Academy of St. Benedict the African
November 26, 2023
Week of November 26, 2023
Dear Families,
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. We are ready to get back to work and maximize our learning time over the next four weeks before Christmas break.
Thursday is a Kind Shirt Day. Wear your kind shirts with the proper uniform bottoms and gym shoes.
iReady is a vital component of our school's curriculum. All students in grades K-8 complete individualized lessons each week in math and reading. The class that completes the most lessons per student with the best pass rate wins the banner for the week. Ms. Mosley's first grade won the banner before we went on break. We will award this week's winner at our Way to Go Wednesday morning assembly!
If you didn't attend conferences before Thanksgiving break, you must set up a meeting with your child's teacher to discuss the report card and progress.
We have a liturgy for PK - 3rd grade on Thursday at 9 AM. Praise Power Choir will sing. Parents are welcome to attend.
The book fair was extremely successful! Thank you for your support!
We do have a few spaces in kindergarten and PK. Do you have a family or friend to refer? You will receive a tuition credit. We are planning to open up 10 more seats in PK once we finish the construction project in the big preschool room.
Tuition accounts that are past due will be receiving phone calls. As a school that relies on tuition to run, we need your help staying up to date. Please call if there is an issue. Extended day ends at 6:00 pm each day. Please be on time. There is a $3/minute per child late pickup fee. Please be on time.
Basketball practice is Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 - 4:45. The 5/6 Team plays at 8:20 PM on Friday night and the 7/8 team plays at 12:20 on Saturday. Players must arrive at least 20 minutes early. All games are played at The Ark at St. Sabina.
Cheerleading is Tuesdays from 3:30-4:45. They will cheer for the 5/6 team on Friday night at 8:20.
Any students in grades 5-8 who will play sports also need physicals. Players may not play or cheer in the games without the physical on file in the office.
Chess club is every Wednesday (grade 3 and up) at 3:45. Praise Power Choir is also on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:30.
Fight like a Girl is on Thursday from 3:30 - 4:30.
All shirts must have the school logo or our school's name; plain light blue polos are not part of the uniform. We have polos in the office. ALL students wear gym shoes every day. Uniforms define us as a community. Please be respectful of the school rules.
The calendar is on our website. It is linked! Additionally, please join our Bloomz page. Also, download the school app. It is the hub for all school information; from the app, you can get to PowerSchool, complete the absence form, go to FACTS, and go to Bloomz. There is typically a banner message on the app with information. Students with phones should download the school app.
Children who are sick MUST stay home. We understand it is sometimes hard for working families, however, we have a shared responsibility to our community to limit the spread of illness. Please fill out the absence form on the app or send an email. School attendance is required every day unless sick. That includes being on time.
Please check your child's blue folder daily and remind your child/ren of the school expectations. We begin each day with a community assembly, as it sets the tone for the day. We are better together.
Save the date for our annual Christmas Program on December 20th at 9:30 AM, and then we begin our Christmas Break.
Let's have a great week of learning!
Mrs. Farrand
773-776-3316, enter 101 at the voicemail message if needed.
The building is warm and cozy. Only St. Benedict sweatshirts and hoodies are allowed over the polos. Navy blue plain sweaters can also be worn - provided there are no logos of companies on them.
Students must wear a St. Benedict top and/or hoodie on Fridays, which are spirit days. They may wear jeans, joggers, or shorts (weather permitting). Gym shoes are required every day for all students PK - 8th grade. Of course, their regular uniform is also fine!
Please see the image for more information. Order your gym uniforms if you need them from Martinellis immediately.
Tuition Payments & Action for Children
Please get in touch with me if you have concerns.
Here is our November Lunch Menu.
The calendar is always accessible on our website and our mobile app.
⭐2023-2024 School Year Calendar⭐
We need batteries! 2 multi-packs (at least 8 batteries) for a PAW - AA, C, or D, or any combination.
We will need help on December 19th from 3-6 setting up the gym for the Christmas Program.
Virtus Training and Volunteering
Families earn a PAW for getting in compliance.
Email or call Ms. Fernandez for more information: mfernandez@academystbenedict.org. She is extension 102 at school.
Save the Date!
December 13th - NO AFTERCARE - Staff Christmas Party
December 20th - Christmas Program at 9:30 AM - No aftercare
December 21st - January 3rd -Christmas Break
January 4th - Return to school
January 15th - No School - Dr. King's Birthday
January 26th - Professional Learning Day - Free childcare
February 7th - PK4, Kindergarten and 8th Grade Graduation Pictures
February 19th - No School - President's Day
February 29th - Black History Program 10 AM
Who's Who in the Offices?
Mrs. Thornton, Assistant Principal x100
Ms. Fernandez, Business Manager x102
Ms. Botello, Administrative Assistant Main number 773-776-3316
Mrs. Martinez, Student Accounts x103
Ms. Zakowski, Office x104
**for questions related to tuition, please reach out to Mrs. Farrand or Ms. Fernandez first.
School & Office Hours
Arrival for breakfast 7:15 AM - 7:35 AM
Classes Begin: 7:45 AM (Children not in their seats at 7:45 are marked tardy)
School Ends at 3:00 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. 2:30 PM on Wednesdays
Extended Day: 3:15 PM - 6:00 PM - to reach extended day, call the school and enter 101 at the recording. The late pickup fee is $ 3 per minute per child. Please don't be late.
Office Hours - Every Day - 6:30 - 3:30 and by appointment
Academy of St. Benedict the African
Email: jfarrand@academystbenedict.org
Website: academystbenedict.org
Location: 6020 South Laflin Street, Chicago, IL, USA
Phone: 773-776-3316
Facebook: Facebook.com/academystbenedictafrican
Twitter: @asba_chicago