George Ranch H.S.
GRHS Sunday Longhorn News 11-06-2022
No School Monday for LCISD!
How about them STROS! Love them or hate them...you have to respect them for bringing back some WINNING ENERGY to H-town! If you are a fan, wear your Astros gear TUESDAY to celebrate them winning the World Series!
Connect With Us!
Website: https://lcisd.org/campuses/georgeranchhs/home
Location: 8181 FM 762 Road, Richmond, TX, USA
Phone: 832-223-4200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeAreGRHS/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Twitter: @WeAreGRHS
A Message From Heather Patterson, GRHS Principal
Happy Sunday GRHS Longhorns,
The end of the first semester is going to FLY by and Winter Break will be here before you know it. If you count instructional days until then it is ONLY 4 INSTRUCTIONAL weeks left (after taking a week out for Thanksgiving break and the last week in December being FINALS week)! This is where we see students (especially Freshman) struggle if they procrastinate and wait right up until final due dates to submit or study for tests and complete projects. Teachers still have to assign 6 minors and 3 majors, so time is not your friend when it comes to this last six weeks some things will have to be stacked up. It will take responsibility, time management, and discipline to make sure your studies come first. High school credit is mandatory for graduation and UIL eligibility is a real thing, so please take this seriously.
If you have ANY OUTSTANDING FINES (for the extra ID's or library books) they need to be cleared BEFORE THANKSGIVING BREAK or you will NOT be elgible for semester exemptions. The fine list is printed by student ID and posted on the library and cafe windows. Please stop by the library to clear your name off the list ASAP or you will not be eligible for ANY exemptions! There has been emails going out and phone calls being made, it is your responsibility to get this taken care of. Please bring cash to the library and Mrs. Rubin will give you a receipt showing you are clear. Don't wait!
Speaking of WINNING...the ENTIRE XC Girls Team made it to State and GR Football finished district play 6-2 and will be facing Cinco Ranch in the Playoffs on Friday at 7 in Katy!
Coach Dutch and our Girls XC team made it to State! We had a state send off parade on Thursday as they headed out to Round Rock to prepare to run on Friday morning in the 6A State Meet! Thanks to the XC parents for their support and decorating the bus! This was the first time we have qualified as an ENTIRE TEAM! Way to go ladies! The weather was rainy and the course was tough but our girls are amazing, so we still finished 13th as a team and Sophia Nguyen placed 18th out of 160 runners! We are so proud of Coach Dutch and all of our XC girls hard work and dedication this season!
GRHS Football takes on Cinco Ranch at Rhodes Stadium at 7pm on Friday! Parents and students we need you to come out and FILL the stands to cheer on our boys! ROWDIES this is for you...we need to SHOW UP with lots of ENERGY to pump up the crowd! You are the LEADERS of the CHEERING SECTION!
Weekly ID Reminder:
ID's MANDATORY! $5 replacement charges in place now. The first free ID (lanyard and protective case) have all been passed out. This MUST be worn visibly on the top half of your body EVERY DAY! I have been announcing this EVERY SINGLE MORNING and periodically through the day for the past 8 weeks. If you do not have one, this is on you. You have had MANY opportunities to correct this, so now it's your turn to be responsible. Please scan the QR code in this newsletter, in the classroom, or hanging in the front of the school to buy one. We will continue to do ID sweeps, and anyone without one will be charged $5 and given a new one. This is NOT optional, as it is part of dress code. If you keep losing it you will KEEP being charged. You (and your parents) will be getting weekly "fine" email reports, and your parents will be called at 3 weeks and 6 weeks. Not paying is not an option, and there will be a hold placed on your final semester grades and exemptions will NOT be an option.
Assistant Principal Support Team (ALPHA split by LAST NAME)
Assistant Principal contact info (by last name alpha split):
Chris Cuellar - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split A-EK) ccuellar@lcisd.org
Carrie Yanta -Assistant Principal (Alpha Split EL-LA) cyanta@lcisd.org
Jessie Eilenstine - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split LE-P) jessie.eilenstine@lcisd.org
Marqueshah Coy - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Q-Z) mcoy@lcisd.org
Counselor Support Team:
Jamie Rufo (alpha split A-Dan) jrufo@lcisd.org
Stacey Richards (alpha split Dao-Hou) stacey.richards@lcisd.org
Abraham Vil (alpha split Hov-Mom) abraham.vil@lcisd.org
Alicia Henley-Stegent Dual Credit & (alpha split Mon-Sac) alicia.stegent@lcisd.org
Ashley Hunt (alpha split Sad-Z) ashley.hunt@lcisd.org
Carin Reeves 504/AP creeves@lcisd.org
Francheska Arias - College Career Facilitator (CCF)- francheska.arias@lcisd.org
Marci Macha -George Ranch Registrar - mamacha@lcisd.org
Nicholas Cavallo - Campus Athletic Coordinator (boys athletic questions/concerns) ncavallo@lcisd.org
Alicia Dutch - Assistant Campus Coordinator (girls athletic questions/concerns)
Included in this edition of our GRHS Longhorn News:
- No school in LCISD on Monday - See email from Dr. Nivens!
- Wear your ASTROS Gear to celebrate the Hometown World Series Win on TUESDAY!
- Girls XC Team Went to State! Proud of their results!
- The GRHS PTO Team would love to provide a pie to each GRHS staff member to take home for the holidays on Friday, November 18th!
- TIME TO CLEAR YOUR FINES- If you are planning to apply for exemptions!
- Time to view and purchase your yearbook pics - See instructions in the newsletter!
- November Parent Involvement Activities: Vape Parent Discussion Meeting - November 14th and !
- Breaking Down the Bond - LCISD Info - Tuesday November 8th is Election Day
- AIRPODS, HEADPHONES, EARBUDS ONLY ALLOWED DURING LUNCH AND ADVISORY (not allowed to be worn during transition times in between classes) I need you to be able to hear me for safety reasons.
- ID'S ARE MANDATORY FROM THE MINUTE YOU WALK IN THE BUILDING! $5 replacement charge if you do not have it.
- Early Pick-Up Procedures and Contact Info
- Transcript and VOE Request Procedures
The Girls Varsity Cross Country Team continued with making history as they placed 13th overall at the 6A State UIL Cross Country Championships!
Time to CLEAR YOUR FINES! Fines = No Exemptions Approved! If you had to get an EXTRA ID (it's part of dress code) or have lost a library book this is you!
If you have ANY OUTSTANDING FINES (for the extra ID's or library books) they need to be cleared before THANKSGIVING BREAK! The fine list is printed by student ID and posted on the library and cafe windows. Please stop by the library to clear you name off the list ASAP or you will not be eligible for ANY exemptions! There has been emails going out and phone calls being made, it is your responsibility to get this taken care of. Please bring cash to the library and Mrs. Rubin will give you a receipt showing you are clear. Don't wait! You can see the Fall Exam Schedule below!
Student Exemptions will open for in Skyward beginning on Friday December 2nd and must be completed by December 6th. No forms exemptions will be accepted after December 6th. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Students must meet ALL the requirements below in order to be eligible to be exempt:
SEMESTER EXAMS - Maximum exemptions allowed:
• Grades 9: Two classes per semester
• Grade 10: Three classes per semester
• Grade 11: Four classes per semester
• Grade 12: All classes per semester
- Attendance - A student shall have no more than three absences in a class in order to be exempt from the semester exam for that class. All unexcused absences where the student is not physically present in a class will count as an absence. Days missed because of approved school-related or school-sanctioned approved college days shall not count against a student. All outstanding medical excuses must be turned in PRIOR to December 2nd!
- Conduct - a student shall have no more than three office referrals for the semester and no more than one assignment, not to exceed three days, to ISS for the semester. In addition, a student shall have no assignments to ALC or suspensions from school for the semester.
- Grade Average - A student shall have a grade average of 80 or better for the semester in the class(es) from which the exemptions are requested.
Other - Other requirements include:
• Student shall not be allowed to claim an exemption from concurrent or dual credit course semester examinations.
• Students who have outstanding fees and/or fines are NOT eligible for exemption from semester examinations. (This is for ID's this year too!)
• Students eligible for semester exemption(s) must declare the courses that will apply prior to testing.
• The declaration date shall be determined by the building principal and shall not be later than two days prior to the beginning of semester examinations.
• Any unexcused absence, discipline referral, or grade reduction below 80 after the exemption declaration may cause the student to be ineligible for the exemption
*If all grading and discipline requirements (above) are MET, students may exempt based on below:
The GRHS PTO Team would love to provide a pie to each GRHS staff member to take home for the holidays on Friday, November 18th!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and the GRHS PTO Team would love to provide a pie to each GRHS staff member on Friday, November 18th. Please purchase your pie(s) at a local grocery store and bring it to the school starting Thursday, November 17th-Friday , or the MORNING of November 18th. If you prefer PTO to do the shopping for you, please send a monetary donation through PayPal to grhspto@gmail.com and we will use the funds collected to purchase items needed.
Yearbook Pics Are Now Viewable and Ready to Purchase! Students, If you have LOST the QR CODE CARD they gave you when you took these pictures, please follow the steps below to gain access!
Each 9th-11th grade student was given a picture card that they used to have their photos taken. That picture card had a large QR code on it for parents to use to access and purchase photos, sample attached.
If the student has lost the card, parents can follow these simple instructions on the flyer below!
November Parent Involvement Activities!
Save the Dates- November 14th and 17th!
Need EXTRA tutorials...NHS is here to help!
Check out the Maroon Track Town Hall Meeting Presentation Video that Dr. Nivens did for Bond 2022!
LCISD - Breaking Down the Bond
Lamar CISD, which has experienced significant growth within the last few years, currently serves more than 42,000 students at 47 campuses. According to the district’s demographers, Population And Survey Analysts (PASA), for the second year, Lamar CISD had the greatest number of new housing starts of any school district in Houston metro and the State of Texas. In the 12-month period ending in December 2021, Metrostudy reported 5,477 new single-family housing starts in Lamar CISD.
According to PASA, Lamar CISD is projected to add more than 48,000 new single-family homes and serve nearly 70,000 students by 2031.
During the next few days, voters will head to the polls to vote on five separate bond propositions totaling $1.7 billion. The focus of the bond is to provide funding for safety and security upgrades, the construction of eight new campuses, extensions and renovations to existing high schools' gyms and cafeterias, upgrading technology infrastructure, a new Career, and Technology Center, additional technology devices as well as renovations to Traylor Stadium, and construction of a new stadium.
Eighty-six percent of the total bond package is to address the district’s rapid growth, while 14% addresses existing buildings. Of that 86%, 80% of the bond impacts current students, while the remaining 20% impacts future students.
The 2022 Bond focuses on five separate propositions. Please read below to learn more about each one.
Proposition A
The components of Proposition A address several areas, including adding and upgrading security at every campus, building new campuses to address student growth, adding to existing campuses to increase capacity, and improving technology infrastructure across the district.
To view our full 2022 Bond Proposition Flyer, please click HERE.
Proposition B
Proposition B focuses on building a Career and Technology Center, which would house vocational programs such as Applied Agricultural Engineering, Culinary Arts, Construction Architecture, and many other CTE-related programs.
Lamar CISD currently offers 20 different CTE programs of study and partners with Texas State Technical College to offer dual credit opportunities in the areas of HVAC, Welding, Cybersecurity, Automotive Technology, and Diesel Equipment Technology.
To view our 2022 CTE Bond Information Flyer, please click HERE.
Proposition C
The third item on the ballot addresses classroom and district technology and equipment.
Proposition C includes replacing more than 7,000 student laptops and more than 500 staff laptops, replacing 4,000 desktop computers and 250 iPads. It also includes upgrades to 600 classroom interactive flat panels and upgrades internal digital signage capability at 35+ campuses which will improve safety and security communication allowing campuses to instantly communicate to students and staff in the event of an emergency. And lastly, it includes equipment to increase services at the district’s Graphic Arts Center that teachers and staff use.
Proposition D
Proposition D addresses upgrading lighting and turf at the district’s sole athletic stadium, Traylor Stadium.
Traylor Stadium originally opened in 1960 and has undergone a series of improvements in its 60+ years. Its current turf was installed in 2013 with a life expectancy of 10 years. As the turf nears its expiration date, safety becomes an issue if students continue utilizing the surface.
Proposition E
The last proposition on the ballot is for land and the construction of a second stadium.
Due to the expansive growth in the district boundaries and the competitiveness of the athletic districts in which Lamar CISD students complete, scheduling is complex. The district high schools are in three different competitive districts, each with its own schedule.
During the 2021-2022 school year, Traylor Stadium hosted over 70 games, contests, and events that involved approximately 13,000 Lamar CISD students.
To view our 2022 Athletics Bond Information Flyer, please click HERE.
Lamar CISD encourages all staff, eligible students, and community members to exercise their right to vote and take advantage of Early Voting. To reference the list below for Early Voting Sites in Fort Bend County, please click HERE.
To order a 2022 Bond yard sign, please click HERE.
For more information about the 2022 Bond Propositions, visit www.LCISDBond2022.org.
For any questions about the 2022 Bond Propositions, please email Info@LCISD.org.
Come out and support Spanish Honor Society! Fun for the whole family! Play Loteria (or fast-paced Mexican bingo) and win prizes! Hundreds of $ in prizes: gift cards, gift baskets, etc Nov 17, 2022. Scan QR code for tickets.
You may purchase tickets from 10/19-11/8 from any Lariette or Belle!
Travel Learning Opportunity with Mrs. Bracksieck!
Travel Learning Opportunity with Ms. Guidry!
Please email Nurse Warner to report your child has COVID or with any questions!
REMINDER! Airpods, Headphones, and Earbuds only allowed during advisory and lunch time (and ONLY if you have your ID on) IF you choose to bring them to school, You are solely responsible for keeping up with them.
Student badges will serve as the student ID and SmartTag all in one card. With this ID our GRHS students are able to ride the bus, purchase breakfast/lunch, check out library books, able to use their personal devices (phones/airpods, etc) during lunch and advisory.
Refusing to wear your ID visibly on the top half of your body, is not an option, and will result in the consequences stated on the consequence chart below. Please make sure you are wearing your OWN ID.
Every GRHS student has been gifted an ID, protective plastic cover, and lanyard. It is imperative that our Longhorns adhere to this expectation, as this is part of the daily dress code for staff and students. If you need another badge or lose this one there is a $5 replacement cost. This is NOT optional, it is part of dress code. You can pay by cash or it will be charged to your student library account, for EACH replacement you need. Please note that a hold will be placed on your semester grades, transcripts, and exemptions if this fine is not cleared before Thanksgiving Break.
If you are needing to PURCHASE ANOTHER student ID, please use the QR code (above) to request one. You can either pay $5 cash when you pick it up, or we will charge your school library account if you do not have cash. Emails will be sent in Skyward to parent and student emails each time you are charged.
Please Review the Early Pick Up Procedures!
Please use the link below to email the GRHS Attendance Office!
2022-2023 Instructional Calendar!
Questions and Documents that you will need to have ready when you start the ONLINE process:
- Copy of Drivers License UPLOADED (NO PERMITS allowed)
- CURRENT Insurance Card UPLOADED (with GRHS student LISTED AS DRIVER)
- Vehicle Make, Model, Year, Color, and License Plate Number
- 1st color zone selection, 2nd color zone selection.
- Parking Pass Payment Receipt UPLOADED
- Rules and Regulations Acknowledgment read and signed
If you have additional questions please contact Mrs. Mendez via email bmendez@lcisd.org
Have a New Driver? Need a VOE? We have you covered!
If you are needing a VOE, we are able to help you by clicking this button above to request! Please allow 48 hour (business day) turn around on all requests. You will be picking these up in the student service window, once they are ready!
GRHS Admin Team Support
Our Admin Team is ready and willing to support! We are available (via email) during business hours and will be promptly getting back with you for assistance.
Please feel free to reach out to your child's Assistant Principal (alpha split by last name) for student specific concerns or assistance.
Heather Patterson - Principal hpatterson@lcisd.org
Brian Forshee - Associate Principal bforshee@lcisd.orgChris Cuellar - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split A-EK) ccuellar@lcisd.org
Carrie Yanta -Assistant Principal (Alpha Split EL-LA) cyanta@lcisd.org
Jessie Eilenstine - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split LE-P) jessie.eilenstine@lcisd.org
Marqueshah Coy - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Q-Z) mcoy@lcisd.org
Nicholas Cavallo - Campus Athletic Coordinator (BOYS athletic questions/concerns) ncavallo@lcisd.org
Alicia Dutch - Assistant Campus Coordinator (GIRLS athletic questions/concerns)
Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar Squad!
Our GRHS Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar are ready and available to support you. The best way to contact them is via email and they will be getting back with you for assistance as soon as possible. (Alpha Split by Student LAST Name for Counselors)
Jamie Rufo (alpha split A-Dan) jrufo@lcisd.org
Stacey Richards (alpha split Dao-Hou) stacey.richards@lcisd.org
Abraham Vil (alpha split Hov-Mom) abraham.vil@lcisd.org
Alicia Henley-Stegent Dual Credit & (alpha split Mon-Sac) alicia.stegent@lcisd.org
Ashley Hunt (alpha split Sad-Z) ashley.hunt@lcisd.org
Carin Reeves 504/AP creeves@lcisd.org
Francheska Arias - College Career Facilitator (CCF)- francheska.arias@lcisd.org
Marci Macha -George Ranch Registrar - mamacha@lcisd.org