A Message from the Principal!

A Message from the Principal!
November 12, 2023
HMS will be collecting nonperishable food items for Loaves & Fishes! These items will help families in need in our community. Students can bring in items to their Homeroom from November 6th through November 17th. PLEASE HELP OUR COMMUNITY!
The Week Ahead
Monday, November 13th - 3rd Rotation for Unified Arts begins
Tuesday, November 14th - ROTC presentation for 8th grade students
Wednesday, November 15th - Interims
Friday, November 17th - Pay $1 and see the HHS Varsity Basketball Team Scrimmage (afternoon)
Monday, November 20th - Friday, November 24th - No School - Thanksgiving Break
Upcoming Dates
Friday, December 1st - HHS Vo Ag will present to 8th grade students
Wednesday, December 6th - High School Scheduling presentation with Principal Lyons (for 8th grade students/parents) in the cafeteria @ 6 p.m.
Thursday, December 7th - Strings Concert @ HHS Auditorium @ 7p.m.
Tuesday, December 12th - Handbell/Choir Concert @ HHS Auditorium @ 7 p.m./HMS Science Fair Set Up
Wednesday, December 13th - HMS Science Fair; Open House 5:30 - 6 p.m.; Awards @ 6 p.m.
Thursday, December 14th - 2-hour delay for students
Friday, December 15th - Band/Jazz Band Concert @ HHS Auditorium @ 6 p.m. (6th grade) @ 7 p.m. (7th grade, 8th grade, Jazz Band)
Thursday , December 21st- 2-hour early dismissal
Glory Maple Tree Dedication
Click HERE to read more!
HHS Volleyball States Send Off