The TES Times
September 2022
Dear TES Families,
It is hard to believe we have arrived at the end of a full month of school! September has been busy and students have been learning school rules and expectations and adapting well to classroom routines. Next month, we are excited to begin our interest-based enrichment classes for first through fourth graders in Technology, Library/Media, Art, and Spanish. These classes are optional and will be held during select recess periods. This will offer students the opportunity to discover new interests, talents, and hobbies.
This week we will observe the Week of Respect with a kickoff Prismatic Magic Laser assembly about kindness, daily activities, and spirit days. Also in October, PTA & Whittemore after school clubs will begin. Please see below for more information on all things TES!
Lisa Moore
Week of Respect - October 3rd - 7th
Monday - October 3 - Wear your sunglasses because it's cool to be KIND!
Tuesday - October 4 - Wear a sports jersey to join team RESPECT!
Wednesday - October 5 - No School
Thursday - October 6 - Wear your crazy socks to celebrate DIFFERENCES!
Friday - October 7 - Wear bright colors to BRIGHTEN the world around you!
Pre-K Corner
Practicing New Routines and Making Friends
Pre-K fun has begun! Students have been enjoying themselves participating in all sorts of activities! They have been learning classroom routines and making friends. Recognizing colors, counting toys and practicing letter names and sounds are just a few daily exercises students have had fun with.
- Mrs. Kovalsky
Kindergarten Happenings
Every Day Brings So Much Growth!
Kindergarten is off to a great start! The children are excited to be members of the Tewksbury Elementary School community. It is so much fun to see the kindergarteners make new friends, try new things, develop their skills, and be open to all the learning opportunities in our school.This month we are focusing a lot on the alphabet and on our names. We are counting all kinds of things and learning to write our numbers. We are also learning to navigate our school, both physically and behaviorally. Every day brings about so much growth!
- Mrs. Gentile and Mrs. Perticari
Art Appeal
A line is a dot that went for a walk...
- Mrs. Wadler
Image (below) is Paul Klee's Insula Dulcamara from 1938
Musical Express
The Halls Are Alive with the Sound of Music
- Mrs. Spina
First Grade Chronicles
Getting to Know You
In first grade, students have been busy working on identifying, representing, and comparing numbers from one to ten while also identifying and completing number patterns. In reading, students have been busy rotating through guided reading groups and independent literacy centers. In writing, students each wrote a goal they have for first grade. Students also learned how to stretch a sentence by adding more detail through the use of question words. Our students also looked at and learned how to make a "WOW" picture. A WOW picture is neat, outlined, has tons of details, lots of colors, and has labels. In social studies, students have been working on building a classroom community and getting to know each other.
- Mrs. Chapman, Ms. Picardo, Ms. Piesla, and Mrs. Saksa
Second Grade Scoop
Positive Classroom and Grade Level Community
- Mrs. Bristow, Mr. Frankosky, Ms. Piesla, Mrs. Nugent, and Mr. Strange
Third Grade Buzz
Flexing Our Math Muscles
Math Update from 3rd Grade: We are hitting the ground running in Math, building upon prior skills from 1st & 2nd grades and reviewing the skills needed for our first chapter "Numbers to 10,000." The children are excited to learn about larger numbers! We will build skill knowledge with lots of hands-on practice using manipulatives like place value blocks. This first unit is is the number sense foundation for our year of learning. We are comparing numbers using the <, >, and = symbols. (ex. 1,234 > 234 by 1000, 566 < 766 by 200, etc.) We are also patterning by adding 1, 10, or 100 (2125, 2135, 2145, etc.) and practicing math fact basics. This will help us to build a strong foundation for a year of problem solving and collaborative learning.
- Mrs. Emge, Ms. Kouzis, Mrs. Fuentes, Mrs. Pill, and Mrs. Nichols
The Library Review
Taking Care of Books!
- Ms. Rose-Mason
Fourth Grade Press
Leaders of the Pack
Fourth grade students kicked off the 2022-2023 school year as leaders to help teach the students of TES about the lunchroom, bus, and playground rules. Each class created a list of rules and designed posters to help showcase appropriate school behavior. We were so proud of the students for getting up on stage in front of their peers at Tiger Time! The posters will now hang in the halls as a reminder of school rules. Way to go fourth graders!
- Mrs. DelGrande, Mrs. Forsythe, Mrs. Fuentes, Mrs. Palmer, and Ms. Wade-Taffera
From Ms. Morogiello, School Nurse
Illness Prevention
As the weather starts to get colder and you spend more time indoors, it's easier to spread germs. Here are four ways to protect yourself and others from getting sick:
1. The number one way to prevent illness is through proper and frequent hand washing.
2. Practice respiratory etiquette. Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or cough/sneeze into the crook of your elbow. NEVER sneeze or cough into your hands.
3. Don’t put your fingers into your eyes, nose, or mouth. Prevent germs from entering the body.
4. Stay home if you are ill.
Practicing these basic strategies at home and at school will help to keep you and our school community healthy!
- Mrs. Morogiello, School Nurse
If you have any student health-related questions, please contact Nancy Morogiello at nmorogiello@tewksburyschools.org or 908-832-2594 x2011. Report student absences prior to 9:00 AM by inputting to Pick Up Patrol.
Counselor's Corner
Welcoming Our Newest Students
- Mrs. Donovan, School Counselor
Español Express
We're off to a great start to the school year in K-4 Spanish. We're learning new routines and practicing old ones, singing songs and guessing where the sticker is hiding on the calendar! If anyone wants to support Spanish learning at home, check out Rockalingua.com, our username and password are both "holatewks" and there are lots of great songs and games to play. I am looking forward to a great year of seeing everyone learn and grow in Spanish!
- Mrs. Obercian
Technology - Discover and Learn
How Clever!
This year's technology program is off to a great start. All of the second through fourth grade students have logged into their Chromebooks and joined their Tech Google Classrooms. We have logged into Clever and explored the programs and how to access them. We have reviewed the HOME ROW keys and talked about proper finger placement on the QWERTY keyboard. Grade two and three students will use Typing Agent and Grade four will use Typing.com. Please encourage practice at home twice a week for fifteen minutes. Parents, make sure to look for the information that was put into student’s binders/folders in regards to logging in from home through Clever. The kindergarten and first grade students are trying to learn their private passwords. They will keep these passwords through their time here at TES. Please help them try to remember them. We have finally all logged into our Chromebooks and are learning how to properly use a mouse by clicking, dragging and dropping. Look for more information and links to programs we use soon.
- Ms. Rinehart
Health & Physical Education Update
Safety is The Priority
Students were welcomed to Physical Education with an orientation addressing school wide security/safety procedures and class expectations. Safety is the priority. Soccer, our first unit of the school year, is off to a great start! Students are learning skills such as dribbling, trapping and passing the soccer ball. Lead up games provide all students many opportunities to practice their soccer skills. Looking forward to a safe and fun school year!
- Mr. Wooby and Ms. Mukherjee
Lunch at TES
PTA Trunk or Treat
Register at http://www.tewksburynjpta.com/ for this exciting event!
Sunday, Oct 23, 2022, 02:00 PM
Tewksbury Elementary School, Fairmount Road East, Califon, NJ, USA
Halloween Parade
Monday, Oct 31, 2022, 09:00 AM
Tewksbury Elementary School, Fairmount Road East, Califon, NJ, USA
Afterschool Clubs
A Message from the Tewksbury Education Foundation
Innovating Explorations
The Tewksbury Education Foundation (TEF) has once again been hard at work to meet our simple goal, bringing innovative, inspiring, and cutting-edge events and programs to EVERY STUDENT in our District. The TEF Trustees help identify and procure critical programs in areas like Academic Enrichment, Fine Arts, STEAM Innovation, Mental and Physical Health and Wellness, and further explorations that bring our children's curriculum to life. Each program is unique and relevant to each grade. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date on all our events and programs @ Tewksbury TEF.
- Hope Kaufman, President TEF
October 7th: Tewksbury Parks Committee and TEF's FREE Annual STAR PARTY at Christy Hoffman Farm Park @ 7:00 p.m. featuring the Pearl Observatory.
Astronomers of all experience levels are welcome!
December 1st: Tewksbury Education Foundation FREE Annual STEAM Night at Tewksbury Elementary School @ 6:00 p.m. Join us in a fully interactive STEAM experience.