SCCS Home Bulletin
December 13, 2023
The mission of Sioux Center Christian School is to disciple God’s children by equipping them with a knowledge and understanding of Christ and His creation so that they can obediently serve God and others as they work and play.
Every Student TREASURED, Every Student TRAINED, Every Student TRANSFORMED
Let’s keep rolling with our series Reformed: Doubling Down!
Last week, we finished the section focused on the idea that God communicates, and we were reminded that Reformed Christians have a high regard for Scripture.
This week, let’s go to the next idea held by Reformed Christians: God confirms.
The Reformed perspective believes that God confirms through sacraments. A sacrament is an action or ritual that God commands the church to perform. It’s often defined as an outward sign that conveys inward, spiritual grace through Christ. Through the sacraments, God strengthens our faith.
The Reformed perspective emphasizes that baptism and communion are signs and seals of God’s promises. They are not those promises themselves. Some perspectives teach that the sacraments are necessary for salvation. Reformed Christians don’t agree. The sacraments are God-given confirmations of God’s deeds, not the deeds themselves. The sacraments of communion and baptism are invaluable ways by which God makes us see and touch and taste what God has really promised to do for us. That makes them important ways by which our faith can grow. They confirm God’s promises. Our Lord is still in charge. Salvation is Christ’s work.
We are so thankful that God confirms through sacraments!
Congratulations to Mrs. Becky Postma, our Sensory Specialist, who was surprised with the Sioux Center - Pella Corporation November Staff Member of the Month award this morning!
Mrs. Postma was nominated by a parent who shared, "Going above and beyond defines this teacher. Her genuine love for the kids she serves is so evident. She takes the time to get to know each child she works with and seeks to understand and implement strategies that will help them succeed at school. Her collaboration between teachers and students is invaluable. My son has come to love her, and nothing makes me feel better than for this teacher to say he lights up her day, too!"
Mrs. Postma receives $500 to be used to enhance learning in her sensory room, plus a special mug and certificate. Thank you to BJ, Elizabeth, and Tristan, who took the time to represent Pella Corp. and deliver the award (plus Dr. Bowar took a quick pic with Tristan, who was in his 5th grade class his first year teaching at SCCS)!
We are grateful to Sioux Center Pella Corporation for this amazing program they have done for several years as a way to honor and encourage our amazing local educators!! THANK YOU!
Congratulations to the seven 7th and 8th graders who participated in the Interscholastic Speech event at Rock Valley Christian on October 23. Students prepared for the event by meeting with Mrs. Teresa Taylor as a group during lunch once a week in October, and the rest of the practice and preparation was on their own. The original oratories were written by the students!
7th grade
- Emmery Huizenga: interpretive prose – “The Giving Tree”
8th grade
- Kayci Lodewyk: original oratory – “Connecting With Christian Music”
- Madeli Mejia-Vargas: interpretive prose – “I Have a Dream”
- Megan Wielenga: interpretive prose – a few children’s books on the theme of parents’ love for the child no matter the age
- Addie Groenewold, Elsie Vander Tuin, & Ella Visscher: original oratory – “Battle of the Speeches”
- Please check the online calendar for upcoming events (http://www.siouxcenterchristian.com/calendar.cfm)
- Because of an all staff/faculty meeting and Christmas Party, the office will close at 2:20 on Wednesday, Dec. 13.
- There will be no Aftercare on Wednesday, Dec. 13 and Tuesday, Dec. 19.
- There will be no school December 20-Jan. 2 for the Christmas break. Classes will resume on Wednesday, Jan. 3.
- The school office will be closed Dec. 20- Jan. 2 for the Christmas break.
- The TRIP Office will be open from 8:00-1:00 on the following days during Christmas Break: Dec. 20-22, Dec. 29 and Jan. 2. They will be closed Dec. 25-28 and Jan. 1.
At SCCS, we keep Christ's birth the focus of Christmas. That will never change! It is also fun to celebrate this season with each other! That's why we invite you to join in Festive Fun in December. Here’s the plan:
- Friday, December 15: Ugly or not-so-ugly sweaters – wear your Christmas attire!
- Tuesday, December 19: Red and green – dress the colors of Christmas!
Wear your good-natured sweaters, light necklaces, flannel, colored apparel – whatever you already have! Hats that go with the theme are OK. Parents, we ask that you carefully discern the appropriateness of student festive apparel as we seek to celebrate with each other while still keeping the true focus of Christmas on Christ’s birth. Also, all clothing should still fit the school dress code. Merry Christmas!
3rd Grade Orchestra Parents: You are invited to attend the 3rd grade orchestra recital on Monday, December 18, from 11:20-11:35 in the orchestra room at SCCS. The students are eager to share the music they have learned so far!
You are welcome to attend our Christmas chapel on Tuesday, December 19 at 1:30. You may also join our livestream (and recording) at https://www.siouxcenterchristian.com/currentfamilies/livestream.cfm
We have a nice selection of Trailblazer t-shirts and hoodie sweatshirts in our Mini Apparel Store! Stop by the school office to find a gift for your favorite student or supporter! Youth Small – Adult XL are available. T-shirts are $15-$18 and hoodies are $30.
We value the partnership between our parents and school! We want to invite you into the school so you can experience what’s happening in the classroom. Each grade level will be hosting a Parent Visit Day again this year. You are invited to join us for some time in the classroom and Pizza Ranch pizza on us!
6th Grade Parent Day is up next on Friday, January 12! The morning will start with a welcome at 11:00 in the Band Room followed by a classroom visit from 11:10-12:00 and lunch will be served at 12:00. We will be ordering pizza from Pizza Ranch and our guests will enjoy 2 pieces of pizza per person. You are welcome to stay for recess as well! Please sign up here by Monday, Jan. 8, so we know how many to plan for. Looking forward to your visit!
Below are the dates and times for the other grade level Parent Visit Days this school year. More information will be sent out later.
- Jan. 19 - 11:00 - 5th grade
- Feb. 2 - 11:00 - 7th grade
- Feb. 9 - 10:15 - 2nd grade
- Mar. 1 - 10:30 - 3rd grade
- Mar. 22 - 10:45 - 4th grade
- Apr. 4 - 10:00 - Kindergarten
The deadline has been extended, so we can still accept gifts to NICSTO (an Iowa School Tuition Organization)!
Did you know you can give a gift in which you get 75% of the gift BACK?! This is possible when you give to NICSTO, an Iowa School Tuition Organization. Any Iowa taxpayer (or S-Corp, LLC, Estate, Trust, or C-Corp) can make a gift in which 100% is directed to Sioux Center Christian School students, but 75% of your gift comes back to YOU as an Iowa TAX CREDIT certificate - deducts right off your Iowa income tax bill!
As parents, you may donate to NICSTO for the income tax benefits even if your students receive a NICSTO grant!
To learn more about this giving opportunity, head to https://www.siouxcenterchristian.com/supportsccs/nicsto.cfm
Forms are available online and by the TRIP window. We encourage you to give before Christmas, but we can receive gifts until our goal is met. Please contact Paul Ross, director of development, if you have any questions about NICSTO (pross@siouxcenterchristian.com // 712.541.1707)
Sioux Center Christian School invites you to consider the opportunity to work with a dedicated faculty and staff, passionate parents, and fantastic students through the following positions with a start date of August 1, 2024. The ideal candidate loves God, loves kids, and loves learning. Interested applicants should complete the faculty application package, located at https://www.siouxcenterchristian.com/connectwithus/employment.cfm A review of applicants will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.
- Art/5-6 Life Skills (Full-time)
KITCHEN (PART-TIME) : Looking for someone to join our Kitchen crew from 9:00-2:00 Monday through Friday to help with setting up the line, serving food and clean up. Job applications are available on the SCCS website. https://www.siouxcenterchristian.com/connectwithus/employment.cfm
CUSTODIAL CLEANING CREW HELP WANTED: Looking for hardworking independent high school students or adults to fill openings on the SCCS after school custodial cleaning crew. Flexible after school/evening hours available. Contact Eileen Buiter 712-578-8624. Job applications are available on the SCCS website. https://www.siouxcenterchristian.com/connectwithus/employment.cfm
SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS: We are in need of substitute teachers for this school year. Subs are needed for teachers and paras at all grade levels, kitchen crew and at times a nurse. Please fill out the form at the link below if you are interested in adding your name to the sub list. SCCS will provide all training, and you even get a free lunch when you sub! Qualifications for being a sub include a love of children, the ability to follow teacher lesson plans, flexibility, and a commitment to Christian education. We invite you to join us!
We will be using the Remind system again for our weather alerts so that you can receive a text. We will also be posting on Bloomz.
If you would like to sign up to receive a text alert, please text the information below (depending on your last name) to 81010. We need to be a little creative to still use the free account. 😊
Last Name A-D: text @sccsa-d to 81010
Last Name E-K: text @sccse-k to 81010
Last Name L-P: text @sccsl-p to 81010
Last Name Q-T: text @sccsq-t to 81010
Last Name U-V: text @sccsu-v to 81010
Last Name W-Z: text @sccsw-z to 81010
A reminder to all families and staff that we are an Allergy Aware school. We have some students with severe allergies to peanuts and need to ensure that all nut containing foods stay at home. This includes peanut butter sandwiches, crackers with peanut butter and granola bars with nuts. Even if there is not a student with an allergy in your immediate class, we need to remember the shared spaces in school where every student is in contact with each other, such as the cafeteria. There are many nut-free lunch and snack options available. Please take some extra precautions when sending food to school with your children.
- Thanks to everyone who signed up to help with dishwashing this year! If you would like to help out you can sign up here. If you have questions, contact Ashley Keith (akeith@siouxcenterchristian.com).
- You can find the lunch and dishwashing schedule here.
- If you would like to eat lunch with your child, please contact the school 24 hours in advance of when you would like to eat. The cost for a lunch is $5.00 and can be paid as you go through the lunch line. Thank you!
Currently there is information for:
- Sioux Center Recreation Winter Track Classic
- Western Wolfpack AAU Volleyball
- UPDATED - Unity Christian Volleyball - AAU Tryouts Signup and Information
- Wolfpack Wrestling Camp
Staff Member of the Month: Nominate a staff member to become the Pella Corporation Staff member of the month. Pella Corporation will award one monthly recipient $500.00 to use towards school approved items and a certificate of recognition. A nomination form can be found here.
You are welcome to attend an informational meeting regarding The JumpSTART Pathway at Western Christian High School on Tuesday, January 16 at 7:00 pm. To learn more about this unique 4-year path, check out the handbook that is attached below.
Email: sccsoffice@siouxcenterchristian.com
Website: siouxcenterchristian.com
Location: 630 1st Ave. SE, Sioux Center, IA
Phone: 712-722-0777
Facebook: facebook.com/siouxcenterchristian
Twitter: @sccstrailblazer