutes of reading. Other prizes offered have included time in a video game truck, an ice cream party, and a DJ dance party.
Strikers and StarBOOKS
Mrs. Guess’ classroom transformed into “StarBOOKS” on Friday, March 24, where her fourth grade Strikers were able to share their poetry work with their peers. Guest readers also joined in on the fun to read poetry. Students were treated with hot chocolate, popcorn and sweets at StarBOOKS. Congratulations to these stars on the rise, this poetry cafe received a 5-star rating on our behalf!
Superintendent Parent Advisory Council Meets
The Superintendent Parent Advisory Council met on Wednesday, March 22 for its monthly meeting. During the meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michael Cardona discussed topics raised by members of the council, including the upcoming bond, campus traffic concerns, and classroom safety.
SMCISD Shoutout – Right on Track
Congratulations to Ayleceia Pierson (High Jump 5'6'') and Qiera Green (Triple Jump 39' 3.35'') for breaking San Marcos High School records, thus far. Student-athletes will head to Austin, TX, on Friday, March 31 and Saturday, April 1, to represent San Marcos CISD at the Texas Relays.
Best of luck to:
- Lady Rattler 4x100 (Lilah Kennedy, Malina Burley, Marli Myers, Ayleceia Pierson)
- Lady Rattler 4x400 (Azariah Fennell, Julisa Mora-Moya, Marli Myers, Sarahi Cante)
- Qiera Green
- Ayleceia Pierson
- Exavion Harris