North Star News
August 19, 2022
North Elementary
440 N. 10th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Phone: 317-773-0482 Fax: 317-776-6274
Follow us on Twitter at @Northelem2
Follow us on Facebook at North Elem and North Elementary School PTO
Principal's Point
Hello North families,
Can you believe that another week is already in the books? Here at North, we are rolling along, have finished our SHINE procedures, and had our first Lifeskills convocation. It was really a lot of fun!
So many parents ask how they can be a support to North. One of the greatest supports a parent can do is to talk with their children about school. But this can be hard because, as I have found with my own children, they typically respond with, "fine", "ok", "I don't know", etc.
The trick is to ask about things that are specific, but still open-ended. Move beyond "fine" and "nothing" by asking your kids to describe their world. It's also great to start the conversation with an anecdote from your own day. Try one of these conversation-starters:
- Tell me about the best part of your day.
- What was the hardest thing you had to do today?
- Did any of your classmates do anything funny?
- Tell me about what you read in class.
- Who did you play with today? What did you play?
- Do you think math [or any subject] is too easy or too hard?
- What's the biggest difference between this year and last year?
- What rules are different at school than our rules at home? Do you think they're fair?
- Can you show me something you learned (or did) today?
- How did you SHINE today at school?
Have a great weekend!
Robert Lugo
North Elementary
Mr. Lugo's Brainbuster
The winner of this weeks Brainbuster is Felix Sherrill from Mrs. Garibay's class. He knew that a rooster does not lay eggs so the answer was 0. Congratulations Felix! You win lunch with Mr. Lugo.
This weeks Brainbuster: What three numbers, none of which is zero, give the same result whether they’re added or multiplied?
When you know the answer to the brainbuster, write it down on a piece of paper (make sure to write your name and teacher on it too), bring it to the office, and put it in the brainbuster jar. At the end of the week, Mr. Lugo will pick one from the jar. The winner will choose lunch from any fast food restaurant and eat with Mr. Lugo!
Upcoming Activities and Reminders
8/24//22 Elearning Day
8/31/22 Late Arrival - school starts at 8:15
9/9/22 Picture Day
Don't miss Girl Scout registration night on 9/8 from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria. Learn about all Girl Scouts has to offer! https://www.girlscoutsindiana.org/
All transportation changes need to be in by 12pm everyday.
We do not take the word of the student. Please send in a note, email, or call the office.
dawn_bolt@nobl.k12.in.us , kristen_scheib@nobl.k12.in.us, 317-773-0482
Counselor's Corner
How to Cope With Back-to-School Anxiety
Know the Signs
Some worries are to be expected. It’s not easy to walk into a new classroom with a new
teacher and start from scratch every year. Watch for these symptoms of anxiety as the new
school year begins:
Changes in eating habits
Sleep disturbance
Clingy behavior
Meltdowns or tantrums
Nail biting, hair twirling, skin picking
Headaches or stomach pains
Avoiding normal daily activities
Increased irritability
Increased crying
Social isolation
How to Deal with Back-to-School Anxiety
Consistency and routines are always a great place to start when it comes to squashing those
back-to-school worries. Try some of these strategies to help your child ease into the new
school year.
Attend school every day – avoidance of school will only increase and reinforce your
child’s anxiety
Get back to basics – anxiety can cause kids to struggle with sleep and eat a little less.
Make sure your child gets plenty of sleep and eats balanced meals.
Allow extra time in the mornings – anxious children don’t like to be rushed or be late.
Allow plenty of time to eat breakfast, get dressed and get to school.
Listen – take time to listen and help your child come up with strategies to solve
problems. It will help him/her feel more confident.
Role-play – Practice with your child taking control of worrisome situations.
Seek help – if anxiety persists, seek help from a school counselor or your doctor.
*Source – www.pbs.org/parents
Notes from the Nurse
I’m sooo tired! That seems to be a common complaint we’re hearing. There’s been
quite of few kiddos needing “power naps”. It’s always hard getting back into the
swing of things when school starts. Please make sure your student(s) keeps a
regular sleep schedule, eats a healthy breakfast and is ready for a successful school
Water Bottles. Please make sure your student has a water bottle daily. Staying
hydrated throughout the day will help keep away headaches, dizziness and fatigue.
Safety Drill
Dear Families,
Providing a safe and secure learning environment for students is of paramount importance at Noblesville Schools. Many of these practices are proactive measures aimed at creating a safe and inclusive environment for all students. Additionally, Noblesville Schools utilizes a safety program that focuses on our response to an armed intruder called ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate). The ALICE protocols provide options to students and staff when facing threat or harm from an intruder. The ALICE Training Institute (https://www.alicetraining.com/) is a wonderful resource that can provide you with more detailed information on the training that all Noblesville Schools’ staff members have received. We hold four drills per year (two each semester). Please be aware that there are levels of the drill process progression when ALICE protocol is being practiced. We start the year having staff go through a safety checklist of items to review with students during the first week of school. Our first safety drill consists of a Tabletop Activity where classes talk through safety scenarios in small discussion groups. We then transition into drills where we continue to practice our ALICE protocols and how we would respond in various situations. These drills look different at each developmental level.
The staff at Noblesville Schools are aware that these drills can trigger physical or emotional responses in students. Teachers are being trained to look out for some of the warning signs and coached on helpful language they can use to support students in the moment. We are working to normalize this for students and to help students in identifying trusted adults they can turn to if they need to process before, during, or after a drill. Please contact your child’s school counselor or social worker with any concerns you may have with how your child may be processing these safety drills.
Dr. Heather Hendrich
Assistant Superintendent of HR/Safety
Noblesville Schools
Community News
Boys and Girls Club of Noblesville youth volleyball leagues registering now grades K-12
Noblesville Swim Club will have evaluations for swimmers K-12 interested in joining the club on August 24 and August 25 from 5 PM to 7 PM in the Noblesville High School Natatorium (Gate 7).
Inspired by the hit television show American Ninja Warrior on NBC, Ultimate Ninjas offers a wide variety of obstacle courses for kids of every age and skill level. We have an agility course, swinging ropes, monkey bars, quintuple steps, climbing and warped walls among other exciting obstacles for kids to try.
Noblesville Girls Basketball Club registration is now open! Learn more here.
White River Sports offers one of the largest youth basketball programs in Hamilton County for students in grades K-8. Coaches emphasize and focus on building fundamentals from an early age and league rules are designed to grow as participants mature. Register now grades K-8
Would your child like to try tennis? Go here to learn from the NHS tennis coach about how your elementary or middle schooler can get involved or visit http://www.millerstennis.com/
Miller Explorers before/after school care is hiring! If you or someone you know (16+) is interested in working with elementary students part-time in a fun, exploratory environment after school, please reach out to Salena Smith (salena_smith@nobl.k12.in.us) or visit our website to learn more.
Calling all future Millers cheerleaders! Join NHS cheerleaders September 8th to learn cheers, chants, a dance and stunts, and then perform at a football game!
Panorama Student Survey Grades 3-5
Noblesville Schools is committed to providing a great school experience for all students. To help achieve this, we use a platform called Panorama to survey students in grades 3-5 during the dates of August 29 - September 9, 2022. The Panorama survey seeks to gather input on topics like school climate and culture, emotion regulation, self-management, social awareness and belonging. When students feel connected to their school environment, they are more engaged and increasingly successful in both academic and social achievements. More information on the survey can be found here.
Although the survey is not mandatory, student perceptions will provide valuable insights for future planning, support and programming. Results will be used to determine needs based on trends for our school.
If you wish for your student to opt-out, you can submit an opt-out form. The survey is voluntary and students are welcome to choose an alternate activity (read, homework, etc.) at the time the survey is given.
If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact our district counseling coordinator, Melissa Rarick at (317) 773- 3171 or melissa_rarick@nobl.k12.in.us
Thank you for your support of this important opportunity to best serve students and our school community.