Wiggin Street Parent Update
September 17, 2021
Better Together
It has been a great week talking with classes about my job as Principal. I often get called the President LOL! This weekend ask your kids about what a principal does and what I say on the announcements each day. They have surprised me with all they know about our school expectations and why they are important. We also read the following books together and talked about the "Golden Rule".
K-2 I AM Human: A Book of Empathy
This Saturday is "Respect Day" and our kids have shared this week what Respect looks like, sounds like, and feels like. Check out our Respect Tree that Ms. Carla and Ms. Tammy designed. Next week, I will share the video about Respect with lip sync by our staff!
Today, our Kindergarten students took their first field trip to see Frozen Kids at the Memorial Theater. More information is below with dates, times, and a link to buy tickets. We have some students in the performances too, and we are so proud of them!
Have a great weekend!
Break a Leg!
Best wishes to our Wiggin Street Kids performing in Frozen this weekend and next weekend. Check out their bios in the Playbill attached below!
Current Students
Zachary Cramer
Eleanor Cramer
Natalie Hoffman
Past Students
Ryder Witt
Camilla Witt
Isabel Foley
Marley Carrico
Esme McDonald
Maddie Jones
What is the difference between Frozen KIDS and JR?
Both Kids and Jr are shortened from the Broadway version, but KIDS has a runtime of only 30-45 minutes, and JR runs a little over an hour.
Frozen Kids
Friday, September 17 @ 7:30 pm
Saturday, September 18 @ 2:00 pm
Saturday, September 18 @ 7:30 pm
Friday, September 24 @ 7:30 pm
Saturday, September 25 @ 7:30 pm
Sunday, September 26 @ 2:00 pm
Tickets are $15 Main Floor and Balcony- $3 Discount for children 10 years of age and younger
Tickets may be purchased online or at Park National Bank Mount Vernon Downtown Office at One South Main.
Constitution Day
Help Wanted
Below you will find a general job description for an aide position with the Knox ESC. Here is a link to the job posting on the ESC website. To apply, click on this link and complete the Substitute Aide Application (although this is not a subbing position). Lastly, please email me at cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us to let me know you're interested and applying, so I can alert the ESC of your interest to work at Wiggin Street.
Thrive Kids Update
What a great week at Thrive Kids! We had over 40 kids join us on Thursday morning to get their bodies and brains MOVING before school! We worked on jumping for distance with a specific focus on using our momentum (and our arms!) to help propel us forward! Our mindset discussion was focused on having courage in order to help us do hard things and taking small steps in order to help us overcome a fear - ask your kids about broccoli ;) The kids all came home with a bracelet to help remind them "I can do hard things!"
Getting kids moving and increasing their heart rate is an excellent way to help their brain get prepped for school.
Here's this week's before school activity to try at home:
10 jumps for distance
Sprint 100m (or as far as reasonably possible in the space you have!)
10 jumps for height
Sprint 100m
10 left footed jumps
Sprint 100m
10 right footed jumps
Sprint 100m
See you Thursday, September 23! Keep MOVING!
Coach Hannah
*If your child is interested in joining Thrive Kids please email Coach Hannah, hannahkelling@gmail.com, or stop by the office to pick up a permission slip!
Friends of Wiggin Street
Friends of Wiggin St,
That’s a wrap on the Mumkin Sale... time to celebrate!
Thank you so much for all of the support. With over 600 Mumkins being sold by our kids and staff, we have reached our goal of raising over $3,000! This will allow FOWS to purchase a piano for our music class and all the students will celebrate with a popsicle/extra recess celebration!
In case you still need to order, your online ordering link will be active till midnight September 18th!
Thanks again,
Jenn Grassbaugh
FOWS President
Great Apple Crunch Event
Upcoming Important Dates
Click here for the 2021-22 Mount Vernon City School District Calendar
17 Constitution Day
24 YES Concert- Grades 1 and 2
1 Popcorn Friday
3 Mumkin Pickup 9-1:00
5 Friends of Wiggin Street Meeting, 5:00
5 Gifted Seminar
6 YES Concert-Grade 3
8 Individual Fall Pictures
10 Wiggin Street Book Fair @ Paragraph's Bookstore
Principal- Wiggin Street Elementary
Email: cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us
Website: mvcsd.us
Location: 207 Wiggin St, Gambier, OH, USA
Phone: (740) 427-4262
Twitter: @LCGrandstaff