BHS News
September 22, 2023
BHS Families,
We enjoyed seeing you all at Meet the Teachers' Night.
This week, we have the Senior College Planning Night on the 27th. Senior Parents/Families have a link that was sent directly to their email.
It is hard to believe we are just about halfway through term 1. Please make sure to check your student's grades on the community portal and reach out to teachers if you have any questions.
Megan Lafayette
Important Dates
September 25: No School (Yom Kippur)
September 27: College Night for Seniors,6:00 PM - now a virtual event
October 4: College Fair (during the school day)
October 9: No School (Columbus Day / Indigenous Peoples' Day)
October 31: Early Release 10:45
November 3: Last Day of Term 1
Bellingham Music Apparel - On Sale Now
The online store for Bellingham Music apparel and gifts is now open!
The deadline to place orders in this round is Sunday, Sept. 24th.
Here is the link:
Beginning of the Year Paperwork
We are utilizing the Bellingham SchoolBrains Community Portal to allow parents/guardians to update the beginning-of-the-year forms. This includes accepting the Parent/Student Handbook and updating student/Parent/guardian information.
Only one parent/guardian needs to update the forms in the portal. To update information, please click your name at the top right of the portal, choose Change Request, select the student that needs to be updated, make the necessary changes, and click submit.
To access the parent portal, you must have a current email address associated with your SchoolBrains account. If you have never had a SchoolBrains account, need assistance in accessing your account, or have questions, don't hesitate to contact Jennifer Klemanchuck at
Please click the link to the community portal to complete this annual paperwork. This ensures that all of our database information is correct.
Thank you for your help with this!
School Site Council
Morning Drop Off
Student Drop Off in the Morning
As you may have noticed, student drop-off has not been going well this past week. This is causing a major safety concern for our staff and students. The only way to alleviate this is if everyone follows the proper drop-off procedure.
For morning drop off continue to drive around the back of the building. You should drop your child off at the side of the building near the gym. Do not pull into parking spots to drop off your child and please do not drive through the staff parking aisle to exit the parking lot. When families park and drop off in the staff parking lot, this causes traffic to back up onto Blackstone Street.
At approximately 7:20 we will move the traffic barrier to allow for two drop-off lines. You can continue to drive around the back of the building, or drop off at the front of the building.
Please know that students must be in their first period class at 7:30. At 7:30 each day, students must sign into the main office for a late pass before going to their first period class.
BHS Pep Rally
School Wide Goal
Internship at BHS
We had several students participate in meaningful internships this summer!
Our winners of the MA STEM Week Challenge participated in a virtual internship through the Work-Based Learning Alliance. These students were immersed in a project for the Harvard School of Dental Medicine working for the President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Their team was busy researching other university DEI policies and how they benefit students in their learning environment. The project culminated with designing an informational pamphlet and creating a presentation of their findings for the President.
Another student participated in a week-long Fellowship at the State House in Senator Raush's office where their team researched Artificial Intelligence in politics and researched post-pregnancy mental health bills in other states in preparation for a proposed bill in MA.
Students were busy this summer at BHS in the Tech and Science department helping staff with much-needed updates and preparations for the new school year. Kudos to these students for extending their learning and career exploration over the summer!
Lastly, two rising seniors participated in the state's High School Senior Internship in Education project and interned at summer school programs in the district. Kudos to these students for extending their learning and career exploration over the summer!
Watch the video below to learn more about our Innovation Pathways Program at BHS.
Bellingham High School
Location: 60 Blackstone Street, Bellingham, MA, USA
Phone: (508) 966-3761
Twitter: @meglafayette