Digging Deep with Principal David
Sargent Secondary Newsletter March 2022
Mr. James 'Fuzzy' Holmes named Sargent Teacher of the Year
Here are a few comments from his peers:
Fuzzy can be summed up in a few words, "Students come first." He has shown dedication to our school, to our community and most importantly to our students. He always puts relationships first and always know how to make people smile.
Fuzzy is an extraordinary teacher who meets students where they are and moves them forward. He has the 'kid factor' which allows him to relate to kids of all walks of life. He creates a nurturing classroom whereby students can take risks and fall in love with math.
Fuzzy is a great math teacher where all his students show improvement, work hard and do not come away with the usual, "I hate math/I'm bad at math" mentality. He advocates for doing what is best for kids and pushes his colleagues to improve their methods and instruction as well.
Mr. Holmes will be representing Sargent School District at the San Luis Valley BOCES Educator Recognition banquet in a few months.
Congratulations Mr. Holmes! We are very proud of you!
Her coach Melinda Hunzeker was also named as South Central League Coach of the Year for the 2021-2022 school year.
Congratulations Katherine and Melinda!
Sargent 10th Grader Places at State Wrestling
Lady Farmer's Take 2nd at the District Tournament
1st Annual Sargent Secondary Staff Salsa Competition
We had 6 competitors; all who brought in delicious and unique homemade salsa recipes.
Teachers and STUCO members all voted on their number one favorite.
The 2022 winner was...
Mr. Don Scherden!
Congratulations Mr. Scherden!
Winner received a gift certificate to Dos Rios.
Cranes Have Landed at Sargent
When in town go looking for our Sargent Farmer decorated crane!
Great job Sargent Art Classes! #SargentStrong-FarmerFamily#
Please Like and Follow Sargent Facebook - Link Below or Search SargentSchoolDistrict on Instagram
FFA Newsletter
Sargent FBLA District Results
State Qualifiers
Individual Events:
Kyla D. 1st in Organizational Leadership
Chinmay J. 1st in Database Design
Maia K. 1st in Intro to FBLA
Daylon M. 1st in Computer Problem Solving
Ashlyn R. 1st in Political Science
Katherine S. 1st in UX Design
Emma S. 1st in Introduction to Financial Math
Josiah Y. 1st in Into to Information Technology
Madison K. 2nd in Agribusiness
Mayah S. 2nd in Intro to Business Communications
Mary W. 2nd in Business Communication
Kamryn H. 3rd in Business Communication
Rusch P. 3rd in Introduction to Business Procedures
Brooke W. 3rd in Intro to Business Concepts
Jessica B. 4th in Intro to Business Comm
Taylor R. 4th in Agribusiness
Jordan R. 4th in Intro to FBLA
Prejudged/Team Events:
Kamryn H. 1st in Client Services
Montana Y. 1st in Help Desk
Antonio M. 1st in Job Interview
Megan P. 1st in Social Media Strategies
Stephanie J. 1st in Social Media Strategies
Ashlyn R. 2nd in Electronic Career Portfolio
Makayla B. 2nd in Intro to Business Presentation 1
Jessica B. 2nd in Intro to Business Presentation 1
Deonisia C. 2nd in Intro to Business Presentation 1
Kyla D. 2nd in Job Interview
Josiah Y. 2nd in Public Service Announcement
Emma S. 2nd in Public Service Announcement
Chinmay J. 3rd in Computer Game Simulation
Daylon M. 3rd in Computer Game Simulation
Mayah S. 3rd in Intro to Event Planning Team 1
Rusch P. 3rd in Intro to Event Planning Team 1
Mia S. 3rd in Intro to Event Planning Team 1
Jordan R. 3rd in Intro to Public Speaking
Kaysen E. 4th in Intro to Business Presentation 2
KayleeAnn M. 4th in Intro to Business Presentation 2
State Leadership conference will be held in Denver on Monday, April 18 - Wednesday, April 20, with the ultimate goal of qualifying for the National Leadership conference this summer.
Sargent Secondary Student of the Month for February
Congratulations and job well done to the following students:
7th Grade - Makenzie C.
8th Grade - Cadyn W.
9th Grade - Cooper G.
10th Grade - Jordan R.
11th Grade - AJ G.
12th Grade - Madison K.
2021- 2022 Junior High and High School Sports Schedules
March 15 - in Centauri at 4pm
March 22 - at home with Florence at 4pm
March 26 - in La Veta at 10am (double header)
April 2 - in Del Norte at 10am (double header)
April 9 - in Monte Vista at 10am (double header)
April 16 - at home with Center at 10am (double header)
April 23 - at home with Trinidad at 10am (double header)
April 29 - in Custer County at 10am (double header)
May 7 - at home with Ignacio at 10am (double header)
May 14 - in South Park at 10am (double header)
May 21 - OPEN
May 27-28 Regional TBA
June 4 - State TBA
(*Subject to change without notice)
March 18 - in Bayfield TBA
April 1 - in Mancos TBA
April 14 - in Alamosa TBA
April 16 - in Del Norte TBA
April 23 - in Durango TBA
April 29 - in Rocky Ford TBA
May 5 - in Del Norte TBA
May 13 - in Monte Vista TBA
May 19-21 State
(*Subject to change without notice)
February 25 - in Alamosa TBD
March 4 - in Sierra Grande TBD
March 5 - in Walsenburg TBD
March 11 - in Center TBD
March 12 - Regionals at Adams State University TBA
March 18-19 - MS State in Denver (Stock Show Arena) TBA
(*Subject to change without notice)
ATHLETICS: Football, Volleyball, Cross country, Basketball, Wrestling, Track, Baseball
ACADEMICS: JH Knowledge Bowl, JH National Honor Society, Science Fair, History Fair, Spelling Bee, Art Club, Student Council, Leadership Team
SOCIAL: Dances, Lock-ins, Caroling, Ski Days, Field Trips, Game Nights
ATHLETICS: Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, Basketball, Wrestling, Track, Baseball, Trapshooting, Swimming, Cheer/Dance Team
ACADEMICS: Student Council, Leader in Me/Leadership Team, FBLA, FFA, Spanish Club, Aviation Club, Art Club, Science Fair, History Fair, Drum line (Mrs. Hefner) and Guitar lessons (Mr. Paulson), community service projects
SOCIAL: Dances: Prom/Homecoming/Sadie Hawkins, Field Trips, Rowdy Crowd - Fan section at sporting events
Come one, come all! The District Accountability Committee of the Sargent School District meets throughout the school year to complete wide range of school board directives. Reports are provided by the superintendent and both principals from the elementary and the secondary to keep parents and community members up-to-date concerning the school district.
Meetings are currently held every other month in a restaurant setting and generally last less than an hour and a half. Opportunities abound to share and receive input on items that matter most to you.
For more information contact Theresa Kaiser-Griffin at 719-852-0825.
Booster Club:
We are an organization that supports all the athletes and sports at Sargent High School.
We meet when needed. If you would like to join please contact:
Michelle Burkhart at 719.588.1594 or mburkhart@sargent.k12.co.us
Nicole Rockey at 719.588.4732 or nrockey@sargent.k12.co.us
Traci Holmes at 719.580.0273
ABC - Academic Booster Club:
The Sargent Academic Booster Club is an organization that works to encourage, support and recognize the academic achievements, successes, and competitions of the Sargent secondary students as well as providing recognition and support of their amazing teachers.
We recognize students who achieve the Honor Roll each semester, we sponsor the Student of the Month program, organize send-offs for students who earn their way to state competitions in Science Fair, History Day, FBLA, FFA and Knowledge Bowl. We also host the Teacher Appreciation Lunch in May, provide meals for the teachers during Parent/Teacher Conferences throughout the year, and give teachers and staff appreciation gifts at various times throughout the year. We also will support funding any academic items, if requested and funds are available.
As you can tell, we do our best to give our hard-working students and staff the recognition and support they deserve. However, this isn’t done with the wave of a magic wand or the saying of some magical phrase. It’s accomplished with monetary support, dedication, organization, and help from parents and staff.
The Academic Booster Club meets quarterly or more often, if needed. We generally keep our meetings to an hour or less. We need parents who are willing to serve on the committee to assist in making decisions, planning, helping out when needed and/or monetary support. We would like as many parents, teachers, and staff to participate to hopefully have 7th-12th grades represented. Please consider becoming an active part of the Academic Booster Club (ABC). You can help make a positive impact on Sargent JH/HS and our students and staff!
If you have any questions, please contact Traci Holmes at 580-0273, Amy Holland at 588-3261, or Tonya Wenta at 850-1960. Thank you for your continued support!
2021 - 2022 Yearbooks are FOR SALE!
2021-2022 JR/SR high yearbooks are now for sale. Yearbooks need to be purchased by April 30, 2022. Extra copies of yearbooks are not ordered.
Contact the school office at 719-852-4025 or email Ms. Trish Rue (yearbook sponsor) at true@sargent.k12.co.us for information.Sargent Cafeteria News and Menu
We (your Cafeteria Crew) would like to let you in on some exciting news! The USDA has extended its flexibilities to allow our district to have free meals for ALL students through the end of the 21-22 school year! That means your child/ren get to eat breakfast and lunch all year at no cost to you. However, ala-carte items and second lunches will still be charged. Whatever charges your child/ren have accrued (FOR THIS YEAR ONLY) will be put back into your lunch account. If you have paid a bill already for this year, you will also be credited for that payment. The process of refunding your lunch accounts will take some time so please be patient with us. If you have lunch balances from previous years, please continue to make your payments on those. If you have any questions contact Val Bonsall at veichner@sargent.k12.co.us or at 852-8863, Monday - Thursday from 6am - 2pm.
Thank you!
Driver's Education Classes
Here is current information on the 2021-2022 DriveSafe Scholarship Competition as well as the 2021-2022 CollegeDrive Scholarship Competition.
On April 13th, 2022, both Baron Education companies, DriveSafe Driving Schools and CollegeDrive Test Prep and Tutoring, will award a scholarship of $1,500 each to students who can use it in any way to enhance their education. To compete for the scholarship, students must complete the application and submit a qualifying entry of either an essay (250-500 words) or video (4 minutes or less). Posts must be made on one of the following platforms: YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or TikTok.
The scholarship details and requirements for each opportunity can be found on their respective scholarship web pages:
Baron Education celebrates educational opportunities and recognizes the importance of education in helping individuals reach their greatest potential. We encourage all eligible teens to apply for the Scholarship.
Sunflower Bank ABC Program
All students are encouraged to enter their most current report card into the “Pay for A’s” contest at their local Sunflower Bank. On a date to be determined, each local Sunflower Bank will randomly draw five winners, and winning students earn $10 for each “A”. Additionally, Sunflower Bank matches these totals with a corresponding donation to the student’s school.
B: Bucks for our schools.
Customers that use their debit card can designate a participating school to receive a five cent donation each time that they swipe and sign for a transaction! Custom debit cards with your school name are also available.
C: Cash for your school.
Don’t have a Sunflower Bank debit card yet? Well, this is the perfect time to get one! New customers to Sunflower Bank can earn up to $100 when opening a new account, with a matching payment made to your school.
Sargent COVID Updates as of 1/7/2022
2021-2022 Sargent School Policy Handbook
Sargent School District Plan 2021-22 School Year
Standard Response Protocols for Safety - Information for Parents/Guardians
The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) is a uniform, planned, and practiced response to any incident. This is the foundation of a safe school, business and community. The SRP is action-based, flexible and easy to learn. It rationally organizes tactics for response to weather events, fires, accidents, intruders and other threats to personal safety. Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter.
Sargent School District implements the the “I Love U Guys” Foundation’s Standard Response Protocol (SRP). Students and staff will be training, practicing, and drilling these protocols.
Download the handout below for more information.