ASAP-NJ October
Association of Student Assistance Professionals
ASAP - The Association of Student Assistance Professionals Guidelines
How do I become a member of ASAP?- Association of Student Assistance Professionals NJ?
Click Here for the Membership Link
Click Here to visit
- State of NJ (NJDOE) Student Support Services.
2022- 2023 Membership Information and Link
If you have any questions that pertain to membership, please contact our Membership Chair Andrea Saladino directly.
Meet your Executive Board for the Association of Student Assistance Professionals
October 10 is World Mental Health Day
Suicide Prevention Annual Conference Oct12th 9-2:30
See the Flyer for the event with the Keynote Speaker and the events from 9-2:30pm
Register for the event
National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Mental Illness Awareness Week (Oct. 4-10)
OCD Awareness Week (Oct. 11-17)
ADHD Awareness Week (TBA)
International Day of Non-Violence (Oct. 2)
World Mental Health Day (Oct. 10)
National Depression Screening Day (Oct. 8)
National Coming Out Day (Oct. 11)
National Stop Bullying Day (Oct. 14)
Info shared from New Jersey Citizen Action
Key Facts About 988 (Established through the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act)
· 988 is the first nationwide number to offer 24/7 behavioral health crisis call services.
· Scheduled to go live July 16, 2022.
Between the Bells
Do you need support for families that have food insecurity? you will find a comprehensive list of resources for food and meals as organized by the group “Hunger Free New Jersey”. Note that the link for the 2-1-1 Directory has six options listed and these include “home-delivered meals” (see “Older Adults” and “Individuals with Disabilities”) and Formula/Baby Food (see “Immediate Food” and “Infants and Children” ).
Thank you for sharing this within your network of contacts as may be appropriate.
Director of NJ 211, “we're committed to making it easy to get help when it’s needed most”.
More information on the partnership, income limits, and applications is online. While some individuals and families may not be eligible for some utility assistance programs, community resource specialists can help explore other local resources.
Alcohol Treatment Resource Guide
Take the first step in recovery. Contact a treatment provider today to learn more about alcoholism treatment facilities nearby.
Before starting the treatment process, a person must first recognize their condition and have a desire to quit drinking. Sometimes, an individual may acknowledge they have a drinking problem on their own. Other times, family members or friends may stage an alcohol intervention. This involves loved ones expressing their concerns about the person’s excessive drinking patterns. An intervention also helps to start the discussion about treatment and support options that are available.
NJ Quit Line for Quitting Tobacco
Call the NJ Quitline at 1-866-NJ-STOPS
(1-866-657-8677) to talk to a Quit Coach.
A trained Quit Coach who has years of counseling experience will listen – without judgment – and help you to create a plan for quitting, including how to cope with cravings and ways to avoid slips and relapse.
Quit Coach Hours:
Monday-Friday 8 AM-9 PM
Saturday 8 AM-7 PM
Sunday 9 AM- 5 PM
Web-enrollment is available 24/7 and someone will reach out.
Fax-to-Quit from provider;
Toll free 1-866-NJ STOPS; (web-enrollment)
NJ Statewide Addiction Access Center
Know anyone who is in need of referral to treatment?
Click here to access our online help-tool. Or, call the statewide Addiction Access Center at 844-276-2777.
These guides do a great job of addressing this key issue for people of color *and* their allies:
- Live Another Day - Extensive information on mental health and substance use resources for people of color. Their mission is equal access to life-saving resources. They have guides for black, Latinx, Asian, and native people.
- Detox Local - A great resource with information on safely quitting drugs and alcohol. They have an extensive list of mental health and substance use resources specifically for the AAPI (American Asian and Pacific Islander) community.
Share with Parents ways to Prepare to Take Action if You Suspect Teen or Young Adult Drug Use
If you’ve just discovered or have reason to believe your child is using nicotine, alcohol or drugs, the first thing to do is sit down and take a deep breath. We know this is scary, but you’re in the right place. Take a beat and prepare for the important conversation ahead. Some brief preparation now can lay a foundation for more positive outcomes ahead.
Safely disposing of expired or unused medicine is critical to helping protect your kids, family and home. And it decreases the opportunity for visitors in your home, like your kids’ friends, to abuse medicine as well.