Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 9th September 2022
Remembering our Queen
Queen Elizabeth II
Olive from Year 3 shared a very special poem about the Queen that she had composed after hearing about the Queen's passing.
Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth was the best,
We will miss her while she rests.
She ruled our world for 70 years,
Now our faces are covered in tears.
Thank you Queen, you're an angel now,
Your son King Charles will wear the crown.
By Olive Y3
Over the period of mourning, the children will have the opportunity to reflect and consider the life of Queen Elizabeth II. We have already started creating a school book of condolence which we will fill with responses from across the school.
Reflections on the death of Queen Elizabeth II
Year 1
'She was lovely.' Gracie
'She loved us all.' Amelia
'The Queen was the best Queen in all the world and she ruled for 70 years.' George
'She had a very kind heart.' Ella
Year 2
'I love the Queen.' Grace
'Dear God thank you for the Queen and everything that she did. Amen.' Hugo
I am sad the Queen has died but she will be remembered.' Sophie
Year 3
Year 3 have been remembering the Queen's sense of humour. We have enjoyed writing about the time she met Paddington Bear during her Platinum Jubilee celebrations. This was such a special time and we will miss her.
Year 4
'I remember the Queen's face being pretty.'
'Today I am feeling a bit sad because the Queen is now in a more peaceful place.' Amelia
'Today I am feeling sad, I remember the Queen by the coronation. The Queen gave me courage. The Queen showed me how I can help others. I will never forget her.' Evelyn
Year 5
'The Queen was a hard working monarch and I was sad to hear the news on the radio.' Evalyn
'My thoughts of the Queen are that she served the country and God even in hard times, for example in World War 2 she drove lorries to deliver supplies. I am shocked that she died. May she rest in peace with God and have a good life in heaven.' Emery
Year 6
'I'm feeling confusion about the Queen because it doesn't necessarily feel real because it was so sudden. I will remember her as a role model as a mother and someone who did their very best for everyone and did everything that she could. The Queen gave her heart, soul and life into everything that she did. She showed how to live life to the fullest and was selfless. I hope we never forget everything she has done for our country.' Ella
Welcome back
Dear Parents and Carers
We have had a good first week back at school. I have been very impressed with how well the children have settled back into their routines and how they are engaging with their learning. Today the children showed such thought and understanding in how they responded to our worship about the death of the Queen and I am sure over this time of mourning that they will think about how significant this event is to our country.
Be on time at a quarter to nine
Please can we remind all parents and carers that doors open for the start of the school day at 8.45am. Gates and doors are locked by 8.55am so if you arrive after this time please do report to the school office.
Uniform and Jewellery
It has been lovely to see such smart children arriving at school each day. Our uniform guide is on our school website and can be accessed via the link below. Please can we remind parents that children in Year 1 upwards should be wearing a shirt with a tie rather than polo shirts.
If children have their ears pierced please they should wear studs. These should be removed for physical education lessons.
Children should not come to school wearing necklaces and bracelets. Watches are allowed but any smart watches should not be able to connect to a phone or take photographs.
Up to date information
If there are any changes to addresses, emails or phone numbers for your family, please can you email so that we can update records accordingly.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
Kind regards
Steven Holmes
A Warm Welcome to our new teachers
Reception Superstars
A very big well done to our wonderful Reception children for their super start to school. We are very impressed with how well they have settled this week and for the beaming smiles they have shared with us. They have explored their new classroom with enthusiasm and interest whilst making some lovely new friendships. We are so proud of them all!
Stars of the week
Stars of the Week
Year 1
George for having such wonderful manners and enthusiasm during the first week of the year.
Year 2
Lottie for having a brilliant first week back and giving everything a go!
Year 3
Keegan, for a fantastic start to Year 3, showing enthusiasm and working hard in lessons.
Year 4
Paige for showing perseverance with her mathematics.
Year 5
Harrison for an outstanding start to Year 5. Harrison has shown great effort in every lesson. He has been polite and kind to others.
Year 6
Merry for settling in well to Ripon Cathedral School, participating well and completing tasks to an excellent standard. Well done!
Fantastic Fundraising for Yorkshire Air Ambulance
A huge well done to Jeffrey in Year 3. Recently he helped to raise over £670 for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance by taking part in a 10 mile walk around Ripon. Tessa Klemz, Regional Fundraiser, accepted the donation from Jeffrey over the summer. What an amazing effort. Well done Jeffrey. If you would like to donate to this good cause do click on the link below.
Congratulations to the Halls!
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