The Mather Memo
February Edition
Message from the Principal
Here are three suggestions from students who passed all of their classes:
- Attendance Matters - do whatever you need to do to be in every class, every day!
- Assignments Matter - turn in your best work, give your teachers a heads up if you
- You Matter! Communicate frequently with your teachers, let them know if you are struggling. Ask for help when you need it and use your support days wisely!
If you did, unfortunately, fail a class, be sure to sign up for Saturday school to make it up as soon as possible.
Whether you consider your first semester a success or not, everyone is starting fresh in semester 2 - you are back at straight A's! Continue to do your best to be successful, you can do it!
Go Rangers!
Principal Auffant
National School Counselor Week - February 1st - 5th
Thank you: (from left to right) Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Wong, Mrs. Rojek, Ms. Stenzel, and Mrs. Rodriguez
Dates to Remember - February
*Monday, February 15 - President's Day - No School
*Wednesday, February 17 - Scholarship Information Session @ 3:15 pm
*Saturday, February 20 - Saturday School begins virtually
*Friday, February 26 - Ranger Day - Special Schedule
CPS Meal Site
The health and wellbeing of our students and staff is always our top priority. Since the temporary closure of our schools due to COVID-19, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) has served millions of grab-and-go meals to families. We are committed to providing meals throughout the closure, during the remote learning schedule. Parents/Guardians/Students can pick up meals at more than 450 schools, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 1pm.
Please go to Door 4 at Mather High School to pick-up food
Awesome Opportunities for 9th and 10th graders!
Credit Recovery
Mather Saturday School begins on Saturday, February 20. All Saturday school and evening schools are virtual. At this time there is also no cost to make up a credit.
If you have questions please reach out to our counseling clerk: Ms. Khan - fakhan12@cps.edu or by phone: 773/534-2490
What does a student need to graduate from Mather?
All students need the following courses to graduate: (1 credit = 1 year)
English - 4 credits
Math - 3 credits
Social Studies - 3 credits
Science - 3 credits
World Language - 2 credits
Physical Education - 2 credits
Fine Arts - 2 credit
Exploring Computer Science - 1 credit
Electives - 3 credit
Career Education - 1 credit
Total credits = 24
But, beyond these credits students need to complete the following in order to graduate:
Service Learning Projects - 2
Drivers Education - Sophmore year
Constitution (Pl 195) - Sophomore year
Consumer/Financial Education - Junior or Senior year
Health Education - Freshman year
SAT & PSAT - Freshman - Junior year
Learn.Plan.Succeed - Senior year
Financial Aid Application - Senior year
Students will begin meeting with their counselors in March to go over the course selection process.
Check your email - twice a day!
Here is a link to a great email that will help you navigate a flood of email:
Attendance Guidance for 2nd semester
As we begin our second semester of this school year, students must continue to follow the virtual attendance expectations given by the district. Even under the circumstances, student attendance is very important and necessary for them to be successful.
Students must be signed on and participate in each classroom Google Meeting, on time, in order to get credit for attendance for that period. Teachers will then report student attendance as normal.
If students arrive at the Google Meeting late, they will be marked as tardy
If students do not participate in one or multiple of their daily Google Meets, their attendance will be marked as Absent/Half Day Absent for the school day. Parents will be notified.
The following are procedures for reporting your child's absence during remote learning. Emails or notes cannot be accepted to report your child’s absence.
Please call the attendance hotline at 773-534-2350 Option 3. Know that only a parent or guardian can call in to report an absence. You can save this number in your phone for easy access.
Parents and Guardians must provide the following information:
The date of the absence
The student's full name
Your name, and your relationship with the student
Your call back number
Reason for the absence - below are the acceptable reason for student absence according to the CPS and State of Illinois guidelines
Student Illness
Observance of a religious holiday
Death in the immediate family
Family emergency with an explanation
Circumstances that cause a reasonable concern for your child's safety
Other situation beyond the control of the student
Perfect Attendance Prizes
Congratulations Oswaldo!
Congratulations Class of 2021
Technical Questions
Are you having a password issue? Did your Chromebook break? Check out the links on your Google Classroom "Class of" page and we will help you out!
Do you still need a Chromebook for your student to log into their classes? There is a link on the "Class of" page as well! Students can access this page and add parents!
Stephen T Mather High School
Email: contactmather@cps.edu
Website: matherhs.org
Location: 5835 North Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, IL, USA
Phone: 773534-2350
Twitter: @matherhs