The Howler
January 2024
January Happenings
Board of Education Appreciation Month
January :
18- 5th Grade Field Trip to State Capital
19-Timberline Spirit Day
19-PTO Sponsor-Game Night
23-PASS meeting at 6:00
Thank You Timberwolf Community for Our New Marquee!
Sign Up for Our Game Night this Friday!
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up to attend or volunteer. This event is free, but we need to make sure we stay under capacity. Please make sure to add the number of people in your party who be attending. Thank you!
Calling All Male Role Models~ Watch D.O.G.S. Volunteer Sign Up
We welcome you to our Watch D.O.G.S. organization to Timberline. We are excited about having our father figures in the building to support our students. If you are interested in volunteering for our organization, please sign up to volunteer at this link :
Crosswalk Safety
Please make sure you are using all crosswalks to ensure your student and your safety. U-Turns are not permitted, license plates tags will be turn into Arapahoe County Sheriff.
Morning Drop Off and Pick Up
When dropping student off in the morning, please pull forward so that traffic will continue to flow and not get back up. Due to this lane being a fire lane, cars MUST NOT be left unattended. Please park if you are picking up a student.
A Reminders . . .
After the holidays, we sometimes see an increase of toys coming to school. Please encourage your children to leave their favorite toys at home when heading to school. This helps minimize distractions, fosters a focused learning environment, and prevents potential disagreements or disruptions among the students.
Also if you child has a cell phone, they are to be kept in their back pack at all times.